MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007 which controversially concluded, "Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations."

It's not controversial when it's supported by the evidence and accepted by 97% of the world's climate scientists.

Controversial would be "global warming is due to changes in TSI" or "All the world's climate scientists involved in enormous conspiracy" or "Poster Daveman actually knows what he's talking about" or "Poster Daveman likes guns because he's happy with the size of his penis". THOSE would be controversial.

If only you had made the argument about what "IT" is and that 97% of climate scientists actually DO --- support "IT"..

Haven't really succeeded at that. Nor have you succeeded in degrading the importance of NATURAL cycles and events like Ocean Thermal and TSI. In fact --- these are on the list of NEW REVELATIONS to that imaginary 97% of scientists that lead a very cloistered life looking for ONLY man-caused reasons for the tiny 0.5 degree of warming during your lifetime...

What's your theory about what happens when a body in space lowers it's outgoing radiation by increasing atmospheric GHG concentration?
Science isn't about feelings, it's about facts. Establishing the facts about our energy and climate future is what the IPCC was established to do. Everything that I've posted has been in support of the IPCC doing it's job, and using that insight to find the least cost path to a sustainable future.

Everything you've posted is about sticking our collective heads in the nearest dark place and hoping for a happy ending. That's thinking with your feelings.
I've proven to you conclusively that the purpose of the IPCC is to establish world socialism.

But you've stuck your head in a dark place and are hoping for a happy ending.

You're thinking with your feelings.

No question that world socialism is bad.

But, perhaps world ignorance is worse. That seems to be the consensus from the previous dark ages.

Once we get rid of climate science we need to start on the others. A good old fashioned book burning.

We can learn from Mao's Cultural Revolution! Look how effectively that stamped out knowledge.
Yes, Mao, a good progressive. You've learned your lesson well...not how to avoid it, but how to implement it.

The Climategate emails showed how the AGW cult bastardized the peer-review process. Unauthorized knowledge is stamped out.
You don't have to write a book describing the no cost alternative. Just give us a few paragraphs.

I imagine to be no cost we'll have to let wildfires burn themselves out. Do you think that will spell the end to all North American trees?

You don't have to write a book describing the no cost alternative. Just give us a few paragraphs.

End all "green" subsidies and mandates.
End the ethanol mandate.
Don't spend a dime of taxpayer funds to subsidize "green" vehicles or "green" power generation. Clear enough even for you to understand?

Now, if we take your direction and spend tens of trillions, how much lower is CO2 in 2080?

That's your no cost alternative? Really?

Increase our demand for foriegn oil?

Were you Bush's Energy Czar or something? CEO of Big Oil Inc perhaps?
What are you yapping about? The left has opposed every proposal to get us away from foreign oil. We have all kinds of resources...but you don't want us using them.

You WANT us dependent on foreign oil. Gaea knows why.
You see shit. He said nothing like that, you arrogant prick.

You don't have any expertise. You don't have any answers. You don't have anything to merit your unmerited arrogance.

All you have is internet access and a raging case of impotence, Skippy.

And I know you can't comprehend this, but I laugh at people like you.


Oh look. The little cowboy is all tough and stuff.
Nope, I don't have to pretend to be anything, Skippy. What you see is what you get.

But your facade is wearing thin, kid. Probably because it's been passed around among so many of you.

Dood, you're like something out of a movie. "Hello, Central Casting? Yeah, I need a progressive...right...arrogant, superior, no resume to speak of...uh huh. Self-proclaimed expert in climate science. What? No, no education in climate science. Look, I know you got a thousand of 'em. Look through the files, pick one at got one? 'PMZ', his name is? Perfect! Send him over!!"

Laughing at you, Skippy. I know that makes your blood boil.

Too bad. :lmao:

To tell you the truth it's awfully hard to take seriously a presumed adult posing as a scary gun slinger. It's like a 50 year old trick or treater.
Just think. Bush spent all of those trillions and all of those lives protecting America's oil supply and I don't think that we've seen a drop of Iraqi oil since. Good conservative problem solving.

This no cost alternative must mean that we can disband all of the military we now need to keep that liquid gold flowing for free. Right?
Bush never said he was protecting America's oil supply. That was progressives, who can't comprehend anything bigger than a protest sign slogan.

You didn't realize that Bush lied?
I realize progressives SAID Bush lied.

But progressives lie about everything themselves.
Oh look. The little cowboy is all tough and stuff.
Nope, I don't have to pretend to be anything, Skippy. What you see is what you get.

But your facade is wearing thin, kid. Probably because it's been passed around among so many of you.

Dood, you're like something out of a movie. "Hello, Central Casting? Yeah, I need a progressive...right...arrogant, superior, no resume to speak of...uh huh. Self-proclaimed expert in climate science. What? No, no education in climate science. Look, I know you got a thousand of 'em. Look through the files, pick one at got one? 'PMZ', his name is? Perfect! Send him over!!"

Laughing at you, Skippy. I know that makes your blood boil.

