Missouri: Happy 3-year anniversary of the Michael Brown shooting


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I wonder how many people have NOT been strong-armed robbed because this jackass is gone?

3rd anniversary of Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson



"Gentle Giant" was a true Darwin award winner, that's for sure. He looked cute sprawled out in the street with his oh-so-intellectual, erudite brain slowly leaking out of his head. Did you ever see on Youtube that hilarious police karaoke in which the cop sang, "Dead Dead Michael Brown," based on Croce's Bad Bad Leroy Brown?
Anyone noticed that whenever a black thug gets the extremely short lifespan he deserves, his relatives always say, "He was an aspiring rapper who was JUST turning his life around and about to enroll in college"? Who knew it was so fatal for aspiring rappers to turn their life around?
The violent, disastrous aftermath of Ferguson never would have happened had not that sewer rat Obama race-baited with the flat-out LIE that he was murdered in cold blood ("hands up, don't shoot"). Old Purple-Lips is easily the most despicable form of life in America. That spoiled, LYING, ingrate punk. It's NOT a president's job to get involved in local crime matters, but that male c*nt is sooo vindictive against whites (he called it his "coil of rage" in his writings), that lawless piece of black filth clearly wants to give black crybabies carte blanche to "punish" whites for his own personal demons. See, this is why I find that failed race utterly beneath contempt.
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