Mitt Romney Gave Millions To Charity, While Joe Biden Gave $369...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
I'm really struggling to work out what all the fuss is about over this one. It seems to me to be much ado about nothing. Breaking news: Mitt Romney is very rich. He also gave millions and millions of dollars to charity and to the taxman.

In the early hours of this morning, some 550 pages of Mitt Romney's tax returns and a 2011 tax summary were released by his campaign. Just after dawn, there was a long campaign conference call for bleary-eyed reporters in which an accountant (who sounded exactly like you'd imagine Mitt Romney's accountant would sound) went into details of Mitt millions in mind-numbing detail.

There was an air of grumpy efficency about the call, which was led by Ben Ginsberg, who was George W. Bush's lawyer during the Florida election recount in 2000. At one point Ginsberg noted that 26 people from Chicago were listening into the proceedings, a reference to the Obama campaign headquarters.

So what were the headlines? He raked in about $42 million in 2010 and 2011. His effective tax rate was just below 14 percent, lower than that for many American taxpayers. He paid $6.2 million to the taxman and donated a staggering $7 million to charity, including $4.1 million to the Mormon church.

OK, so Mormons are supposed to tithe 10 percent of their income. But it's to Romney's immense credit that he promised to do this in his youth and followed through with that - to the tune of scores of millions (maybe hundreds of millions) of dollars throughout his life.

In fact, in those two years, he paid 16 percent of his income to charity, compared to, er, 2.6 percent by Newt Gingrich.

And what about President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the run-up to their 2008 campaign?

USA Today broke it down here. In 2007, the Obamas gave more than $240,000 to charity, about 5.7 percent of their income. The Bidens gave an average of $369 to charity a year for the decade before he moved to the Naval Observatory - about 0.3 percent of their income. Back in 1997, then veep Al Gore and his then wife Tipper gave $353.

Since becoming veep, Biden hasn't become much more generous. In 2010, he gave $5,350, about 1.4 percent of income. That same year, Romney gave some $3 million. The national average is about three percent.

As far as we know, Romney scrupulously adhered to all US tax laws. No one has accused him of tax evasion.

Read More:
Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369. - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog
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I'm really struggling to work out what all the fuss is about over this one. It seems to me to be much ado about nothing. Breaking news: Mitt Romney is very rich. He also gave millions and millions of dollars to charity and to the taxman.

In the early hours of this morning, some 550 pages of Mitt Romney's tax returns and a 2011 tax summary were released by his campaign. Just after dawn, there was a long campaign conference call for bleary-eyed reporters in which an accountant (who sounded exactly like you'd imagine Mitt Romney's accountant would sound) went into details of Mitt millions in mind-numbing detail.

There was an air of grumpy efficency about the call, which was led by Ben Ginsberg, who was George W. Bush's lawyer during the Florida election recount in 2000. At one point Ginsberg noted that 26 people from Chicago were listening into the proceedings, a reference to the Obama campaign headquarters.

So what were the headlines? He raked in about $42 million in 2010 and 2011. His effective tax rate was just below 14 percent, lower than that for many American taxpayers. He paid $6.2 million to the taxman and donated a staggering $7 million to charity, including $4.1 million to the Mormon church.

OK, so Mormons are supposed to tithe 10 percent of their income. But it's to Romney's immense credit that he promised to do this in his youth and followed through with that - to the tune of scores of millions (maybe hundreds of millions) of dollars throughout his life.

In fact, in those two years, he paid 16 percent of his income to charity, compared to, er, 2.6 percent by Newt Gingrich.

And what about President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the run-up to their 2008 campaign?

USA Today broke it down here. In 2007, the Obamas gave more than $240,000 to charity, about 5.7 percent of their income. The Bidens gave an average of $369 to charity a year for the decade before he moved to the Naval Observatory - about 0.3 percent of their income. Back in 1997, then veep Al Gore and his then wife Tipper gave $353.

Since becoming veep, Biden hasn't become much more generous. In 2010, he gave $5,350, about 1.4 percent of income. That same year, Romney gave some $3 million. The national average is about three percent.

As far as we know, Romney scrupulously adhered to all US tax laws. No one has accused him of tax evasion.

Read More:
Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369. - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog

Wait till Obama gets done.

He'll make Romney look like a criminal.
I gave even less than he did to charity. I did however give more to independent news reporting services and political campaigns than that.

I only have a problem with people who complain then do nothing, like Biden does.
Man I gave almost as much money to charity as Biden did, and he's like 10,000 times richer than me. :thup:
Man I gave almost as much money to charity as Biden did, and he's like 10,000 times richer than me. :thup:

I looked the posted net worth of Congress and Biden was the only one that owed more than he owned.
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And for moderates it's a reminder that Romney is a strong adherent -- morally and financially -- to a church that is on a moral crusade against women's right to choose and, most prominently in recent years, against gay rights. The Mormon Church was the focus of protests across the country after Proposition 8 passed in California, banning marriage for gays and lesbians. Church leaders had urged members to give money to the cause, and some estimates put that amount at over $20 million. The church itself gave over $180,000 to help pass Prop 8. The church was fined by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for not reporting its numerous financial contributions to the cause.

