MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

This is the best description that I've seen of the emotional basis of conservatism. Whenever anyone is tempted to risk everything that America is and stands for by voting one of these into government, think of this post.
What America is and stands for?

America ISN'T a progressive shit-hole. But you sure do want it to be.

You laughably claim to be taking back America. America was never yours to begin with.

The USSR, however, was. You can have that back. Oh, wait -- no, you can't. My America made it collapse.

Dum de dum.

Add American history to the list of things that you don't know.
I'm quite familiar with American history. I'm also familiar with progressive revisionist history.

Howard Zinn lied to you. The best use for his books is bird cage liner.
What are you yapping about? The left has opposed every proposal to get us away from foreign oil. We have all kinds of resources...but you don't want us using them.

You WANT us dependent on foreign oil. Gaea knows why.

Because we understand the concept of global commodity supply and demand. We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative. How much are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas?

We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative.

And you'll give us (well, force us) those less efficient, more expensive alternatives, even if they cost trillions. Hell, tens of trillions.

Not at all. Here's the deal. We use science to get us facts. Based on that science we evaluate all of the costs associated with all alternatives. We pick the alternative and rate of progress towards it that minimizes total cost.
Because we understand the concept of global commodity supply and demand. We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative. How much are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas?

We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative.

And you'll give us (well, force us) those less efficient, more expensive alternatives, even if they cost trillions. Hell, tens of trillions.

Not at all. Here's the deal. We use science to get us facts. Based on that science we evaluate all of the costs associated with all alternatives. We pick the alternative and rate of progress towards it that minimizes total cost.

When we spend tens of trillions on the science based, progressive recommendations, how much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?
What America is and stands for?

America ISN'T a progressive shit-hole. But you sure do want it to be.

You laughably claim to be taking back America. America was never yours to begin with.

The USSR, however, was. You can have that back. Oh, wait -- no, you can't. My America made it collapse.

Dum de dum.

Add American history to the list of things that you don't know.
I'm quite familiar with American history. I'm also familiar with progressive revisionist history.

Howard Zinn lied to you. The best use for his books is bird cage liner.

Don't know Howard, little cowboy. Do know American history. The only time that the country had as serious an extremist conservative contingent as today was the Confederacy and the McCarthy era. We solved those problems just like we'll solve this one. Democracy.
The little cowboy is one of those longing for the freedom to impose his will on others.
Sheer projection. I want the maximum amount of personal liberty conducive to civilized society. And I want it for everybody.

YOU want to tell people what kind of cars they can drive and what kind of light bulbs they can buy -- "for their own good".

Well, little cowboy. You're about 100 years too late. Too many people now and too few caves for them to live in.
I don't want people to live in caves.

Progressives, however, insisting we stop using fossil fuels before there are any scalable, economical, and sustainable alternatives in place.

Coal provides approximately 50% of the electricity in America. I'd like you to go to your electrical service panel and turn off every other breaker. Then you wait for wind and solar to provide enough power to turn them back on.

Then you may...MAY...begin to understand what you're proposing.
No question that world socialism is bad.

But, perhaps world ignorance is worse. That seems to be the consensus from the previous dark ages.

Once we get rid of climate science we need to start on the others. A good old fashioned book burning.

We can learn from Mao's Cultural Revolution! Look how effectively that stamped out knowledge.
Yes, Mao, a good progressive. You've learned your lesson well...not how to avoid it, but how to implement it.

The Climategate emails showed how the AGW cult bastardized the peer-review process. Unauthorized knowledge is stamped out.

Progressives are people who support progress. Mao was a Communist conservative. He hated progress.

Just when I think you can't possibly get any do.


Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5

The world is progressing, the future is bright and no one can change this general trend of history. We should carry on constant propaganda among the people on the facts of world progress and the bright future ahead so that they will build their confidence in victory.

"On the Chungking Negotiations" (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV. p. 59.​

You really should just stop talking.
We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative.

And you'll give us (well, force us) those less efficient, more expensive alternatives, even if they cost trillions. Hell, tens of trillions.

Not at all. Here's the deal. We use science to get us facts. Based on that science we evaluate all of the costs associated with all alternatives. We pick the alternative and rate of progress towards it that minimizes total cost.

When we spend tens of trillions on the science based, progressive recommendations, how much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?

I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.
That's your no cost alternative? Really?

Increase our demand for foriegn oil?

Were you Bush's Energy Czar or something? CEO of Big Oil Inc perhaps?
What are you yapping about? The left has opposed every proposal to get us away from foreign oil. We have all kinds of resources...but you don't want us using them.

You WANT us dependent on foreign oil. Gaea knows why.

Because we understand the concept of global commodity supply and demand. We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative. How much are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas?
I'll pay whatever I have to for gas until an economical, practical alternative is available.

So far, there are none.

Wait, is this you?

Not at all. Here's the deal. We use science to get us facts. Based on that science we evaluate all of the costs associated with all alternatives. We pick the alternative and rate of progress towards it that minimizes total cost.

