Mixed couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
If I don't like the races mixing, am I racist or a product of my environment and upbringing?

While some people are going to react against statements like that, I think that is actually very honest and normal reaction.
I do not dislike races mixing any more, but it did cause me shock at first, when I was young.
That is because we do have an instinct to try to look for attributes of our parents, in our selection of spouses.
That is natural.
But once one understands how superficial that is, and that all humans are the same species, then it really does not matter.
So it is a combination of instinct and experiences, but knowledge can over come both.
I have no doubt that views will change even more and that as my generation dies out, the old views will disappear.
Nope. I am only 35 so still young I ain't dying anytime soon and all 4 soon to be 5 of my kids are being raised to be proud white people.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!
Not-racist trumpanzee.
Lol not a trump fan but whatever floats your boat leftist.
Imagine being a Christian and saying "God made you lesser because your skin is XYZ and your race is ABC"

Imagine being a Christian and ignoring biology, culture, history and economics.

So you don't actually believe we are made in the image of God then. You believe secularism over God.

Its a forgone scientific conclusion that the first homo sapiens was a Black person. Light skin is simply a relatively recent mutation. Dont you read?
Homo something, I'll agree, but modern Man, as God defined Man, was created on the banks of the Euphrates.

It's not my problem that those other humanoid creatures never developed beyond the stone

Thats correct....and that man and woman were Black. This is where science and the bible agree convincingly.

You people in europe were the only ones described as savages by the other ancient civilizations.

Two racists arguing about bodies bound for the grave.
[Imagine being a Christian and saying "God made you lesser because your skin is XYZ and your race is ABC"


what i said “you are 22 times less likely to suffer melanoma because God made your skin XYZ?” Would that be acceptable for a Christian to say?

Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
If I don't like the races mixing, am I racist or a product of my environment and upbringing?

While some people are going to react against statements like that, I think that is actually very honest and normal reaction.
I do not dislike races mixing any more, but it did cause me shock at first, when I was young.
That is because we do have an instinct to try to look for attributes of our parents, in our selection of spouses.
That is natural.
But once one understands how superficial that is, and that all humans are the same species, then it really does not matter.
So it is a combination of instinct and experiences, but knowledge can over come both.
I have no doubt that views will change even more and that as my generation dies out, the old views will disappear.
Nope. I am only 35 so still young I ain't dying anytime soon and all 4 soon to be 5 of my kids are being raised to be proud white people.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!
Not-racist trumpanzee.
Lol not a trump fan but whatever floats your boat leftist.

there is a reason internal Democrat documents tout the defeat and death of white Christian Americans as their greatest opportunity.
what i said “you are 22 times less likely to suffer melanoma because God made your skin XYZ?” Would that be acceptable for a Christian to say?

Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
what i said “you are 22 times less likely to suffer melanoma because God made your skin XYZ?” Would that be acceptable for a Christian to say?

Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?

Truth is always acceptable to God.
Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?

Truth is always acceptable to God.

Not the heinous truth you're spouting, believe it. You're soon going to spout statistics about IQ and testosterone. Do that, but don't bring God into it. God doesn't judge us by IQ or testosterone. Again, if you're going to do that, revoke immediately your Christian card. You haven't a leg to stand on.

Might I also say that whites are screwing up monumentally lately and haven't all that much to brag on either, not that I give one rat's patootie about all this racial garbage.
Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?

Truth is always acceptable to God.

DOTR with his big fat mouth trying to tell God that certain of His creatures are lesser the way He made them, because this characteristics or those characteristics.

Ultimate Pride. You can't talk to it, you can just shake you head and warn
Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
Oh, so now we're gonna go down these happy trails where dark skinned people are just "genetically inferior"

Gosh. "Genetically inferior". I can't think of a SINGLE racist regime where that was invoked. Can you?

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?

Truth is always acceptable to God.

Look at what God said to Job when He took to much liberty--Job! His beloved!

Brace yourself like a man!

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:

'Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
And you will answer me.

Would you discredit My justice?
Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
Do you have an arm like God's,
And can your voice thunder like his?
Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor
and clothe yourself in honor and majesty.
Unleash the fury of your wrath
Look at all who are proud and bring them low,
Look at all who are proud and humble them,
Crush the wicked where they stand."

--Job 40:6-12

Look at what God said to Job when He took to much liberty--Job! His beloved!

Brace yourself like a man!

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:

--Job 40:6-12

This would be the same God who let Satan kill Job's Ten Children on essentially a cosmic bar bet.

Look at what God said to Job when He took to much liberty--Job! His beloved!

Brace yourself like a man!

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:

--Job 40:6-12

This would be the same God who let Satan kill Job's Ten Children on essentially a cosmic bar bet.

That is absolutely right. God creates the life, God has absolute right to take the life whenever and however He pleases.

Look at what God said to Job when He took to much liberty--Job! His beloved!

Brace yourself like a man!

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:

--Job 40:6-12

This would be the same God who let Satan kill Job's Ten Children on essentially a cosmic bar bet.

Incidentally Joe, given all the guff I'm giving here to racist "Christians", I don't ever expect you to say I'm racist again or you'll just be proving again that you're an agitating liar.
That is absolutely right. God creates the life, God has absolute right to take the life whenever and however He pleases.


