Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

Two reasons.

#1) It's enough for God, and God has more overhead and is more important then government.

#2) It's the rate that the most powerful nations in history taxed during their rise to power. Then they all got greedy and with the sky the limit greed of government continued to raise their taxes until the population started spending more time avoiding taxes then earning money and they began their decline. Sound familiar? Obama says this is the new reality, our decline. And he's doing everything he can to bring it about.

If your question is serious, here's a great read for you:

For good and evil: the impact of taxes on the course of civilization - Charles Adams - Google Books

I have a hard time believing a mythical guy in the sky knows the most effective tax rate to best manage a bloated entitlement program and an overreaching military. Sorry.

Thanks for the read though.

So you focus on one tongue in cheek minor point and ignore the real argument. Typical left. I knew you'd do that, which is why I did it, for my own amusement. The he has more "overhead" didn't clue you in that the part you were responding to was in jest? Seriously?

Calm down hoss. I didn't ignore anything. I said thanks for the read. I don't know enough to comment on the 2nd point and since you provided something to read, I will have to do that before making a comment. Call me crazy.

Typical right to go off the handle when you're obviously looking to have a fight. Well done.
I have a hard time believing a mythical guy in the sky knows the most effective tax rate to best manage a bloated entitlement program and an overreaching military. Sorry.

Thanks for the read though.

So you focus on one tongue in cheek minor point and ignore the real argument. Typical left. I knew you'd do that, which is why I did it, for my own amusement. The he has more "overhead" didn't clue you in that the part you were responding to was in jest? Seriously?

Calm down hoss. I didn't ignore anything. I said thanks for the read. I don't know enough to comment on the 2nd point and since you provided something to read, I will have to do that before making a comment. Call me crazy.

Typical right to go off the handle when you're obviously looking to have a fight. Well done.

I didn't mean to get you so upset. Chill, we're good...
So you focus on one tongue in cheek minor point and ignore the real argument. Typical left. I knew you'd do that, which is why I did it, for my own amusement. The he has more "overhead" didn't clue you in that the part you were responding to was in jest? Seriously?

Calm down hoss. I didn't ignore anything. I said thanks for the read. I don't know enough to comment on the 2nd point and since you provided something to read, I will have to do that before making a comment. Call me crazy.

Typical right to go off the handle when you're obviously looking to have a fight. Well done.

I didn't mean to get you so upset. Chill, we're good...

Who's upset?

Apology accepted.
Calm down hoss. I didn't ignore anything. I said thanks for the read. I don't know enough to comment on the 2nd point and since you provided something to read, I will have to do that before making a comment. Call me crazy.

Typical right to go off the handle when you're obviously looking to have a fight. Well done.

I didn't mean to get you so upset. Chill, we're good...

Who's upset?

Apology accepted.

Apology? I was just telling you I hadn't intended to make you so upset. Don't worry about it, we're good.
Could the contrast be any greater between the guy who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas and only pays taxes at a 13% rate, and our president who wants the wealthy to pay taxes at a higher rate.

Romney is the poster child for welfare for the wealthy.

Why should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than those of us who do work?
Could the contrast be any greater between the guy who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas and only pays taxes at a 13% rate, and our president who wants the wealthy to pay taxes at a higher rate.

No, it couldn't. Romney advocates private charity and gives them more then government confiscates. Obama advocates government and gives them nothing other then what they confiscate. Obama's a hypocrite and Romney's not. You're right, that's very different.
Stop and look at the political reality:

Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama:

Romney is going to be running on a tax plan that gives himself a massive tax cut, with little or no tax cut for low income Americans, and in some cases tax hikes for low income Americans.

Barack Obama is going to be running on raising taxes on himself, while keeping lower income American's taxes low.

Now, seriously, how do you really think that will play with the average America swing voter out there? ...the ones who decide the election???

Mitt Romney: Keep bush's tax rates keeping the taxes on the rich 1% lower than they would be otherwise and keeping the taxes on those of us with 5 figure incomes 3% lower than they would be otherwise

Barack Obama: Do away with the bush tax rates raising the rich 1% and people like me who make 5 figures 3%

I'm just not seeing it when I look at the facts of the bush tax cuts instead of the political spin about them.