Too bad. :lmao:

To tell you the truth it's awfully hard to take seriously a presumed adult posing as a scary gun slinger. It's like a 50 year old trick or treater.
Yes, I'd expect you to believe that. It's because I know how to read. My avatar and sigline are an homage to an author and his greatest work.

Maybe if you tried reading something besides DailyKOS and DU, you'd realize reading can be fun.
Your children's children won't have to move away from the coast on foot... with a shopping cart for their belongings.

Ooooh. Fear-mongering.

If you had the science on your side, you wouldn't have to rely on emotional appeals.

A 180. Now you're all for science. Make up your so called mind.
I've never been against science.

I am, however, against junk science. Fake science. Politics masquerading as science.

That's why I don't support climate science.
You see shit. He said nothing like that, you arrogant prick.

You don't have any expertise. You don't have any answers. You don't have anything to merit your unmerited arrogance.

All you have is internet access and a raging case of impotence, Skippy.

And I know you can't comprehend this, but I laugh at people like you.


This is the best description that I've seen of the emotional basis of conservatism. Whenever anyone is tempted to risk everything that America is and stands for by voting one of these into government, think of this post.
What America is and stands for?

America ISN'T a progressive shit-hole. But you sure do want it to be.

You laughably claim to be taking back America. America was never yours to begin with.

The USSR, however, was. You can have that back. Oh, wait -- no, you can't. My America made it collapse.

Dum de dum.

Add American history to the list of things that you don't know.
Show me the spherical trig that says the shortest route from Canada to China goes through Louisiana.

It is true that without a pipeline to the US, the oil will flow to China instead.

Ask the teach tomorrow to explain global commodity supply and demand.

Or you could explain why sending Canadian oil to China is better for national security than sending it to Louisiana?
And there it is, folks -- PMS's "solution" to global warming: Democrat totalitarianism.

When fascism comes to America, it will be carrying a protest sign and screeching "It's for the children!!"

What's your solution to conservatism, PMS? Is it a Final one?

I expect so. Progressivism always winds up bathed in lakes of blood.


The little cowboy is one of those longing for the freedom to impose his will on others.
Sheer projection. I want the maximum amount of personal liberty conducive to civilized society. And I want it for everybody.

YOU want to tell people what kind of cars they can drive and what kind of light bulbs they can buy -- "for their own good".

Well, little cowboy. You're about 100 years too late. Too many people now and too few caves for them to live in.
I've proven to you conclusively that the purpose of the IPCC is to establish world socialism.

But you've stuck your head in a dark place and are hoping for a happy ending.

You're thinking with your feelings.

No question that world socialism is bad.

But, perhaps world ignorance is worse. That seems to be the consensus from the previous dark ages.

Once we get rid of climate science we need to start on the others. A good old fashioned book burning.

We can learn from Mao's Cultural Revolution! Look how effectively that stamped out knowledge.
Yes, Mao, a good progressive. You've learned your lesson well...not how to avoid it, but how to implement it.

The Climategate emails showed how the AGW cult bastardized the peer-review process. Unauthorized knowledge is stamped out.

Progressives are people who support progress. Mao was a Communist conservative. He hated progress.
You don't have to write a book describing the no cost alternative. Just give us a few paragraphs.

End all "green" subsidies and mandates.
End the ethanol mandate.
Don't spend a dime of taxpayer funds to subsidize "green" vehicles or "green" power generation. Clear enough even for you to understand?

Now, if we take your direction and spend tens of trillions, how much lower is CO2 in 2080?

That's your no cost alternative? Really?

Increase our demand for foriegn oil?

Were you Bush's Energy Czar or something? CEO of Big Oil Inc perhaps?
What are you yapping about? The left has opposed every proposal to get us away from foreign oil. We have all kinds of resources...but you don't want us using them.

You WANT us dependent on foreign oil. Gaea knows why.

Because we understand the concept of global commodity supply and demand. We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative. How much are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas?
That's your no cost alternative? Really?

Increase our demand for foriegn oil?

Were you Bush's Energy Czar or something? CEO of Big Oil Inc perhaps?
What are you yapping about? The left has opposed every proposal to get us away from foreign oil. We have all kinds of resources...but you don't want us using them.

You WANT us dependent on foreign oil. Gaea knows why.

Because we understand the concept of global commodity supply and demand. We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative. How much are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas?

We want to get off all oil. We can't afford any other alternative.

And you'll give us (well, force us) those less efficient, more expensive alternatives, even if they cost trillions. Hell, tens of trillions.
Ooooh. Fear-mongering.

If you had the science on your side, you wouldn't have to rely on emotional appeals.

A 180. Now you're all for science. Make up your so called mind.
I've never been against science.

I am, however, against junk science. Fake science. Politics masquerading as science.

That's why I don't support climate science.

I have seen zero evidence that you are in a position to judge science.
Ask the teach tomorrow to explain global commodity supply and demand.

Or you could explain why sending Canadian oil to China is better for national security than sending it to Louisiana?

Global supply and demand little Toddster. Don't forget to ask tomorrow.

When you pull your head out, be sure to show me the post where I said anything about free gasoline or no cost gasoline.


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