Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

"Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood"

Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.

You display your ignorance every time you post. People who are poor would have to be stupid to deny their family better food than their meager pay allows. Republicans have worked very hard to ensure that the working poor have no choice but to accept their "wage subsidies" by voting against increases in the minimum wage.

You now have a less than 10% chance of working yourself out of poverty. Smart people do everything they can to help themselves and their families because their choices are now so limited. Conservatives want people poor and hungry. That's why they vote tax breaks to the wealthy, and nothing for poor working folk.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.

You display your ignorance every time you post. People who are poor would have to be stupid to deny their family better food than their meager pay allows. Republicans have worked very hard to ensure that the working poor have no choice but to accept their "wage subsidies" by voting against increases in the minimum wage.

You now have a less than 10% chance of working yourself out of poverty. Smart people do everything they can to help themselves and their families because their choices are now so limited. Conservatives want people poor and hungry. That's why they vote tax breaks to the wealthy, and nothing for poor working folk.

So we adopt the Democrat policies and establish a minimum wage and years down the road you blame the failure of the system on Republicans. Over and over again, Democrat programs designed to "help people" have produced dismal results, people remain in poverty after us spending $20 trillion to bail them out... and it's the Republicans fault!

The minimum wage is arguably one of the worst things you've ever done for wealth disparity. It effectively baselines labor costs. It removes the freedom of the individual to negotiate his/her own wages and established an accepted "norm" for everyone. It doesn't matter that people feel like their time is worth more than $7.50 hr., that's the magic rate set by government. If the baseline wasn't there, no telling what individuals may have negotiated for themselves. The average wage minimum may be at $10 hr. by now... or more.

And the REAL dirty little secret is, Big Business and Capitalism LOVES the minimum wage! It baselines their labor costs and releases them from any obligation to pay more. Not only that, but it pushes their focus to quality of the individual they can get for the least amount of money. So now you have people who should be worth a lot more, stuck at minimum wage because that's the rate we set. Now you'll push and push for a meager increase, but you'll get that when Capitalism is ready to set the baseline for labor cost again. Then you'll be locked in at that rate until you get another increase.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.

You display your ignorance every time you post. People who are poor would have to be stupid to deny their family better food than their meager pay allows. Republicans have worked very hard to ensure that the working poor have no choice but to accept their "wage subsidies" by voting against increases in the minimum wage.

You now have a less than 10% chance of working yourself out of poverty. Smart people do everything they can to help themselves and their families because their choices are now so limited. Conservatives want people poor and hungry. That's why they vote tax breaks to the wealthy, and nothing for poor working folk.
I guess it doesn't help that since Obama got elected, food prices have doubled, energy prices are about 30% higher.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.

You display your ignorance every time you post. People who are poor would have to be stupid to deny their family better food than their meager pay allows. Republicans have worked very hard to ensure that the working poor have no choice but to accept their "wage subsidies" by voting against increases in the minimum wage.

You now have a less than 10% chance of working yourself out of poverty. Smart people do everything they can to help themselves and their families because their choices are now so limited. Conservatives want people poor and hungry. That's why they vote tax breaks to the wealthy, and nothing for poor working folk.
I guess it doesn't help that since Obama got elected, food prices have doubled, energy prices are about 30% higher.
Prices are higher now than in 1980, your point being?
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.

You display your ignorance every time you post. People who are poor would have to be stupid to deny their family better food than their meager pay allows. Republicans have worked very hard to ensure that the working poor have no choice but to accept their "wage subsidies" by voting against increases in the minimum wage.

You now have a less than 10% chance of working yourself out of poverty. Smart people do everything they can to help themselves and their families because their choices are now so limited. Conservatives want people poor and hungry. That's why they vote tax breaks to the wealthy, and nothing for poor working folk.
I guess it doesn't help that since Obama got elected, food prices have doubled, energy prices are about 30% higher.
Prices are higher now than in 1980, your point being?
I'm talking since Obama got into office.
Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a fact that those who accept federal or state subsistence and are who are otherwise able bodied... are people of low moral character. And this without exception.

You display your ignorance every time you post. People who are poor would have to be stupid to deny their family better food than their meager pay allows. Republicans have worked very hard to ensure that the working poor have no choice but to accept their "wage subsidies" by voting against increases in the minimum wage.