Bad for obama:

Also, price of gas when obama took office was under $2.00, its over $3.00.
My food and cloathing is 25% more expensive now than it was when obama came to power
There are fewer TOTAL JOBS in the united states today, while more TOTAL CITIZENS, then the day obama took office
Obama has surpassed Bush for adding to the national debt
Obama has NOT pushed the congress to send him an actual budget
Obama wants drastic military cuts at a time of international unease
Obama passed Obamacare and the stimulus

Good For obama:
Obama got Osama Bin Laden
Obama has been tough on going after terrorist leadership
Obama stuck to bush's timeline and ended our combat role in iraq totally

There are more for bad and good but those are the tops.

Bad for obama:

Also, price of gas when obama took office was under $2.00, its over $3.00.

It was under $2.00 for about a month, due to the economic collapse. Falling from a high of $4.39 just 6 months before.

My food and cloathing is 25% more expensive now than it was when obama came to power

See the previous point. When people have no money to spend, the price of goods goes down.

By these standards, and in an almost exactly similar situation, Reagan was an utter failure at this point in this presidency.

You're blaming Obama because Congress can't get its shit together? Wow.

Congress needs to PASS a budget in order for Obama to sign it.

The military has been drastically expanded, we're no longer in 2 wars that we were in previously, and we have a massive deficit. It would be moronic to NOT cut the military.

Are you for shrinking the government, or not?

I'll just move that over to the positive column. Thank you very much.

Facts which most Republicans deny anyway.

Obama stuck to bush's timeline and ended our combat role in iraq totally

A timeline that Bush proved time and time again he would never have stuck to. So let's call it what it is: Obama's timeline.

There are more for bad and good but those are the tops.

Which actually leaves us with this list:

Bad for Obama:

Gas prices have remained about the same average price they were during the Bush administration.

Food and Clothing are at about the same level of cost as they were during the Bush administration, adjusted for inflation.

His record on jobs so far has only been about as good as Reagan's record on jobs.

Good for Obama:

He wants to cut spending and government jobs, including the military, at a time when the two wars America was involved in are finally winding down.

He passed sweeping health care reform that provides care for needy Americans.

He passed a large scale stimulus, that seems to have provided the desired effect to the economy, even though companies have not been hiring as much as people would have liked as a result. After all Wall Street has gone up 6000 points and GDP has significantly increased since he took office.

Obama got Osama Bin Laden

Obama has been tough on going after terrorist leadership, killing most of what was left of the Al Qaida leadership.

Ended the Iraq war.

Looks pretty good actually.

look at the gas prices over time, they are still more than $1.00 higer for obama's term, on average, than for ANY previous president including bushtard

Food and cloathing is still going up and still costs more, part of this is a direct result of the increase in gas but most of it is due to even higher borrowing and printing of money under obama than what the govt did under bush. Obama's economic policies have led to a much higher than normal rate of inflation.

As far as the jobs comment where you say "under these standards reagan was a failure at this point too" are right he was...the difference is he didn't push unmet unemployment numbers or overreaching economic claims during his first term. And also how does pointing out that reagan did poor make obama's fail any better?

Yes I'm blaming Obama for the congress not passing a budget. When the dems had both the house and the senate he never showed leadership on getting a budget done.
When the rep congress sends budgets to the dem house and the dems just kill themwithout obama speaking out for a budget, again, i blame him for not showing leadership and pushing his dem allies to move forward.

For you its a positive for me, the types of cuts they are talking about, are negatives. I am about shrinking the parts of the govt they aren't constitutionally empowered to be involved in. The defense of the country is one thing the federal govt shouldn't shrink because its actually part of its constitutional duties. Entitlements (no medicare and social security are not entitlements, we PAY into them) and foreign aid on the other hand are not in the constitution and should be drastically cut until we have the money to be generous in those areas again.

