Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Aat some point you have to pull the bandaid off and address the wound.

Also the lack of funding for the wall should be the breaking point.

The GOP by and large have become Democrat Lite.

Duh! Thanks, Cap'n obvious.
Just weeks before the midterms and this moron is talking about safety net cuts???

Is he trying to help the left?

McConnell can go fuck himself in a turtle retirement village.

McConnell has done MORE to fuck the little guy & to promote the wealthy.

I hope McConnell burns in Hell right along side Reagan & Hitler.

Maybe they can all 3 go get a HOT game of golf in while they're waiting for Trump to 'join up'
The tax cuts aren't working to cut the deficit, so Mitch needs to get busy cutting entitlements. I recommend cutting welfare programs first.
No matter what "needs" to be done you don't announce shit like this mere days before an election.


You're right. The standard right wing procedure is to lie about such plans even if they have been on the top of your list of goals for decades. Turtle boy's lying skills seem to be fading. The GOP will dump him for sure if he doesn't lie better.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

How about this reason:

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations.
Free shit?

We have all paid into Social Security and Medicare.

That's exactly how the GOP looks right now: No free shit, even if you paid into it. Too bad. Good luck. You're on your own. So are your kids.

Is that really what you want?

I just can't imagine how the country survived 145 years without it. The GD commies took your taxes, spent your money, gave you IOU's and are now borrowing money, in your name, to make those IOU's good. So you've been screwed twice, how's it feel?

When we finally implode............everything of real value will be on little pieces of paper...........the ones who did it will then own all the deeds to the real property as the whole world is a disaster..............

Then they will set up soup kitchens for the people and tents saying we are here to save you...............

They won't get mine, I don't owe a dime on it.

You don't "cancel" a political registration and it doesn't make a difference anyway. You vote for a member of either party in all but some primary elections. My guess is that the post was sent by a foreign activist, a U.S. citizen who has become an agent for a foreign government or somebody who never voted.
Just weeks before the midterms and this moron is talking about safety net cuts???

Is he trying to help the left?

McConnell can go fuck himself in a turtle retirement village.

McConnell has done MORE to fuck the little guy & to promote the wealthy.

I hope McConnell burns in Hell right along side Reagan & Hitler.

Maybe they can all 3 go get a HOT game of golf in while they're waiting for Trump to 'join up'
Says the unhinged maniac..................
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

How about this reason:

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations.
Free shit?

We have all paid into Social Security and Medicare.

That's exactly how the GOP looks right now: No free shit, even if you paid into it. Too bad. Good luck. You're on your own. So are your kids.

Is that really what you want?

I just can't imagine how the country survived 145 years without it. The GD commies took your taxes, spent your money, gave you IOU's and are now borrowing money, in your name, to make those IOU's good. So you've been screwed twice, how's it feel?

When we finally implode............everything of real value will be on little pieces of paper...........the ones who did it will then own all the deeds to the real property as the whole world is a disaster..............

Then they will set up soup kitchens for the people and tents saying we are here to save you...............

They won't get mine, I don't owe a dime on it.

Great Depression...........ordered gold to be seized................and big dogs took land for failure to pay their taxes..............

I had some land and lived in the sticks...still that same area is an old farm..........Was owned by a old man who refused to give up the land after other bought it for taxes...........way back when............He pulled out the gun and refused to go..........they eventually burned the place to the ground in the end and he left.....................true story
cut SS - what a wonderful platform to run on for midterms.

wonderful for Democrats to use to kick Republican ass.

Anybody under the age of 50 will never see any Social Security

thats what 43 thought when he was elected to his second term and had both houses of congress backing him up.

how did that work out.
All of those socialist entitlement programs should be opt in’s...
That’s the only way to solve the problem...
If people want them they sign up for them... And if they don’t sign up for them they are not part of them, no skin off anybody’s back...
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror should be, opt in.
Ok... And every socialist entitlement program
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Well here; I'll throw you a bone.

This will make you feel even better while you are having GOP voter remorse.

Trump: Ask Every Cabinet Member to CUT 5% From Budgets

Love that idea, we need to cut a lot more than 5%.
The Great Depression Tax Revolts Revisited | Mark Thornton, Chetley Weise

The Rise and Fall of Tax Resistance

The most burdensome tax for most Americans was the property tax. Property taxes required taxpayers to make an explicit payment of a significant amount, a payment the taxpayer could not evade without losing what was often his most significant piece of wealth and property.

Property taxes had increased significantly in the decade prior to the Great Depression. City government had grown enormously in size, scope, and debt during the 1920s, and revenues for city governments had become more dependent on property taxes. According to Beito, “throughout the 1920s, the general property tax accounted for over 90 percent of taxes levied by all cities over 30,000 in population.”10 The primary reason for this dependence was that alcohol revenue from sales taxes and licenses had “dried up” due to prohibition.