You now have a less than 10% chance of working yourself out of poverty. Smart people do everything they can to help themselves and their families because their choices are now so limited. Conservatives want people poor and hungry. That's why they vote tax breaks to the wealthy, and nothing for poor working folk.
I guess it doesn't help that since Obama got elected, food prices have doubled, energy prices are about 30% higher.
Prices are higher now than in 1980, your point being?
I'm talking since Obama got into office.
Prices do tend to go up, try population control and then you'll have price control...
If entitlement recipients are not spending their payments on steak and seafood, then this law will not affect them.

Whats the problem?
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

You clearly have not visited your local welfare office recently.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Most of the people who receive food stamps have jobs - minimum wage jobs. Others are military families, and retired people. Of those who don't work, most are retired or disabled. It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

You clearly have not visited your local welfare office recently.

If he did he's see just who his tax dollar is supporting. Its not a pretty picture.
It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a lie that it's a Republican lie. It is a bastardization of a Conservative view that welfare recipients in general are not motivated. That doesn't mean they are lazy.

Some people ARE lazy, we should all be able to agree on that. The problem with social entitlement programs is, they don't work because they fail to motivate. We should also understand that lazy people who lack motivation aren't going to amount to much. So let's all forget about the lazy people and let's think about people who are not lazy but are also not motivated. They are resourceful enough to get by just fine with your handouts and they aren't inspired to do anything more. It's not that they are lazy, but why bother? If someone is going to come cut your grass tomorrow, why would you go out and cut it today? Just to prove you're not lazy?

We can look at the poverty statistics from 1964 to now, and we see virtually no change. Now we could have literally given every poverty-level man, woman and child a check for $50k back in 1964, and we would have been financially better off than what we did. We've now spent over $20 trillion with a promise of $100 trillion more in the future, yet to be funded. We have a runaway bureaucracy that is literally overrun with corruption, abuse of resources, redundancy, pensions, etc. Blowing through TRILLIONS of dollars every year, chasing a pipe dream of ending all poverty and getting NOWHERE!

"The Change" which needs to be made is fundamental. People have to be helped but they also have to be motivated to help themselves. Programs should be reformed and re-tailored with this in mind. The most effective tool we have to defeat poverty is human ingenuity, imagination, inspiration... these are things that we need to promote and not discourage. People are more empowered by this than any handout you could ever give them.
It's a Republican lie that people who receive food stamps are lazy.

It's a lie that it's a Republican lie. It is a bastardization of a Conservative view that welfare recipients in general are not motivated. That doesn't mean they are lazy.

Some people ARE lazy, we should all be able to agree on that. The problem with social entitlement programs is, they don't work because they fail to motivate. We should also understand that lazy people who lack motivation aren't going to amount to much. So let's all forget about the lazy people and let's think about people who are not lazy but are also not motivated. They are resourceful enough to get by just fine with your handouts and they aren't inspired to do anything more. It's not that they are lazy, but why bother? If someone is going to come cut your grass tomorrow, why would you go out and cut it today? Just to prove you're not lazy?

We can look at the poverty statistics from 1964 to now, and we see virtually no change. Now we could have literally given every poverty-level man, woman and child a check for $50k back in 1964, and we would have been financially better off than what we did. We've now spent over $20 trillion with a promise of $100 trillion more in the future, yet to be funded. We have a runaway bureaucracy that is literally overrun with corruption, abuse of resources, redundancy, pensions, etc. Blowing through TRILLIONS of dollars every year, chasing a pipe dream of ending all poverty and getting NOWHERE!

"The Change" which needs to be made is fundamental. People have to be helped but they also have to be motivated to help themselves. Programs should be reformed and re-tailored with this in mind. The most effective tool we have to defeat poverty is human ingenuity, imagination, inspiration... these are things that we need to promote and not discourage. People are more empowered by this than any handout you could ever give them.
Welfare Hand-Out systems like ours are designed to foster laziness. Tax systems like ours are designed to encourage laziness. Work hard and you get punished. Be lazy and you get tax discounts, welfare checks, discounted and forgiven loans, free phones, .... Work hard and you get Alternative minimum income tax, no tax discounts, just more and more pain. Have money? You get to pay for your health care and the health care of all the people who don't have to pay cause our government demands we pay for all the moochers. Don't like it? You are demonized for not being a team player. Work hard and you are demonized for being too rich... yeah too rich is upper middle class for these piece of shit lazy ass holes.
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