Missouri voters approve legalization of marijuana for recreational use

Lol, as long one can "feel" good about him/herself/itself. Demonizing? No, people have been snorting, smoking, drinking, since the beginning. None of it is good for your health.
Nor the health of the entire civic structure.

In very few years these crumbling cities will be under the full control of drug purveyors, voted in by a delusional drug addicted public.
You and the other oldster cranks are a dying breed, still regurgitating Reefer Madness nonsense.

The country is clearly moving on from you, as you dinosaurs shriek and wail in a pool of hot tar, sinking ever deeper.
Democrats never grow up. That will be our downfall.
The best thing about these threads is we get to find out who the Big Government loving authoritarians are.

The literally cannot help but out themselves in these threads
You can remind them of the right to choose and freedom. Their agenda is contrary to those values and their religion demands that rights and freedoms are compromised.

Oh for the Christians to be able to live a life with no fear of the imaginary man in the sky.

Use marijuana without the fear of going to hell?
Which hasn't done nearly the damage drug addiction has done.


The study shows excessive drinking cost Minnesotans $7.85 billion in 2019,

  • Twenty-five to forty percent of all patients in U.S. general hospital beds (not in maternity or intensive care) are being treated for complications of alcohol-related problems. 1
  • Annual health care expenditures for alcohol-related problems amount to $22.5 billion. The total cost of alcohol problems is $175.9 billion a year (compared to $114.2 billion for other drug problems and $137 billion for smoking).
You can remind them of the right to choose and freedom. Their agenda is contrary to those values and their religion demands that rights and freedoms are compromised.

Oh for the Christians to be able to live a life with no fear of the imaginary man in the sky.

Use marijuana without the fear of going to hell?

The last church I went to felt the same way about booze. These people would literally not walk down the beer aisle at the grocery store out of fear someone would see them in it.
After a few hundred years of alcohol, Portland Oregon was a beautiful, vibrant, successful city. You can still see vestiges of the way it was.

After two years of legalized drugs, this is what happened.
Portland's experience has been replicated across the country. It can only get worse and should get worse until areas of drug legalization become nothing more than isolation camps where all drug users are welcome and encouraged to die.
Threads like this are fucking hilarious after a couple puffs.

Amazing how pot caused me to have a stellar credit rating, full time work building millionaires homes, a second garage filled with toys and a luxury SUV to tow it all.

A couple of puffs at home instead of a cocktail is my personal choice despite Nanny Statism that makes it illegal.
Kind of just like telling the other Nanny Statists to shove their experimental vaccine.
Cool story Bro.

Let me know when you start your crusade against booze.

Should have the same labels as a bottle of Bud Light

And you probably have a 5th of Jack in the cabinet and a 12 pack of Bud in the fridge.


The study shows excessive drinking cost Minnesotans $7.85 billion in 2019,

  • Twenty-five to forty percent of all patients in U.S. general hospital beds (not in maternity or intensive care) are being treated for complications of alcohol-related problems. 1
  • Annual health care expenditures for alcohol-related problems amount to $22.5 billion. The total cost of alcohol problems is $175.9 billion a year (compared to $114.2 billion for other drug problems and $137 billion for smoking).

The last church I went to felt the same way about booze. These people would literally not walk down the beer aisle at the grocery store out of fear someone would see them in it.

And the drug alcohol is at the top of the list.
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerate bottom feeders and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."
Threads like this are fucking hilarious after a couple puffs.

Amazing how pot caused me to have a stellar credit rating, full time work building millionaires homes, a second garage filled with toys and a luxury SUV to tow it all.

A couple of puffs at home instead of a cocktail is my personal choice despite Nanny Statism that makes it illegal.
Kind of just like telling the other Nanny Statists to shove their experimental vaccine.

The people stoners want you to think are stoners:

The REAL stoners:


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