Proposition 8 and Beyond -- "Romney Millions Fuel Anti-Gay Crusade" - chico lawyers and other legal services -

How much of Romney's gifts to "charity" were used against the gays? Can you really call that "charity"?
scared rdean? Don't like the fact that the Republicans might elect someone who donates a higher percentage of his income to charity than the Pres and VP combined?
And for moderates it's a reminder that Romney is a strong adherent -- morally and financially -- to a church that is on a moral crusade against women's right to choose and, most prominently in recent years, against gay rights. The Mormon Church was the focus of protests across the country after Proposition 8 passed in California, banning marriage for gays and lesbians. Church leaders had urged members to give money to the cause, and some estimates put that amount at over $20 million. The church itself gave over $180,000 to help pass Prop 8. The church was fined by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for not reporting its numerous financial contributions to the cause.

Proposition 8 and Beyond -- "Romney Millions Fuel Anti-Gay Crusade" - chico lawyers and other legal services -

How much of Romney's gifts to "charity" were used against the gays? Can you really call that "charity"?

STFU dipshit. It's not Romney's fault you're a miserbale turd-wrangling Janitor. Get over it Dummy.
Romney's charitable contribution going to the support of "discrimination". Only right wingers could possibly call that "charity". And they get so mad when you point that out.

Let's put it this way. Where did the church get the money it used to slander the gays? Oops.
And for moderates it's a reminder that Romney is a strong adherent -- morally and financially -- to a church that is on a moral crusade against women's right to choose and, most prominently in recent years, against gay rights. The Mormon Church was the focus of protests across the country after Proposition 8 passed in California, banning marriage for gays and lesbians. Church leaders had urged members to give money to the cause, and some estimates put that amount at over $20 million. The church itself gave over $180,000 to help pass Prop 8. The church was fined by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for not reporting its numerous financial contributions to the cause.

Proposition 8 and Beyond -- "Romney Millions Fuel Anti-Gay Crusade" - chico lawyers and other legal services -

How much of Romney's gifts to "charity" were used against the gays? Can you really call that "charity"?

He tithes his 10% - which he is at liberty to do... you do struggle with the concept of liberty quite often I have noticed.

He also has a family Foundation - through which he donates serious bucks across a wide range of non-faith based charities... all this is freely available for anyone who wants to inform themselves... ohhhhhh, yea.... I see where I went wrong... I thought you would want to be informed.... but you prefer ignorant bullshit.
Romney's charitable contribution going to the support of "discrimination". Only right wingers could possibly call that "charity". And they get so mad when you point that out.

Let's put it this way. Where did the church get the money it used to slander the gays? Oops.

Stop lying, dweeby. It does not help you.
Romney's charitable contribution going to the support of "discrimination". Only right wingers could possibly call that "charity". And they get so mad when you point that out.

Let's put it this way. Where did the church get the money it used to slander the gays? Oops.

You're just pissed because Mitt Romney is a success while you're just a turd wrangling Janitor. Stop hatin and get a life.
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Romney's charitable contribution going to the support of "discrimination". Only right wingers could possibly call that "charity". And they get so mad when you point that out.

Let's put it this way. Where did the church get the money it used to slander the gays? Oops.

You're just pissed because Mitt Romney is a success while you're just a turd wrangling Janitor. Stop hatin and get a life.

So Mormons didn't spend millions to discriminate against the gays?
Romney's charitable contribution going to the support of "discrimination". Only right wingers could possibly call that "charity". And they get so mad when you point that out.

Let's put it this way. Where did the church get the money it used to slander the gays? Oops.

You're just pissed because Mitt Romney is a success while you're just a turd wrangling Janitor. Stop hatin and get a life.

So Mormons didn't spend millions to discriminate against the gays?

Nope. Money spent to defend marriage doesn't discriminate against anyone.
I'm really struggling to work out what all the fuss is about over this one. It seems to me to be much ado about nothing. Breaking news: Mitt Romney is very rich. He also gave millions and millions of dollars to charity and to the taxman.

In the early hours of this morning, some 550 pages of Mitt Romney's tax returns and a 2011 tax summary were released by his campaign. Just after dawn, there was a long campaign conference call for bleary-eyed reporters in which an accountant (who sounded exactly like you'd imagine Mitt Romney's accountant would sound) went into details of Mitt millions in mind-numbing detail.

There was an air of grumpy efficency about the call, which was led by Ben Ginsberg, who was George W. Bush's lawyer during the Florida election recount in 2000. At one point Ginsberg noted that 26 people from Chicago were listening into the proceedings, a reference to the Obama campaign headquarters.

So what were the headlines? He raked in about $42 million in 2010 and 2011. His effective tax rate was just below 14 percent, lower than that for many American taxpayers. He paid $6.2 million to the taxman and donated a staggering $7 million to charity, including $4.1 million to the Mormon church.

OK, so Mormons are supposed to tithe 10 percent of their income. But it's to Romney's immense credit that he promised to do this in his youth and followed through with that - to the tune of scores of millions (maybe hundreds of millions) of dollars throughout his life.

In fact, in those two years, he paid 16 percent of his income to charity, compared to, er, 2.6 percent by Newt Gingrich.

And what about President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the run-up to their 2008 campaign?

USA Today broke it down here. In 2007, the Obamas gave more than $240,000 to charity, about 5.7 percent of their income. The Bidens gave an average of $369 to charity a year for the decade before he moved to the Naval Observatory - about 0.3 percent of their income. Back in 1997, then veep Al Gore and his then wife Tipper gave $353.

Since becoming veep, Biden hasn't become much more generous. In 2010, he gave $5,350, about 1.4 percent of income. That same year, Romney gave some $3 million. The national average is about three percent.

As far as we know, Romney scrupulously adhered to all US tax laws. No one has accused him of tax evasion.

Read More:
Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369. - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog

He also gave millions and millions of dollars to charity

That wasn't "charity". It was what his cult demanded he give them. Calling it charity is obscene.

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