Mizzou still hasn't taken action against prof who was filmed breaking the law...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
What is with our universities rewarding criminals?

"Click is prima facie guilty of, at the very least, third-degree assault, which is defined under Missouri law as “placing someone in fear of immediate physical injury”—which is what she did with her call for “muscle” to eject the undergraduate from an open public space on campus—as well as “knowingly causing physical contact with another person knowing it will be considered offensive by the other person,” which she plainly does in the video, swatting at his face. That is an offense that comes with a modest jail sentence under Missouri law, and Professor Click should do every day of it. Worse, she committed her crime in furtherance of another illegal act—obstructing access to a public space. The University of Missouri quad would be a public space under any ordinary circumstance, but in this case a state statute specifically guaranteeing access to the space makes that unequivocal. As a professional matter, Professor Click is in violation of specific policies of the University of Missouri regarding violence on campus and standards of professional conduct. She should be terminated as a matter of course."

But so far, the university has taken no action against. her.
University of Missouri -- Protests Make Cowards Out of Leaders | National Review Online
Click has been informed, as you well know, that her appointment will not be renewed after next month.
On a similar note, Cliven Bundy hasn't been punished for his crap either.

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