mister TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT... "barack hussein obama"

So what did he do to add to the debt ? It's not like we had a decade of two unfunded wars as we flew into reccession .

the mid east war expenditures count against Bush's debt accumulation. Obama's overspending belongs to him.

Like 10 t covers everything forward ? For example , all those vets on disabilty and expanding the VA . That's all been paid for ?

Not that obama didn't spend money . But it's funny how suddenly the debt is the biggest problem, when the 2000s were a giant spending spree .
Another lovely story...

Bush drove the bus off the cliff and GOP blames Obama because because he can't fix it fast enough...

Listen Bush policies broke the economy, you did a really good job this time. It is very hard to fix it this time.

It is not like before when Reagan broke it... H W Bush did a bit of fixing before Bill got in and fixed it properly.

But then Bush Jr really broke it... Cut taxes during a war, heated the house building market, spent like a drunk sailor

that is a poor excuse
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

it is as much a fault if not more fault of those in charge of congress
And that was DEMOCRATS for the first SIX YEARS of obama. But don't expect me to stick up for republicans, because I won't. They make me just as sick as obama does.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

it is as much a fault if not more fault of those in charge of congress
Okay so the Democratic controlled congress from 2007 is responsible for the economic melt down?
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

it is as much a fault if not more fault of those in charge of congress
And that was DEMOCRATS for the first SIX YEARS of obama. But don't expect me to stick up for republicans, because I won't. They make me just as sick as obama does.

exactly but sometime someone has to say enough is enough

we had been promised over two years ago by these yahoo republicans that wanted to get elected

that they would get a handle on spending

now instead they have passed an unlimited debt ceiling really please
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

it is as much a fault if not more fault of those in charge of congress
Okay so the Democratic controlled congress from 2007 is responsible for the economic melt down?

that congress wasnt exactly known for being a spend thrift either
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

it is as much a fault if not more fault of those in charge of congress
And that was DEMOCRATS for the first SIX YEARS of obama. But don't expect me to stick up for republicans, because I won't. They make me just as sick as obama does.

exactly but sometime someone has to say enough is enough

we had been promised over two years ago by these yahoo republicans that wanted to get elected

that they would get a handle on spending

now instead they have passed an unlimited debt ceiling really please
I guess that's why I'm no longer a republican, and have put all my hopes on Trump. We need an outsider in the white house to completely upset the apple cart in Washington. The establishment, D and R, are corrupt to the core and have been bought and paid for. They no longer even give a crap about hiding it. It's an absolute disgrace.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

it is as much a fault if not more fault of those in charge of congress
And that was DEMOCRATS for the first SIX YEARS of obama. But don't expect me to stick up for republicans, because I won't. They make me just as sick as obama does.

exactly but sometime someone has to say enough is enough

we had been promised over two years ago by these yahoo republicans that wanted to get elected

that they would get a handle on spending

now instead they have passed an unlimited debt ceiling really please
I guess that's why I'm no longer a republican, and have put all my hopes on Trump. We need an outsider in the white house to completely upset the apple cart in Washington. The establishment, D and R, are corrupt to the core and have been bought and paid for. They no longer even give a crap about hiding it. It's an absolute disgrace.

we either need an outsider

or a constitutional convention

eliminate all of them
Another lovely story...

Bush drove the bus off the cliff and GOP blames Obama because because he can't fix it fast enough...

Listen Bush policies broke the economy, you did a really good job this time. It is very hard to fix it this time.

It is not like before when Reagan broke it... H W Bush did a bit of fixing before Bill got in and fixed it properly.

But then Bush Jr really broke it... Cut taxes during a war, heated the house building market, spent like a drunk sailor
Bush drove it off the cliff and Obama set off the explosives he packed into the bus right before it went over the edge. Instead of hitting bottom and somebody being able to walk away from the impact, Obama sets off a fiery explosion nobody can walk away from...via remote of course. He just waved at us as we go by from his $43 million dollar beachfront property in Oahu....drinking beer and snorting coke off of a male hooker's butt.
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Really? What other president doubled the national debt by spending TEN TRILLION DOLLARS?

Well, there was that one time when Reagan tripled it. But that's neither here nor there. The United States as accrued debt since the beginning of her existence. No one person, no one party, can be saddled with responsibility for it.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
It's the progressive way spending what we don't have. Then paying that debt with more debt, brilliant!!!!!!!
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Really? What other president doubled the national debt by spending TEN TRILLION DOLLARS?

Well, there was that one time when Reagan tripled it. But that's neither here nor there. The United States as accrued debt since the beginning of her existence. No one person, no one party, can be saddled with responsibility for it.
1) Provide a link with proof that Reagan tripled the debt.
2) Provide a link with proof that Reagan spent ten trillion dollars.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
It's the progressive way spending what we don't have. Then paying that debt with more debt, brilliant!!!!!!!
We don't have much longer before it all implodes. We are rapidly approaching the time when we won't even be able to pay the interest on the debt... then we're fucked... and that time isn't far off.

People shouldn't laugh at preppers, because it ain't gonna be pretty either. To say there will be civil unrest is putting mildly.
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Really? What other president doubled the national debt by spending TEN TRILLION DOLLARS?

Well, there was that one time when Reagan tripled it. But that's neither here nor there. The United States as accrued debt since the beginning of her existence. No one person, no one party, can be saddled with responsibility for it.
1) Provide a link with proof that Reagan tripled the debt.
2) Provide a link with proof that Reagan spent ten trillion dollars.

that would be interesting
I think we need to double taxes on the wealthy so we don't see a $20 trillion debt

We could tax the top 5% at 100% and it would not generate enough money to reduce the debt. You live in a fantasy world of rich-hate.

Republicans propose cutting the tax rate on the wealthy in half

What is so different in proposing we double it? To be fair, I would only double it until our $20 Trillion debt is paid off
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Really? What other president doubled the national debt by spending TEN TRILLION DOLLARS?

Well, there was that one time when Reagan tripled it. But that's neither here nor there. The United States as accrued debt since the beginning of her existence. No one person, no one party, can be saddled with responsibility for it.
1) Provide a link with proof that Reagan tripled the debt.
2) Provide a link with proof that Reagan spent ten trillion dollars.


Get educated. I'm not going to sit here and force feed you grade school level information.
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.

when talking about 20T you are correct, when talking about the last 10T its all on obama.

Actually, Congress is the entity that controls spending. You might want to brush up on your civics.

the US government has been majority Democrat since january of 2007 until january of this year. you might want to brush up on your civics
  • Thanks
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Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Really? What other president doubled the national debt by spending TEN TRILLION DOLLARS?

Well, there was that one time when Reagan tripled it. But that's neither here nor there. The United States as accrued debt since the beginning of her existence. No one person, no one party, can be saddled with responsibility for it.
1) Provide a link with proof that Reagan tripled the debt.
2) Provide a link with proof that Reagan spent ten trillion dollars.


Get educated. I'm not going to sit here and force feed you grade school level information.

Democrats voted for every penny of Reagan's spending, and the first Bush, and the second Bush..............................

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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