MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

I don't know or care.

Finally! That's awesome!

We should spend tens of trillions, but you don't know, or care, what the benefit will be.


You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Remember the title of this thread Daveman.. For a dedicated leftist -- it's all about "faith, perception, and belief".. Can I get an Amen???
I realize progressives SAID Bush lied.

But progressives lie about everything themselves.

You're really hooked on those Fox boobs and boobies, aren't you.
I don't watch TV news, except for the local stuff, and that only rarely.

And the only talk radio I listen to is NPR. :lol:

So, it looks like you're letting your bigotry against conservatives do your thinking for you...and it SUCKS at it.


You mean that you're this stupid without coaching?
You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Remember the title of this thread Daveman.. For a dedicated leftist -- it's all about "faith, perception, and belief".. Can I get an Amen???

Where's your science homework? Your theory of how GHGs don't act like GHGs.
I have seen zero evidence that you are in a position to judge science.
Odd...I was going to say the same thing about you.

Given your unhealthy worship of the IPCC, I'd say you wouldn't know science if it jumped out of a bush in front of you, slapped you on the face, and yelled "Hey, doofus! I'm SCIENCE!!"

Are you saying that we ought to base the largest project in mankind's history on the opinions of the average man in the street? You know, like we build rockets to the moon?
I'm saying until you prove conclusively the NEED for this largest project, we shouldn't waste money on it.
I see that you don't recognize Mao's lies any better than Bush's.

Are you really going to tell us that you believe Mao and the Cultural Revolution was progress?
I don't. Mao did.

Mao was a progressive. You little revisionist foot-stamping has no effect on reality.

Tell us little cowboy about the progress in China during the Cultural Revolution. Wikipedia might be a good starting point.
I feel no obligation to prove a claim I haven't made.

Like all progressives, you're simply not very bright. You think calling yourself a progressive means you're for progress.

Progressivism itself is about suppression of individual liberties by a strong central government.

And you call that "progress".
You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Neither Beavis nor Butthead can read and comprehend.
So, you fucked up...and it's OUR fault.


Run along, Cupcake. My metaphorical foot is getting tired from metaphorically kicking your ass all over the place.
You add reading to the list of things that you don't know.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Remember the title of this thread Daveman.. For a dedicated leftist -- it's all about "faith, perception, and belief".. Can I get an Amen???
Amen. Emotion, not logic. Beliefs, not facts.
I don't. Mao did.

Mao was a progressive. You little revisionist foot-stamping has no effect on reality.

Tell us little cowboy about the progress in China during the Cultural Revolution. Wikipedia might be a good starting point.
I feel no obligation to prove a claim I haven't made.

Like all progressives, you're simply not very bright. You think calling yourself a progressive means you're for progress.

Progressivism itself is about suppression of individual liberties by a strong central government.

And you call that "progress".

"Progressivism itself is about suppression of individual liberties by a strong central government"

God you're stupid.

Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Progressivism is a general political philosophy based on the idea of progress that asserts that advances in science, technology, economic development, and social organization, can improve the human condition. Progressivism originated in the Age of the Enlightenment in Europe out of the belief that Europe was demonstrating that societies could progress in civility from barbaric conditions to civilization through strengthening the basis of empirical knowledge as the foundation of society.[1] Figures of the Enlightenment believed that progress had universal application to all societies and that these ideas would spread from Europe to across the world.[2]"
Odd...I was going to say the same thing about you.

Given your unhealthy worship of the IPCC, I'd say you wouldn't know science if it jumped out of a bush in front of you, slapped you on the face, and yelled "Hey, doofus! I'm SCIENCE!!"

Are you saying that we ought to base the largest project in mankind's history on the opinions of the average man in the street? You know, like we build rockets to the moon?
I'm saying until you prove conclusively the NEED for this largest project, we shouldn't waste money on it.

The people who will solve the problem are already satisfied that it's both needed and an opportunity. The whiners like you, always whine, never contribute. That's why you've chosen to be irrelevant. Whining takes no knowledge, avoids all responsibility, and contributes nothing. The perfect job for failures.
Dood. It's right there.

"[H]ow much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?"

"I don't know or care."

There's absolutely NOTHING there to misinterpret. You want to spend trillions of dollars (that we don't have)...and you don't care about what the result might be.

Ignorant. Profoundly ignorant.

Neither Beavis nor Butthead can read and comprehend.
So, you fucked up...and it's OUR fault.


Run along, Cupcake. My metaphorical foot is getting tired from metaphorically kicking your ass all over the place.

You go girl.
Not at all. Here's the deal. We use science to get us facts. Based on that science we evaluate all of the costs associated with all alternatives. We pick the alternative and rate of progress towards it that minimizes total cost.

When we spend tens of trillions on the science based, progressive recommendations, how much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?

I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress"

This is what conservatives fear most. Objectivity. Fact and evidence based action.

Why? They want to impose what they want on everybody. Do nothing and hope for the best.

This is the "freedom" that they prize. The freedom to impose what they want on others. Not what facts show, but what they want.

Join me in saying "fuck you". We don't need you to tell us what your media cultmeisters told you. We think for ourselves and go with the objective truth of science.
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When we spend tens of trillions on the science based, progressive recommendations, how much lower will CO2 be compared to levels if we ignore your progressive, science based recommendations?

I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress"

This is what conservatives fear most. Objectivity. Fact and evidence based action.

Why? They want to impose what they want on everybody. Do nothing and hope for the best.

