Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

It's not a cut if you never got it. Republicans trimmed the proposed budget which is how responsible political parties act.
The children are the future. Cutting the budget like that is detrimental to our future.
I was waiting for that sick response. OK, Anita. Anita Bryant ( of course, from Florida ) started that lie over 50 years ago, old stupid news.
Bro, people dont want sexual content pushed onto their kids. That is NEVER going to change. It was true 50 years ago and it will be true in 100 years from now. :cuckoo:
So when kids ask questions, your suggestion is say nothing. That's worked so well in the past. Ignorance was never bliss, especially when it comes to sex education. colorofus.com - colorofus Resources and Information.>45-multicultural-children's-books-about-bodies,-sex-and-consent
When a kid who still believes in Santa asks about sex, which almost never happens, you tell that kid, "youre too young for that conversation. Go play with your toys instead."
Bro, people dont want sexual content pushed onto their kids. That is NEVER going to change. It was true 50 years ago and it will be true in 100 years from now. :cuckoo:
You sick people are the problem. Leave the children alone. Just had a horrible thought, the best way a pedophile could improve his odds is to act like you're doing and try to keep the children defenseless. You must be a pervert.
When a kid who still believes in Santa asks about sex, which almost never happens, you tell that kid, "youre too young for that conversation. Go play with your toys instead."
You give him / her an age appropriate answer. It doesn't have to be that explicit at that age.
It's not a cut if you never got it. Republicans trimmed the proposed budget which is how responsible political parties act.
How trim was the budget when the Neo-GOP held all of three branches in 2017 and 2018? It didn't get trimmed at all. The Neo-GOP just want to punish the American people economically when a Democrat holds the White House in hopes that they will blame the Democrats in the next election. It's time for Americans to stand up to the bullies of the Rabid Right at all levels. Local. State. Federal. No more games with holding default on our debt as a negotiating tool.
You sick people are the problem. Leave the children alone. Just had a horrible thought, the best way a pedophile could improve his odds is to act like you're doing and try to keep the children defenseless. You must be a pervert.
Chester is a sneaky snake.
You sick people are the problem. Leave the children alone. Just had a horrible thought, the best way a pedophile could improve his odds is to act like you're doing and try to keep the children defenseless. You must be a pervert.
You want to show porn to children, but youre calling US sick? Seek help immediately you fucking creep.
How trim was the budget when the Neo-GOP held all of three branches in 2017 and 2018? It didn't get trimmed at all. The Neo-GOP just want to punish the American people economically when a Democrat holds the White House in hopes that they will blame the Democrats in the next election. It's time for Americans to stand up to the bullies of the Rabid Right at all levels. Local. State. Federal. No more games with holding default on our debt as a negotiating tool.
By this time in trump's term in office he had spent most of the 8 trillion he added to the debt. Biden has only spent 3 trillion in programs that improve the infrastructure of the nation and well-being of ALL the people, not excluding or chiding anyone.

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