When we spend tens of trillions on the science based, progressive recommendations, how much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?

I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

I don't know or care.

Finally! That's awesome!

We should spend tens of trillions, but you don't know, or care, what the benefit will be.

Yes, Mao, a good progressive. You've learned your lesson well...not how to avoid it, but how to implement it.

The Climategate emails showed how the AGW cult bastardized the peer-review process. Unauthorized knowledge is stamped out.

Progressives are people who support progress. Mao was a Communist conservative. He hated progress.

Just when I think you can't possibly get any do.


Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5

The world is progressing, the future is bright and no one can change this general trend of history. We should carry on constant propaganda among the people on the facts of world progress and the bright future ahead so that they will build their confidence in victory.

"On the Chungking Negotiations" (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV. p. 59.​

You really should just stop talking.

I see that you don't recognize Mao's lies any better than Bush's.

Are you really going to tell us that you believe Mao and the Cultural Revolution was progress?
You didn't realize that Bush lied?
I realize progressives SAID Bush lied.

But progressives lie about everything themselves.

You're really hooked on those Fox boobs and boobies, aren't you.
I don't watch TV news, except for the local stuff, and that only rarely.

And the only talk radio I listen to is NPR. :lol:

So, it looks like you're letting your bigotry against conservatives do your thinking for you...and it SUCKS at it.

When we spend tens of trillions on the science based, progressive recommendations, how much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?

I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

I don't know or care.

Finally! That's awesome!

We should spend tens of trillions, but you don't know, or care, what the benefit will be.


You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
A 180. Now you're all for science. Make up your so called mind.
I've never been against science.

I am, however, against junk science. Fake science. Politics masquerading as science.

That's why I don't support climate science.

I have seen zero evidence that you are in a position to judge science.
Odd...I was going to say the same thing about you.

Given your unhealthy worship of the IPCC, I'd say you wouldn't know science if it jumped out of a bush in front of you, slapped you on the face, and yelled "Hey, doofus! I'm SCIENCE!!"
Add American history to the list of things that you don't know.
I'm quite familiar with American history. I'm also familiar with progressive revisionist history.

Howard Zinn lied to you. The best use for his books is bird cage liner.

Don't know Howard, little cowboy. Do know American history. The only time that the country had as serious an extremist conservative contingent as today was the Confederacy and the McCarthy era. We solved those problems just like we'll solve this one. Democracy.
Ahhh. So when a Democat is elected, it's the willathapeepul.

When a Republican is elected, it's a subversion of the political process.

Well, it's easier than thinking, I suppose.

And you'd love Zinn. America is always the bad guy.
I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

I don't know or care.

Finally! That's awesome!

We should spend tens of trillions, but you don't know, or care, what the benefit will be.


You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.

I can read your stupidity just fine.
Progressives are people who support progress. Mao was a Communist conservative. He hated progress.

Just when I think you can't possibly get any do.


Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5

The world is progressing, the future is bright and no one can change this general trend of history. We should carry on constant propaganda among the people on the facts of world progress and the bright future ahead so that they will build their confidence in victory.

"On the Chungking Negotiations" (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV. p. 59.​

You really should just stop talking.

I see that you don't recognize Mao's lies any better than Bush's.

Are you really going to tell us that you believe Mao and the Cultural Revolution was progress?
I don't. Mao did.

Mao was a progressive. You little revisionist foot-stamping has no effect on reality.
I've never been against science.

I am, however, against junk science. Fake science. Politics masquerading as science.

That's why I don't support climate science.

I have seen zero evidence that you are in a position to judge science.
Odd...I was going to say the same thing about you.

Given your unhealthy worship of the IPCC, I'd say you wouldn't know science if it jumped out of a bush in front of you, slapped you on the face, and yelled "Hey, doofus! I'm SCIENCE!!"

Are you saying that we ought to base the largest project in mankind's history on the opinions of the average man in the street? You know, like we build rockets to the moon?
I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

I don't know or care.

Finally! That's awesome!

We should spend tens of trillions, but you don't know, or care, what the benefit will be.


You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Just when I think you can't possibly get any do.


Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5

The world is progressing, the future is bright and no one can change this general trend of history. We should carry on constant propaganda among the people on the facts of world progress and the bright future ahead so that they will build their confidence in victory.

"On the Chungking Negotiations" (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV. p. 59.​

You really should just stop talking.

I see that you don't recognize Mao's lies any better than Bush's.

Are you really going to tell us that you believe Mao and the Cultural Revolution was progress?
I don't. Mao did.

Mao was a progressive. You little revisionist foot-stamping has no effect on reality.

Tell us little cowboy about the progress in China during the Cultural Revolution. Wikipedia might be a good starting point.
I don't know or care.

Finally! That's awesome!

We should spend tens of trillions, but you don't know, or care, what the benefit will be.


You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Neither Beavis nor Butthead can read and comprehend.

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