Missouri vs. Biden


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Why I am not surprised by "government"

The federal government had a hard time convincing a judge last week that it hasn't been working with and coercing social media companies to censor free speech.

Some notable moments from the first hearing in our First Amendment case, Missouri v. Biden:
The judge asked the feds if they had ever read George Orwell’s 1984, pointing out the similarities between the case and the book.
The Court asked the feds if all the emails between them and social media companies were real because "it seems like there's a lot here." The feds were forced to admit the tens of thousands of pages of evidence are genuine.

The judge questioned the feds on several hypotheticals, asking if the First Amendment applied. He asked if an American citizen questioning the safety or efficacy of masks or a vaccine was protected under the First Amendment.

The feds' answer?

It Could be.

but often won’t be.
It’s worth remembering that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was limited by the CDC because of safety concerns. But the feds censored people for expressing concerns about safety.
The judge also asked Biden's lawyers if the First Amendment covered Americans' right to say that Biden is responsible for high gas prices and inflation.

Their answer?

It depends.

The judge also asked them if the First Amendment applied to Americans' right to say that the 2020 election was stolen.

Their answer?

It depends.

The judge also pointed out that it seemed to be only conservatives who are targeted for their speech, asking the feds if they could provide one example of a liberal who was censored due to "misinformation."
The feds provided only one example of a liberal being censored, and that person is a political opponent of Joe Biden.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the Court asked the feds why he should believe them when they say they claim censorship has stopped and won’t happen again.

And that is exactly why we are asking the Court for a preliminary injunction to halt this vast censorship enterprise.
The federal government cannot be trusted to protect Americans' rights, which is precisely why our Founders enshrined the First Amendment into the Constitution.
My office is doing everything it can to protect Americans' right to free speech, the very bedrock of our great nation.

Censorship is the first tool of dangerous totalitarian political cults.

Now that judge has to worry about his life

The Democratic Party mobs will be there threatening his life and his family.

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