The stock market crash and the Great Depression changed everything. The real burden of taxes on the American people increased significantly. Even if tax rates remained the same, tax burdens increased because the market value of property fell relative to assessed values. The real burden also increased because personal income was falling relative to property tax bills. Finally, the real burden of property taxes rose because price deflation increased the purchasing power of the dollar.

With the tax burden, tax delinquency, and bankruptcy rising, the country became increasingly ripe for a tax revolt. Tax delinquency increased from its normal rate of 10 percent to more than 30 percent,12 and tax protest organizations formed spontaneously in rural regions, in response to attempts to sell the property of farmers to meet their tax obligations. Likewise, taxpayer leagues formed in urban areas to protest high taxes and property foreclosures. Estimates placed the number of such organizations at between 3,000 and 4,000 nationwide.13

Beito attributes the failure of tax resistance to two problems: lack of a well-developed ideological platform, and the lack of a professional organization. Indeed, the lack of an effective national organization that might control and manage tax resistance led local groups to organize along different lines, develop different strategies, and employ different tactics. However, despite these differences, thousands of local tax resistance groups disbanded at the same time as Repeal and the passage of numerous tax limitation statutes. The timing of these events clearly supports our conclusion that the movement was, indeed, a success.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
It be great if people 50 years and under could just drop out of all socialist entitlement programs...
They won’t be around anyways when they become retirement age...
10,000 to 1 Trump has his monthly SS check electronically deposited in one of his accounts.

Why shouldn't he, he paid both sides of the tax.


He is donating his Presidential salary to charity.



And he is generous. I am guessing he is doing the same with SSI. You needed me to explain that to you? Wtf!?

It's no ones business what he does with it. And there's no need to make assumptions, simple concept.


LOL? What? Its an opinion.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Don't worry you already killed it by electing Trump.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

But when you give wealthy people tax cuts to stimulate an already good economy--sending inflation soaring-while-ballooning MILITARY spending what in the hell did you think they were going to do about Social Security & Medicare--:auiqs.jpg:
Are Trump's tax cuts backfiring on Wall Street?


Repuublicans have been bitching about these two programs for the last 15 years.

Democrats wouldn't have done that. Maybe you are in the wrong party. VOTE BLUE this midterm.

That picture is supposed to be a joke. But it's the truth, there is no money in social security... so the only question is how much to tax the new generation to pay for promises they didn't vote for.

The leftists of course want to tax everyone for any reason as they are the losers of society.
Back a long time ago, Congress give IOUs to the SS fund. They need to pay it back.

Totally agree, but they won't. The reason we are continually having to raise the debt ceiling is because there are 10K baby boomers entering social security Medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for another several years.

The only way to adjust to it is either raise taxes or cut back on major spending bills, like Military spending. There's not enough descretionary spending to even put a scratch into it.

Giving large tax cuts to the wealthy in a GOOD economy was the dumbest thing Republicans have ever done. All it did for the elderly was skyrocket prices on food & other necessities, and now the Fed is raising interest rates to fight off inflationary pressures. Making it the shortest economic boom period ever.

So yeah they're going after social security & medicare to pay for the tax cuts, (as predicted) by many.
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I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
It be great if people 50 years and under could just drop out of all socialist entitlement programs...
They won’t be around anyways when they become retirement age...

The problem is that... who would pay for the current recipients then?

Everyone would exit the programs immediately, who in their right mind wants a pay a bill with little benefit?

Social security completely screws over anybody working age today.
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I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
It be great if people 50 years and under could just drop out of all socialist entitlement programs...
They won’t be around anyways when they become retirement age...

The problem is that... who would pay for the current recipients then?

Everyone would exit the programs immediately, who in their right mind wants a pay check with little benefit?

Social security completely screws over anybody working age today.
I’ve been paying into that shit all of my adult life, I would give up everything I paid in so far just to get out of that shit. Because I know I’m paying for something that will do no one any good...
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
It be great if people 50 years and under could just drop out of all socialist entitlement programs...
They won’t be around anyways when they become retirement age...

The problem is that... who would pay for the current recipients then?

Everyone would exit the programs immediately, who in their right mind wants a pay check with little benefit?

Social security completely screws over anybody working age today.
I’ve been paying into that shit all of my adult life, I would give up everything I paid in so far just to get out of that shit. Because I know I’m paying for something that will do no one any good...

Unfortunately ALL the payments go to paying for the current retirees. If you skip anything, they aren't getting their benefits.
The tax cuts aren't working to cut the deficit, so Mitch needs to get busy cutting entitlements. I recommend cutting welfare programs first.

Who in the world thought that thought that reducing revenue would cut into the deficit?
HAs revenue in fact been reduced....Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Yes, yes it has.


Monthly Treasury Statement

Remember the tax cuts kicked in in Jan, so we will count from there.

From Jan - Sept 2017 the total revenue was $2,574,122,000,000
From Jan - Sept 2017 the total revenue was $2,559,233,000,000
That is $ 14,889,000,000 less in those 9 months in 2018 than in 2017.

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