Mitch's wife DEFENDs him against protestors, he hides in his car!

Well given the left's violence she's one brave lady.
Playing a tape of screaming kids is VIOLENT??

Well aren't we a delicate doily? And WE'RE the snowflakes?

Well ya never know when someone is packing heat. Clue in the congressmen at the baseball game getting plunked by a leftist

You didn't think this through very well

You can't tell the difference between a GUN and a boombox? A delicate doily and blind. Poor babies.
The more they cry, the less they pee...

We have twins. I swear one would say listen to this and wail. The other one be like nah that's weak listen to this. Stereo

We have twins Kid C and Kid D now aged 19 months in age, boys do not look alike, this is good because I get confused enough without having kidlets that I cannot tell which is which :eusa_doh:

Our girls are identical. I had to put different hair ribbons in their hair so grandparents could tell them apart
How can you be sure that you didn't get them confused/switched several times the first few weeks?

Lol I was paranoid about that. Different diapers solved it. But seriously mom knows...daddy was iffy
Birthmarks? Otherwise it takes only one slip up and Sue grows up thinking she is Sandy and vice versa.
We have twins. I swear one would say listen to this and wail. The other one be like nah that's weak listen to this. Stereo

We have twins Kid C and Kid D now aged 19 months in age, boys do not look alike, this is good because I get confused enough without having kidlets that I cannot tell which is which :eusa_doh:

Our girls are identical. I had to put different hair ribbons in their hair so grandparents could tell them apart
How can you be sure that you didn't get them confused/switched several times the first few weeks?

Lol I was paranoid about that. Different diapers solved it. But seriously mom knows...daddy was iffy
Birthmarks? Otherwise it takes only one slip up and Sue grows up thinking she is Sandy and vice versa.

It didn't happen. A mother knows. Mannerisms and one has always had her daddy's smile...still does
The guy is a CHICKENSHIT.

Leave my husband alone’: Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump’s crying migrant kids


26 JUN 2018 AT 17:01 ET

Transporation Secretary Elaine Chao shouted at protesters Tuesday demonstrating against her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, while leaving an event.

The protesters played a recording of children crying in one of the immigrant detention facilities filled by children who were separated from their parents under the policies of President Donald Trump.

“Why are you separating families?” one of the protesters shouts at McConnell as he leaves a building, as seen in a video posted by a Twitter user known as Roberto.

While McConnell appears to ignore the protesters as he climbs into the car waiting for them, Chao began a shouting match with the group as she walked around the back of the vehicle.

'Leave my husband alone': Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump's crying migrant kids
Ever seen ditz Maxine Waters do anything than to tell “others” to get in peoples faces

So where's your degree from? Her's is from a still topped rank univ. But you're probably right, SHE's a ditz.
You left out she said God was on her side
Maybe you’re right. That top U teaches their students to receive revelation
My degree is from lowly Salt Lake Community College
We have twins Kid C and Kid D now aged 19 months in age, boys do not look alike, this is good because I get confused enough without having kidlets that I cannot tell which is which :eusa_doh:

Our girls are identical. I had to put different hair ribbons in their hair so grandparents could tell them apart
How can you be sure that you didn't get them confused/switched several times the first few weeks?

Lol I was paranoid about that. Different diapers solved it. But seriously mom knows...daddy was iffy
Birthmarks? Otherwise it takes only one slip up and Sue grows up thinking she is Sandy and vice versa.

It didn't happen. A mother knows. Mannerisms and one has always had her daddy's smile...still does
and if you are wrong, no one will ever know
The turtle had to hide in his shell while his wife fought his battles for him. Conservative men do this, they're too scared themselves to do anything but they'll send someone else to take the punishment for them.
Horseshit again from you. The Majority Leader was spirited away by the government's security team. He has to do what they ask due to his importance to our nation. We can't risk our government being interrupted due to the violent, murderous actions of you people lately.

The GOP released a new political ad yesterday. Guess who stars in the video? The unhinged actions of the Left. Your side fucked itself for 2018 elections.j
Last edited:
Liberals are trying to shame a man, ie Mitch McConnell, who represents one of the poorest states in the country, ie Ky. who reeps of socialized government, thrives on disability checks and food stamps, with a 99% redneck demographics that vote his turkey looking ass in election after election by doing absolutely nothing for these trashies....and they're trying to shame him???? Good luck fools

So poor Americans are trashies, but you’re fighting to bring in more MS13 , and un American poor illegals. Sounds like a liberal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The guy is a CHICKENSHIT.

Leave my husband alone’: Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump’s crying migrant kids


26 JUN 2018 AT 17:01 ET

Transporation Secretary Elaine Chao shouted at protesters Tuesday demonstrating against her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, while leaving an event.

The protesters played a recording of children crying in one of the immigrant detention facilities filled by children who were separated from their parents under the policies of President Donald Trump.

“Why are you separating families?” one of the protesters shouts at McConnell as he leaves a building, as seen in a video posted by a Twitter user known as Roberto.

While McConnell appears to ignore the protesters as he climbs into the car waiting for them, Chao began a shouting match with the group as she walked around the back of the vehicle.

'Leave my husband alone': Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump's crying migrant kids
why didn't you care when Obama did it?

please, tell me how it's different
The guy is a CHICKENSHIT.

Leave my husband alone’: Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump’s crying migrant kids


26 JUN 2018 AT 17:01 ET

Transporation Secretary Elaine Chao shouted at protesters Tuesday demonstrating against her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, while leaving an event.

The protesters played a recording of children crying in one of the immigrant detention facilities filled by children who were separated from their parents under the policies of President Donald Trump.

“Why are you separating families?” one of the protesters shouts at McConnell as he leaves a building, as seen in a video posted by a Twitter user known as Roberto.

While McConnell appears to ignore the protesters as he climbs into the car waiting for them, Chao began a shouting match with the group as she walked around the back of the vehicle.

'Leave my husband alone': Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump's crying migrant kids
And if he had defended himself you would have been screaming racism. bigotry,Nazism and a host of other loony accusations but the Taiwanese female immigrant is another story right ?
The guy is a CHICKENSHIT.

Leave my husband alone’: Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump’s crying migrant kids


26 JUN 2018 AT 17:01 ET

Transporation Secretary Elaine Chao shouted at protesters Tuesday demonstrating against her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, while leaving an event.

The protesters played a recording of children crying in one of the immigrant detention facilities filled by children who were separated from their parents under the policies of President Donald Trump.

“Why are you separating families?” one of the protesters shouts at McConnell as he leaves a building, as seen in a video posted by a Twitter user known as Roberto.

While McConnell appears to ignore the protesters as he climbs into the car waiting for them, Chao began a shouting match with the group as she walked around the back of the vehicle.

'Leave my husband alone': Transportation Secretary yells at protestors confronting Mitch McConnell with Trump's crying migrant kids
why didn't you care when Obama did it?

please, tell me how it's different

"why didn't you care when Obama did it?

please, tell me how it's different"

Well it's different because Obama is a Black Socialist, so when he did it because he's a Black Socialist that makes it okay or whatever.
Liberals are trying to shame a man, ie Mitch McConnell, who represents one of the poorest states in the country, ie Ky. who reeps of socialized government, thrives on disability checks and food stamps, with a 99% redneck demographics that vote his turkey looking ass in election after election by doing absolutely nothing for these trashies....and they're trying to shame him???? Good luck fools

You are one ignorant Bigot…

Typical tolerant liberal…
What is the hell is ignorant about facts?
Not enough jobs.’ Nine of the 30 poorest counties in U.S. are in Eastern Kentucky.
Poverty still darkens lives of Kentucky kids

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