The sad thing is, you believe this.

Okay, let's look at the context. The whole initiation of the story was that God and Satan were hanging around Heaven (yes, Old Testament Satan hangs around Heaven, for some reason) with the "sons of God" (you mean he has more than one) and Satan bets God that he can get Job to renounce God.

Now, what was the point? Job doesn't renounce God, but he does legitimately ask why he is suffering for no good reason despite being a good person.

Was it to teach Satan a lesson? Because Satan doesn't seem to have learned anything from the whole thing, he kept on being evil.

So God let Satan make Job miserable to prove a point that Satan clearly didn't get...

Um. Yeah. Makes sense to me.
Incidentally Joe, given all the guff I'm giving here to racist "Christians", I don't ever expect you to say I'm racist again or you'll just be proving again that you're an agitating liar.

Naw, I don't give you any credit just because you are embarrassed by the Christians who don't use code words to express their racism.

You support Trump and all his racist policies... Done.
That is absolutely right. God creates the life, God has absolute right to take the life whenever and however He pleases.


The sad thing is, you believe this.

Okay, let's look at the context. The whole initiation of the story was that God and Satan were hanging around Heaven (yes, Old Testament Satan hangs around Heaven, for some reason) with the "sons of God" (you mean he has more than one) and Satan bets God that he can get Job to renounce God.

Now, what was the point? Job doesn't renounce God, but he does legitimately ask why he is suffering for no good reason despite being a good person.

Was it to teach Satan a lesson? Because Satan doesn't seem to have learned anything from the whole thing, he kept on being evil.

So God let Satan make Job miserable to prove a point that Satan clearly didn't get...

Um. Yeah. Makes sense to me.

You didn't address my point.

God, as Creator, has absolute power to create and take life at any time, in any manner He chooses.

If I were you and didn't even believe in Him, honestly, I would not spill even one post in the ink you spilled above. You have, at best, maybe 90 spins around the sun and you're spilling ink being angry at a God you don't even believe in. A total waste of time.

But as the kids say, "you do you"
Incidentally Joe, given all the guff I'm giving here to racist "Christians", I don't ever expect you to say I'm racist again or you'll just be proving again that you're an agitating liar.

Naw, I don't give you any credit just because you are embarrassed by the Christians who don't use code words to express their racism.

You support Trump and all his racist policies... Done.

You're a lazy thinker Joe. Are you really that stupid or are you incapable of thinking outside the boxes they put you in?

I have zero respect for people who let other adults think for them. I will admit that openly. I find it incredibly frustrating.
Incidentally Joe, given all the guff I'm giving here to racist "Christians", I don't ever expect you to say I'm racist again or you'll just be proving again that you're an agitating liar.

Naw, I don't give you any credit just because you are embarrassed by the Christians who don't use code words to express their racism.

You support Trump and all his racist policies... Done.

Also you spew racist slurs so....even more done

Easy, lazy thinking
You didn't address my point.

God, as Creator, has absolute power to create and take life at any time, in any manner He chooses.

If I were you and didn't even believe in Him, honestly, I would not spill even one post in the ink you spilled above. You have, at best, maybe 90 spins around the sun and you're spilling ink being angry at a God you don't even believe in. A total waste of time.

No, I'm not angry about your God.

I am angry about the fucking mess you nutbags made of this country because you think Jesus hates gays and Mexicans, just like you do, and you keep electing assholes who tell you that.

but you really did avoid the question. How is the God of the Book of Job "Good". He basically fucks with a decent guy and his family... because he can.

I mean, I can be a prick.. I admit that. but I don't fuck with anyone without a damned good reason. If I have to take action, it's usually a last resort.

You're a lazy thinker Joe. Are you really that stupid or are you incapable of thinking outside the boxes they put you in?

I have zero respect for people who let other adults think for them. I will admit that openly. I find it incredibly frustrating.

You go to a place every day where they tell you that an imaginary sky pixie can kill you at any time because he has that right... and you whine about other people doing telling me what to think.

Also you spew racist slurs so....even more done

No, I just make fun of self-loathing minorities... who think that if they suck up to white people enough, we'll like them better.
Given that Jesus wasn't white, I'll take your scriptural "knowledge" with a grain of salt.

Where did you get the idea that God isn't white?
The bible for starters. Man was created in gods image. Since man was made from brown earth that effectively rules out god being white.

If you look at the painting on the Sistine Chapel of the Last Judgment, God is clearly a Honky.
I agree the Sistine Chapel shows a honky. However, the artist was a honky who was told god was white so that doesnt count.
Thats correct....and that man and woman were Black. This is where science and the bible agree convincingly.

You people in europe were the only ones described as savages by the other ancient civilizations.
And yet you're using our cars, concrete, television, phones, computers, electricity and foodstamps!
And yet god turned people white as a punishment. Kinda weird if god is white right? :laugh:
I dont know any WHITE people. I only know the most attractive humans are beige color
I didnt ask you what you know. I asked why did god turn people white as punishment? You can at least give a good guess instead of trying to change the subject.
Give me the scripture please, or STFU

Sure thing. I will give you the scripture. I bet you wont like this.

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 12:10 - New International Version

When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam’s skin was leprous—it became as white as snow.

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