Mitch McConnell: Stealing Obama's Nominee, Breaking The Senate One Of My Finest Moments

In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

I despise Mitch but it was awesome, he lucked out that Trump won and we remain a conservative Supreme Court..

But I think this has more to do with divine intervention more then anything else... Proof once again god really does exist and he is on the side of the US constitution.

In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

This is what the Republicans are now. Cheaters. They can't just win elections so they cheat. Voter suppression, nullifying a presidential election to keep a president from fulfilling his Constitional duties, changing the rules of the Senate when they don't suit the Republican agenda.

It's time folks, you have to know when the finish line is reached and for this democracy that is it. When one party decides they will no longer follow the Constitution and will in fact ignore it in favor of their political party the game is over. This government is founded on forced compromise. When one party says they will not compromise no matter what then the end is near. Going forward the Democrats will have no choice but to return the favor in kind. As soon as they gain power they'll drag the Republicans through a field of glass on their belly. And so it will go from now on.

It's finished. Most people don't recognize it as movies don't present the end of democracies in such a way. But this is how they end. Once civility and mutual respect end the rest are soon to follow. I say fine it's ended. Time to break the US up and everyone go their seperate ways. As it is the red states are nothing but a financial and moral drain on the blue states anyway. Let the red states and the people they elect go have their 3rd world Kristian Caliphate.
The leftists are no more patriotic than the righties, for both sides are committed to fascist big government working with the corporations and taking away the liberties of the citizens.

The Republic has come to an end, and now the Age of American Authoritarians blossoms.
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat
But wait.....There's more

McConnell changed the rarely used filibuster to a requirement for 60 votes for all legislation

McConnell changed filling Supreme Court seats from a duty of the sitting President to something that can be delayed indefinitely for political reasons

McConnell invoked the nuclear option

Destruction of the Senate is his legacy
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

.....and the butthurt continues....
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

Garland was considered and they rightfully decided not to act on him.......we don't need another left wing activist pretending to be a justice.....

Harry Reid broke tradition...not Mitch McConnell, blame reid......if he hadn't broken the filibuster in 2013.....the republicans wouldn't have done it here...
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

This is what the Republicans are now. Cheaters. They can't just win elections so they cheat. Voter suppression, nullifying a presidential election to keep a president from fulfilling his Constitional duties, changing the rules of the Senate when they don't suit the Republican agenda.

It's time folks, you have to know when the finish line is reached and for this democracy that is it. When one party decides they will no longer follow the Constitution and will in fact ignore it in favor of their political party the game is over. This government is founded on forced compromise. When one party says they will not compromise no matter what then the end is near. Going forward the Democrats will have no choice but to return the favor in kind. As soon as they gain power they'll drag the Republicans through a field of glass on their belly. And so it will go from now on.

It's finished. Most people don't recognize it as movies don't present the end of democracies in such a way. But this is how they end. Once civility and mutual respect end the rest are soon to follow. I say fine it's ended. Time to break the US up and everyone go their seperate ways. As it is the red states are nothing but a financial and moral drain on the blue states anyway. Let the red states and the people they elect go have their 3rd world Kristian Caliphate.

Wow...there is not one thing in your post that is true or accurate.......being dishonest and a liar....does that take a lot of do you do it naturally?
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

I despise Mitch but it was awesome, he lucked out that Trump won and we remain a conservative Supreme Court..

But I think this has more to do with divine intervention more then anything else... Proof once again god really does exist and he is on the side of the US constitution.


There are certain times where you think you might just see his hand at work....the landings at D-day.....the death of Stonewall Jackson before Gettysburg........and just when it seemed as if the left would have 30-40 years of destroying our Constitution...the unlikeliest of candidates comes in and may just preserve it......amazing...
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

Moron. I posted a thread where Tim Kaine...Hilary's running mate stated that when she won, if the republicans tried to filibuster her Supreme Court picks the democrats would use the nuclear your entire thread is just fucking stupid........harry Reid said the exact same thing....moron...
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It's sad to think the Dem's cant even keep their stories straight nor remember what they say. So pathetic! Love the stolen seat line, like what you never had was stolen? Like who, what, and whom, had what that was stolen?
Lets not forget the Constitution is a contract, created by the people for the people, authorizing the formation and conduct of government, employing elected officials to conduct business on their behalf, not the other way around.
Trump was right, I am getting a little tired of winning.

Nope....I have spent too many years watching the democrats ruin everything they touch...there is no way to get tired of beating them....
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

I despise Mitch but it was awesome, he lucked out that Trump won and we remain a conservative Supreme Court..

But I think this has more to do with divine intervention more then anything else... Proof once again god really does exist and he is on the side of the US constitution.


There are certain times where you think you might just see his hand at work....the landings at D-day.....the death of Stonewall Jackson before Gettysburg........and just when it seemed as if the left would have 30-40 years of destroying our Constitution...the unlikeliest of candidates comes in and may just preserve it......amazing...
Do you read the Bible?

God chooses the most flawed of His creations, the drunk, the thief, a man who lays up with his daughters. All flawed.
In Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's own estimation, bringing the Senate to its knees by blocking Obama's rightful Supreme Court nominee then breaking the chamber so Trump's pick could fill the stolen seat was one of his finest moments.

Gorsuch: Always remember and never forget, when Republicans lose, they cheat

I despise Mitch but it was awesome, he lucked out that Trump won and we remain a conservative Supreme Court..

But I think this has more to do with divine intervention more then anything else... Proof once again god really does exist and he is on the side of the US constitution.


There are certain times where you think you might just see his hand at work....the landings at D-day.....the death of Stonewall Jackson before Gettysburg........and just when it seemed as if the left would have 30-40 years of destroying our Constitution...the unlikeliest of candidates comes in and may just preserve it......amazing...
Do you read the Bible?

God chooses the most flawed of His creations, the drunk, the thief, a man who lays up with his daughters. All flawed.

I listen to Dennis Prager and he goes through a lot of themes from the old testament....and he points out that King David set up the husband of Bathsheba to be murdered...married her and was still a favorite of God....God uses the humans that can actually get things done...sometimes those humans are not the best followers........but they get things done that need to get done...

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