Mit Romney and Newt already committed us to military action in Iran

This is kinda funny. SeeBS micharacterizing what the candidates said in thier own debate.

newt did not say he supported military action in iran. he said he supported a lot of other stuff, and if it didn't work, then you do what you have to do.
This is a lot of chest thumpin', but the reality is, Iran will probably have her bomb before the election anyway, unless Obama takes military action, which he won't.

To pull off a large enough airstrike to get the job done, we'd have to send at least six aircraft carriers to the region, loaded for bear. And once it became obvious to the Iranians that's what we were doing, they could move their toys to other facilities.

Here's what no one is discussing.

So what if Iran gets the bomb?

Pakistan has the bomb, Israel has the bomb, India has the bomb, China has the bomb, Russia has the bomb, and oh, yes, we have the bomb. And everyone else has better bombs than the Iranians could ever hope to make.

So Iran would be committing suicide if she used her bomb on anyone else who has them or is allied to someone who has them.

No, for Iran, all a bomb represents is "invasion insurance".

Same words spoken by many in the past from both sides,nothing new here,keeping Iran from nukes is a very wise idea,running on a hope they would never use one or let one be used is foolish.

Especially since Iran believes it has a special command from Allah to begin the nuclear war necessary to call forth the 12th imam.

You are clearly not a Muslim and are an asshat buddy. I really don't want to stoop down to your stupidity and start a religious debate. But I'll leave it at this, right now Israel is the one poised to strike Iran with nuclear weapons not the other way around.

The translation you morons keep hearing about how he said he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth is a mistranslation. Persian is a very delicate language to translate that speaks in metaphors, what he meant was what he saw as the illegal political state of Israel created after WWII.

Google search buddy, Google fucking search! I'd link but I have to make 15 posts, there's people who actually know Persian and have heard what he actually said and know that what they took into English is just nonsense and propaganda for further perpetuation and push for another war.

"Wipe away" rather than "wipe out." Big difference. Oh, I now have far more faith about Iran not building a nuclear weapon. :doubt:

What's next, that Amhedinijab is just "misunderstood" on the Holocaust?
"Wipe away" rather than "wipe out." Big difference. Oh, I now have far more faith about Iran not building a nuclear weapon. :doubt:

What's next, that Amhedinijab is just "misunderstood" on the Holocaust?

It doesn't matter, because Amhedinijab doesn't have the real power, the Ayatollah Khameni and the other 11 members of the Supreme Islamic Council do.

It is unlikely we could ever get UN Sanction for military action after the whole Iraq thing, which means we'd likely be going it alone. If we do, the reaction on the Arab street will be horrific.

The question is, would Iran use the bomb and risk full scale retaliation by Israel? I'm guessing not. These clerics didn't live to be old men by being reckless or stupid.
^ He is in the middle of a fight for that power right now.
"Wipe away" rather than "wipe out." Big difference. Oh, I now have far more faith about Iran not building a nuclear weapon. :doubt:

What's next, that Amhedinijab is just "misunderstood" on the Holocaust?

Youtube search this video:

"Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map." "

And you'll understand what I'm saying better. Look even if he doesn't believe in the Holocaust that's not a reason to go to a war with a country. The one thing the media has been drumming up on the most is this, and it's a mistranslation.

LMAO!!!! :cuckoo:
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Vanish from the page of time = wipe away = wipe out imo..
You're joking,r ight?
How many Americans has Iran killed in the last 20 years? How many terrorist incidents have they sponsored?
I realize that you want to define deviancy down, but that's pretty silly. We could have said the same about Hitler in 1939. How many countries had he invaded before Poland?
The Iranians are on record supporting obliterating Israel. They will try to obliterate their neighbors too. Recall that Iran is not an Arab country.

I wasn't talking about Terrorism, I was talking about acts of war. How many times have they invaded other countries since 1979.

How about- never.

Terrorism is another issue.

Just remember, when Obama Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a "Freedom Fighter". When he started killing Americans, he was a "Terrorist".

Let's get real here. Iran's military technology is about 30 years behind ours, their total GDP 863 Billion, compared to our 15 trillion.

Sorry, man, I'm not ready to sign on to another war for Israel and Exxon. We've lost too much already.

Terrorism is not an act of war? :cuckoo:
You're joking,r ight?
How many Americans has Iran killed in the last 20 years? How many terrorist incidents have they sponsored?
I realize that you want to define deviancy down, but that's pretty silly. We could have said the same about Hitler in 1939. How many countries had he invaded before Poland?
The Iranians are on record supporting obliterating Israel. They will try to obliterate their neighbors too. Recall that Iran is not an Arab country.

