Missouri Republicans tackle the big problems right off the bat....

It is about proper decorum, and dressing for the occasion, something the left doesn't get. If legislators are expected to wear dark business suits when conducting business, then women should dress for business also. The left is against everything that makes this country great. FJB

If you must wear a jacket, then make that the requirement for all. Otherwise it's not even going to stand up.
For discussion it should be noted that it was a woman who started all of this.

“The changes were spearheaded by state Rep. Ann Kelley (R), a co-sponsor who was among the Republicans seeking to require women to wear a blazer when in the chamber. She was met by swift opposition from Democrats who called it ‘ridiculous.’”

Missouri Republicans Adopt Stricter Dress Code for Women

I believe if I was a female legislator, I would simply ignore it. There is obviously a law suit sitting there in the way this was enacted and I'm sure many lawyers in the affected class to handle it.
She's still an idiotic republican.
It is about proper decorum, and dressing for the occasion, something the left doesn't get. If legislators are expected to wear dark business suits when conducting business, then women should dress for business also. The left is against everything that makes this country great. FJB
For years here in Nebraska we had a senator who wore a t shirt and blue jeans. Senator Ernie Chambers, he did an excellent job. No dress code required or desired. I haven't worn a suit since my brother's wedding 35 years ago. Formal is also stuffy and hard to relate to.
Missouri Republicans have run on and advocated for the right to have big, burly guns. Strap whatever you want on your side. Want to buy weaponry? Absolutely. You can run entire ads just based around you shooting a gun to try and get people to love you. The right to guns? It’s the Missouri way, they say! When it comes to arms, though, it just so happens that one kind of arms scares Republicans enough that they are prepared to regulate it. I know, I know, regulating arms never works. You see, the arms Republicans want to regulate are the bare arms being shown by women legislators on the Missouri House floor.

I doubt many Missouri residents imagined that the opening of the state House would begin with a fight on open arms, but that is exactly what is happening in Missouri

Are male Missouri Congressmen required to wear jackets while on the floor? The article doesnt say, so my question is, are the rules for men and women the "same" I get that women might be allowed to wear skirts or something and men arent, but to the point are men allowed to wear tank tops and women have to cover up? There being a dress code shouldnt be a big deal so long as it applies across the board. 2nd question. Was there no formal dress code in the past because it wasn't an issue in the past (everyone just used their common sense about it) and because it has become an issue they felt the need to pass something?
As I suspected this is much ado about nothing.

Old rule for women:

"Previous rules stated "dresses or skirts or slacks worn with a blazer or sweater and appropriate dress shoes or boots" were allowed."

New rule for women:

"The new dress code for women says: "Proper attire for women shall be business attire, including jackets worn with dresses, skirts, or slacks, and dress shoes or boots."

Rule for men:

""Proper attire for gentlemen shall be business attire, including coat, tie, dress trousers, and dress shoes or boots," according to the House rules."

There was an amendment suggested and accepted to allow cardigans to count as a "jacket".

"Shields offered an amendment — which lawmakers adopted — allowing cardigans to count as jackets."

Not sure what the BGD is. If anything this change brought the women's rule more in line with the men's which should be celebrated by anyone who advocates for equal rights.

The House floor isnt a fucking fashion show. Get over yourselves.
For discussion it should be noted that it was a woman who started all of this.

“The changes were spearheaded by state Rep. Ann Kelley (R), a co-sponsor who was among the Republicans seeking to require women to wear a blazer when in the chamber. She was met by swift opposition from Democrats who called it ‘ridiculous.’”

Missouri Republicans Adopt Stricter Dress Code for Women

I believe if I was a female legislator, I would simply ignore it. There is obviously a law suit sitting there in the way this was enacted and I'm sure many lawyers in the affected class to handle it.
Some women think all women should wear hijabs too it doesn't make them right
For years here in Nebraska we had a senator who wore a t shirt and blue jeans. Senator Ernie Chambers, he did an excellent job. No dress code required or desired. I haven't worn a suit since my brother's wedding 35 years ago. Formal is also stuffy and hard to relate to.
I am sure that he at some point in the day was also naked. Where was he and what business was he conducting while dressed in jeans and t-shirt? Was he naked during that time?
For years here in Nebraska we had a senator who wore a t shirt and blue jeans. Senator Ernie Chambers, he did an excellent job. No dress code required or desired. I haven't worn a suit since my brother's wedding 35 years ago. Formal is also stuffy and hard to relate to.

If there were one standard for women and other for everyone else they might have a gripe. Since there isn't, I'm not sure what the complaint actually is. If their complaint that there is any dress code why is this only coming up now as there is one already in place, this "change" is just a clarification of the one that already exists and brings the women's rule more in line with the men's. It couldn't be that someone is trying to make political hay out of nothing could it? Nah that cant be it....

I'd be fine to require they be bare ass nakeed that way I can be sure it's a woman



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