This is the "freedom" that they prize. The freedom to impose what they want on others. Not what facts show, but what they want.

Join me in saying "fuck you". We don't need you to tell us what your media cultmiesters told you. We think for ourselves and go with the objective truth of science.

"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives"

Two alternatives, spending tens of trillions, what is CO2 in 2080?
Spending zero on green energy, what is CO2 in 2080?
I don't know or care. What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress.

To tell you the truth, I'm sick of saying it. If your reading retention is that bad, you remedy it.

"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress"

This is what conservatives fear most. Objectivity. Fact and evidence based action.

Why? They want to impose what they want on everybody. Do nothing and hope for the best.

This is the "freedom" that they prize. The freedom to impose what they want on others. Not what facts show, but what they want.

Join me in saying "fuck you". We don't need you to tell us what your media cultmiesters told you. We think for ourselves and go with the objective truth of science.

"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives"

Two alternatives, spending tens of trillions, what is CO2 in 2080?
Spending zero on green energy, what is CO2 in 2080?

What is the addition of GHGs between now and 2080?
"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives as fully costed as the science allows and the selection of the least cost end and rate of progress"

This is what conservatives fear most. Objectivity. Fact and evidence based action.

Why? They want to impose what they want on everybody. Do nothing and hope for the best.

This is the "freedom" that they prize. The freedom to impose what they want on others. Not what facts show, but what they want.

Join me in saying "fuck you". We don't need you to tell us what your media cultmiesters told you. We think for ourselves and go with the objective truth of science.

"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives"

Two alternatives, spending tens of trillions, what is CO2 in 2080?
Spending zero on green energy, what is CO2 in 2080?

What is the addition of GHGs between now and 2080?

Don't your IPCC scientists have those numbers?
"What I care for is a science based evaluation of all alternatives"

Two alternatives, spending tens of trillions, what is CO2 in 2080?
Spending zero on green energy, what is CO2 in 2080?

What is the addition of GHGs between now and 2080?

Don't your IPCC scientists have those numbers?

Toddster just gave you $10Trill to lower emissions according to that brilliant plan you're telling us that you have.. You tell US what CO2 emissions are gonna be in 2080 after you blow that wad of money..

And for my share of the 10Trill --- I want to know what the temperature anomaly is gonna be in 2080 when you're done saving the world..

See how that works??? Of course not. You're a progressive. Essentially economically and logically braindead..
Here's what I see. I see people with no data, no science, no theories even, trying to impose their political will on the country by pointing out that the data, science, and theories that we have are unable to make multi decade weather forecasts.
Here's what I see. I see people with no data, no science, no theories even, trying to impose their political will on the country by pointing out that the data, science, and theories that we have are unable to make multi decade weather forecasts.

Here's what I see. I see people with no data

Here's what I see. I see people with no data about the reduction in CO2, after we spend trillions, insisting we spend trillions to prevent a disaster.

Sorry, no data, no trillions.
Here's what I see. I see people with no data, no science, no theories even, trying to impose their political will on the country by pointing out that the data, science, and theories that we have are unable to make multi decade weather forecasts.

Here's what I see. I see people with no data

Here's what I see. I see people with no data about the reduction in CO2, after we spend trillions, insisting we spend trillions to prevent a disaster.

Sorry, no data, no trillions.

Nobody expects anything from conservatives. You've made it perfectly clear that you have no problem solving ability and the limit of what you can do is whining.

Countries always have had to survive with both doers and draggers, winners and whiners, the knowledgeable and the ignorant. The only difference today is that the draggers, whiners, and ignorant have been organized by media into a cult because they are so easy to make huge profits from.

So, carry on. As I've said countless times, you are irrelevant, unnecessary, parasitic.
World history is replete with those who see themselves entitled to power over others. Sometimes those ends can be achieved militarily, sometimes more subtle means are required.

Often those subtleties start with information control. Exposing citizens to what the powerful want them to believe, obscuring what they don't want them to know.

The IPCC is the world's source of knowledge on AGW. Very dangerous when you feel entitled to power. Who knows if the facts that they uncover will support the agenda of the power mongers or not?

Actually, a problem easy for those skilled in propaganda to solve. Discredit the source. Concentrate on what can't be known. Confound the data.

Don't mistake what's going on here as a scientific debate. The science is clear and unequivocal. This is power politics. Mind control. Propaganda, not news.

The Internet has probably put an end to old fashioned book burning as knowledge control. But the Internet and other media can be used to accomplish what book burning used to.

Thought policing.
Here's what I see. I see people with no data, no science, no theories even, trying to impose their political will on the country by pointing out that the data, science, and theories that we have are unable to make multi decade weather forecasts.

Here's what I see. I see people with no data

Here's what I see. I see people with no data about the reduction in CO2, after we spend trillions, insisting we spend trillions to prevent a disaster.

Sorry, no data, no trillions.

Nobody expects anything from conservatives. You've made it perfectly clear that you have no problem solving ability and the limit of what you can do is whining.

Countries always have had to survive with both doers and draggers, winners and whiners, the knowledgeable and the ignorant. The only difference today is that the draggers, whiners, and ignorant have been organized by media into a cult because they are so easy to make huge profits from.

So, carry on. As I've said countless times, you are irrelevant, unnecessary, parasitic.

Here's what I see. I see people with no data about the reduction in CO2, after we spend trillions, insisting we spend trillions to prevent a disaster.

Sorry, no data, no trillions.

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