No lets not call it obama's timeline. Obama used Bush's surge and drawdown plans in Iraq. He even kept up with bush's agreement with the Iraqi govt to draw down troops by november 2011. Its the historical record, look up Bush/Malakai withdrawl agreement.

Obama overstepped the constitutional limits on the federal govt's authority with Obamacare. The federal govt does not have the right to tell me to purchase a product from a private company or else force punishment from the federal govt in the form of fines.

If the stimulus worked we would have more net jobs today than we did the day obama took office but we don't. According to obama's own analysts if the stimulus was successfull unemployment would not have exceeded 8%. The stimulus did not save us and, in fact, within the next 10 years the debt from it stands to help destroy us.
Could the contrast be any greater between the guy who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas and only pays taxes at a 13% rate, and our president who wants the wealthy to pay taxes at a higher rate.

Romney is the poster child for welfare for the wealthy.

Why should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than those of us who do work?

Obama and romney pay the same tax rate on their capital gains, 15%.

Obama is a multi-millionair and makes millions each year just like ronmey.

The rich don't pay taxes at a lower rate at all. Romney, Obama, Me with 5 figures, and everyone in-between pay the same exact cap gains rate.
Could the contrast be any greater between the guy who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas and only pays taxes at a 13% rate, and our president who wants the wealthy to pay taxes at a higher rate.

Romney is the poster child for welfare for the wealthy.

Why should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than those of us who do work?

Obama and romney pay the same tax rate on their capital gains, 15%.

Obama is a multi-millionair and makes millions each year just like ronmey.

The rich don't pay taxes at a lower rate at all. Romney, Obama, Me with 5 figures, and everyone in-between pay the same exact cap gains rate.

I don't understand your point. Why do you keep repeating this?
Could the contrast be any greater between the guy who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas and only pays taxes at a 13% rate, and our president who wants the wealthy to pay taxes at a higher rate.

Romney is the poster child for welfare for the wealthy.

Why should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than those of us who do work?

Obama and romney pay the same tax rate on their capital gains, 15%.

Obama is a multi-millionair and makes millions each year just like ronmey.

The rich don't pay taxes at a lower rate at all. Romney, Obama, Me with 5 figures, and everyone in-between pay the same exact cap gains rate.

I don't understand your point. Why do you keep repeating this?

Because people keep pointing to what romney pays on his cap gains and saying he pays less than other people.
Romney was robbed of 35% of what was coming to him before he ever saw it. Or more like 40%.

Then they taxed the rest it got taxed twice.

Throw any personal income tax on there and he is likely paying 50 to 60% overall.

Warren Buffet can suck on that.
Romney was robbed of 35% of what was coming to him before he ever saw it. Or more like 40%.

Then they taxed the rest it got taxed twice.

Throw any personal income tax on there and he is likely paying 50 to 60% overall.

Warren Buffet can suck on that.

it didn't get taxed 2 times.


He earns 1,000,000. Gets taxed at 35% and is left with 650,000

He then invests the 650,000 and makes 350,000 on it...he only pays taxes, at 15%, on the 350,000.

People have that wrong too...the "double taxed" thing just isn't, just like the "romney pays less than everyone else" just isn't.
Romney was robbed of 35% of what was coming to him before he ever saw it. Or more like 40%.

Then they taxed the rest it got taxed twice.

Throw any personal income tax on there and he is likely paying 50 to 60% overall.

Warren Buffet can suck on that.

it didn't get taxed 2 times.


He earns 1,000,000. Gets taxed at 35% and is left with 650,000

He then invests the 650,000 and makes 350,000 on it...he only pays taxes, at 15%, on the 350,000.

People have that wrong too...the "double taxed" thing just isn't, just like the "romney pays less than everyone else" just isn't.

No he puts some money into a company. Say he owns 50%. The company makes 2,000,000 pre-tax. So he is going to get 1,000,000. Now the company gets hit with 35% taxes. So he only gets 650,000 which he has to call capital gains. So he pays another 15% of the 650 K. And if he invests the rest in the "stock market", his stock growth will only cost him 15%, but if he is getting dividends on which he will pay 15%, those dividents are 35% less than what they were pre-tax.

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