I wasn't talking about Terrorism, I was talking about acts of war. How many times have they invaded other countries since 1979.

How about- never.

Terrorism is another issue.

Just remember, when Obama Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a "Freedom Fighter". When he started killing Americans, he was a "Terrorist".

Let's get real here. Iran's military technology is about 30 years behind ours, their total GDP 863 Billion, compared to our 15 trillion.

Sorry, man, I'm not ready to sign on to another war for Israel and Exxon. We've lost too much already.

Terrorism is not an act of war? :cuckoo:

If it were, the Soviets would have been justified in nuking us in 1981.
Vanish from the page of time = wipe away = wipe out imo..
Given that context, if he was talking about guns and tanks yes. But you saw the vid and the cut of what was not reported. Where he mentions that the solution to the Israeli-Palestanian conflict would be a more democratic state right afterwards.
By there own words tonight in the debate both of those anti american assholes committed us to war with Iran. Thank god neither of them are president, and neither of them will be. The only two candidates that would avoid war with Iran is Huntsman, and Paul. All the rest would happily drag us into another decade long nation building adventure.

It's insanity.
I wasn't talking about Terrorism, I was talking about acts of war. How many times have they invaded other countries since 1979.

How about- never.

Terrorism is another issue.

Just remember, when Obama Bin Laden was killing Russians, he was a "Freedom Fighter". When he started killing Americans, he was a "Terrorist".

Let's get real here. Iran's military technology is about 30 years behind ours, their total GDP 863 Billion, compared to our 15 trillion.

Sorry, man, I'm not ready to sign on to another war for Israel and Exxon. We've lost too much already.

Terrorism is not an act of war? :cuckoo:

If it were, the Soviets would have been justified in nuking us in 1981.

Really? What terrorist acts did the US commit against the Soviet Union in 1981?
If Iran wants a nuke so bad then we should send them one air mail.

Russia has nuked their own oil fields 5 times now & the oil is still good.
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Terrorism is not an act of war? :cuckoo:

If it were, the Soviets would have been justified in nuking us in 1981.

Really? What terrorist acts did the US commit against the Soviet Union in 1981?

How about arming the Muhajidin in Afghanistan, including that swell guy, Osama Bin Laden.

Remember, when he kills Russians, he's a "Freedom Fighter".

When he kills Americans, he's a "Terrorist".

We'd have a lot less problems if we didn't keep arming dickheads like Bin Laden and Saddam.
"Wipe away" rather than "wipe out." Big difference. Oh, I now have far more faith about Iran not building a nuclear weapon. :doubt:

What's next, that Amhedinijab is just "misunderstood" on the Holocaust?

Youtube search this video:

"Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map." "

And you'll understand what I'm saying better. Look even if he doesn't believe in the Holocaust that's not a reason to go to a war with a country. The one thing the media has been drumming up on the most is this, and it's a mistranslation.

LMAO!!!! :cuckoo:

"the Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time." is the same as wipe Israel off the map.
Problem is Zzzzz the Ruskies have been building the Iranians N.C. programme for the past 14 years,I also note last week that both Russia and China have come in to this situation with support for Iran.

This changes everything,all we need is more WAR,...........NOT..theliq:doubt:
I believe we heard all of this about rhetoric about N. Korea too and we did nothing there. Do you really think that we will do anything to threaten the supply of oil from the Persian Gulf? As fragile as our economy is now a spike in oil prices would completely push us into a another recession if not a depression and what does that do to National Security?

As bad as a nuclear Iran would be I do not think they would use it because of the response. Yes they have some who might advocate it but they have rational people there too. Any use of a nuke by Iran would initiate a response of assured destruction of all of Iran's military bases, and religious bases. They would cease to exist within minutes.
Not fogetting Arming Hamas Joe,that must be one of the most stupid decisions the US and Israel ever made.....:cuckoo:....What on earth were they thinking !!!!!!!!!theliq:doubt:
If it were, the Soviets would have been justified in nuking us in 1981.

Really? What terrorist acts did the US commit against the Soviet Union in 1981?

How about arming the Muhajidin in Afghanistan, including that swell guy, Osama Bin Laden.

Remember, when he kills Russians, he's a "Freedom Fighter".

When he kills Americans, he's a "Terrorist".

We'd have a lot less problems if we didn't keep arming dickheads like Bin Laden and Saddam.
I don't think the Ruskies EVER NUKED Irans oil fields theliq:cool:
If Iran wants a nuke so bad then we should send them one air mail.

Russia has nuked their oil fields 5 times now & the oil is still good.
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