Mnuchin must have taken an oath to Trump....and NOT the Constitution....

It is not quite as black and white as you portray it to be. Vox, a halfway sane liberal site, actually does a good job of explaining the issues and law concerning the Congressional requests for Trump's tax returns:

Can Congress force Trump to hand over his tax returns? We asked 11 legal experts.

The democrat leaning experts found that it is legal to force turning over the tax returns conveniently ignoring the language the prescribes "for a legislative purpose". The thinking experts found that the lack of legislative purpose would prohibit just turning the tax returns over.

The law prohibits releasing private citizen tax returns for the purpose of a witch hunt.
Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter to the IRS formally requesting Trump’s federal income tax returns going back to 2013. The request also demands the returns for eight other entities linked to Trump.

In the letter, Neal claims that Congress “has a duty to conduct oversight of departments and officials,” and in this case, that duty involves evaluating the IRS policy to audit all presidents’ tax returns.

Can Congress force Trump to hand over his tax returns? We asked 11 legal experts.
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
Anyone rump nominates for a position must swear loyalty to him first before even being nominated.

You don't think every President does that?
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.

Ask Nixon if his tapes were an intrusion into of his "privacy".................LOL
No legitimate legislative purpose for the request. And there's that pesky Fourth Amendment, as well.

Stick with the LAW.............stomp your feet all you want.

The existing law states" .....that the secretary of the Treasury (or his delegate) “shall furnish” the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee with any tax return or return information requested in writing...."

NOTE: The statute itself does not say that a justification for the request is necessary.

Can Congress force Trump to hand over his tax returns? We asked 11 legal experts.
I told you Gnat is a Constitutional genius!
C’mon guys!
We have to give Gnat kudos for turning to one of the most well know news outlets in existence.
Who the hell doesn’t peruse Vox on a daily basis?!
You don't think every President does that?

Of course, every president tries to surround himself with acolytes......HOWEVER, some of these folks still have a conscience (like Nixon's Leon Jaworski) ......Trump surrounds himself with ass kissers....and crooks

(how many of Trump's cronies are going to prison???...........You should NOT compare Trump to any other president....he is uniquely a scum bucket.)
We have to give Gnat kudos for turning to one of the most well know news outlets in existence.
Who the hell doesn’t peruse Vox on a daily basis?!

Vox CITED 11 top-notch legal experts........Somehow, they skipped over Sean Hannity.......a real oversight.....LOL
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
If that property may hold probable cause which might disclose evidence of a crime, there is no bar to a warrant or some other legal means (like a fucking statute) to obtain that evidence and that would also apply to POTUS. Ya might want to look over Amendment IV!
We have to give Gnat kudos for turning to one of the most well know news outlets in existence.
Who the hell doesn’t peruse Vox on a daily basis?!

Vox CITED 11 top-notch legal experts........Somehow, they skipped over Sean Hannity.......a real oversight.....LOL
To be honest, the only thing Hannity ever did that took balls was backing Trump from day one.
Steve Hilton and Tucker Carlson rock.
But when it comes to the Constitution, you’re the man.
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
If that property may hold probable cause which might disclose evidence of a crime, there is no bar to a warrant or some other legal means (like a fucking statute) to obtain that evidence and that would also apply to POTUS. Ya might want to look over Amendment IV!
But that wouldn't include a fishing expedition.
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.

EXACTLY what Al Capone's lawyers argued in the
A crime had occurred. No crime is alleged to have occurred with Trump. They want to examine the taxes to see if they can fabricate a crime.

I'm getting a kick out of liberals who don't trust that Obama's IRS organization was up to the task of auditing Trump's returns.
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
Good thing someone has sense, unlike the crybaby loser demoncraps.
Fun days ahead for the orange buffoon........Justice will prevail........Elections have consequences...both the good and the bad.
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
If that property may hold probable cause which might disclose evidence of a crime, there is no bar to a warrant or some other legal means (like a fucking statute) to obtain that evidence and that would also apply to POTUS. Ya might want to look over Amendment IV!
But that wouldn't include a fishing expedition.
But that wouldn't include a fishing expedition.
Your classes from Cracker Jack U didn't cover explanations and definitions of probable cause, the Constitution, the US Code & the Code of Federal Regulations when you found their JD degree for you at the bottom of the box they sent ya Hotshot? How about some case law citations? A shame I tell ya...for that $0.25 you paid for the caramel popcorn and peanuts ya had to dig through to get to that Sheepskin!

You be the fool sitting on the bank fishin' for dodges and deflections after making a bullshit claim that the right to privacy as outlined in Amendment IV is inviolate! Let me remind YOU what the fuck you claimed:
No Law allows for an individuals rights of privacy to be put aside.
Fun days ahead for the orange buffoon........Justice will prevail........Elections have consequences...both the good and the bad.
It's MUELLER time! Just you wait. When that report comes out Trump and his whole family will be perp walked right out of the white house. Just as soon as that report comes out.

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