Mitch McConnell strongly condemns leaks showing mega rich don't pay taxes.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
John L. Dorman
Mon, June 14, 2021, 11:29 AM

he condemns these "shennigans." Strong works Leader McConnell.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Samuel Corum/Getty Images
  • Sen. Mitch McConnell criticized the leakers of sensitive tax information to ProPublica.
  • "These people ought to, whoever did this, ought to be hunted down and thrown into jail," he said.
  • ProPublica reported how high earners have avoided paying a substantial amount of income taxes.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky on Monday called for legal action against anyone who was responsible for leaking the tax records of the super wealthy to ProPublica.
In a recent ProPublica report, the publication detailed how billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffett have largely avoided paying a substantial amount of income taxes.
The report cited "an anonymous source" who provided the publication "with large amounts of information on the ultrawealthy, everything from the taxes they paid to the income they reported to the profits from their stock trades."
During an interview on conservative host Hugh Hewitt's radio show, McConnell rebuked the disclosure of the tax records of some of the most affluent Americans in the country and called for consequences for the perpetrators.

"My guess is the IRS, somebody at the IRS leaked this in order to affect the tax debate and remind people that there are some very wealthy Americans," he said. "There are some very wealthy Americans. But it's important to remember we don't tax wealth."
McConnell added: "Our tax returns are, by law, confidential because of just this kind of shenanigans. These people ought to, whoever did this, ought to be hunted down and thrown into jail."
How dare he support the right to privacy, and oppose felonies.
I do agree of course, but the right way to address the issue would be to remind the media that the same political whores who have been parroting that shit are in the same pockets of those not paying the taxes and that no one with any brains throws money away on government waste.
They should be thrown in jail.
What i dont get is, where did this outrage come from? We have known the rich dont pay taxes. The people yall voted in CREATED it that way on purpose.

I'm sure that the FBI is hot on the case to find the leakers now that they've found all the people who trespassed at the Capitol on January 6. Well, maybe not.
mitch is such joker. member that one time when he blocked the Senate from proceeding with impeachment, then voted to acquit, and stated that Trump was wrong and committed grave errors, but it was too late for the senate to do something about it? lol, that mitch, such a kidder.
How many here would want someone publishing your private tax and or financial information

How much you or I pay is irrelevant to whether the .1% pay taxes.

But it's good to know Mitch, that staunch defender of civil rights, has Bezos' back on this. Poor Jeff.
Yes how much you or I pay is irrelevant but that wasn’t the question the question was do you want it being published without your permission or knowledge for that matter? How about medical records? Would anyone here want their private information being made public in such a way? If we are being honest I don’t believe any of us would and the fact this was done to rich people doesn’t make it any less wrong.
How many here would want someone publishing your private tax and or financial information

How much you or I pay is irrelevant to whether the .1% pay taxes.

But it's good to know Mitch, that staunch defender of civil rights, has Bezos' back on this. Poor Jeff.
Do you wish to punish the 1%? How about everyone pays an equal share vs the mooching lazy fat ass deadbeats voting themselves a share of money I earn.

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