Mnuchin must have taken an oath to Trump....and NOT the Constitution....

Hey I want to let democrats know I think trump is flushing messages down the toliet in his turds and may have made a 3 cent error on his 1970 income tax returns.

Hurry before you become so butt hurt you cant walk
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....

You know I bet the newly elected Dems to the House, especially in the conservative districts like mine, just LOVE watching you complete morons run this crapfest to the ground. The dem in my district is the first dem to be elected in I don't know how long, and she's not alone. I can all but guarantee she will be the last after this. In the very few months since she has been there, she has seen the Dems bark about:

1. Impeachment
2. "collusion"
3. tax returns

And virtually NOTHING else. She will not be re-elected and she must know it. And it must sicken her--it's like her worst nightmare come true. Of course I feel little pity for her really--she was carpetbagged in and she can carpetbag right out of here.

Good luck with all the other seats you're going to lose in your madness.
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....

You know I bet the newly elected Dems to the House, especially in the conservative districts like mine, just LOVE watching you complete morons run this crapfest to the ground. The dem in my district is the first dem to be elected in I don't know how long, and she's not alone. I can all but guarantee she will be the last after this. In the very few months since she has been there, she has seen the Dems bark about:

1. Impeachment
2. "collusion"
3. tax returns

And virtually NOTHING else. She will not be re-elected and she must know it. And it must sicken her--it's like her worst nightmare come true. Of course I feel little pity for her really--she was carpetbagged in and she can carpetbag right out of here.

Good luck with all the other seats you're going to lose in your madness.
Had they actually worked to create beneficial legislation it would be differnt
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....

You know I bet the newly elected Dems to the House, especially in the conservative districts like mine, just LOVE watching you complete morons run this crapfest to the ground. The dem in my district is the first dem to be elected in I don't know how long, and she's not alone. I can all but guarantee she will be the last after this. In the very few months since she has been there, she has seen the Dems bark about:

1. Impeachment
2. "collusion"
3. tax returns

And virtually NOTHING else. She will not be re-elected and she must know it. And it must sicken her--it's like her worst nightmare come true. Of course I feel little pity for her really--she was carpetbagged in and she can carpetbag right out of here.

Good luck with all the other seats you're going to lose in your madness.
Had they actually worked to create beneficial legislation it would be differnt

I think Pelosi has not much control, either. The people are nuts and want what they want--and they want More Resistance. So the "moderate" Dems are up a creek.
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....

You know I bet the newly elected Dems to the House, especially in the conservative districts like mine, just LOVE watching you complete morons run this crapfest to the ground. The dem in my district is the first dem to be elected in I don't know how long, and she's not alone. I can all but guarantee she will be the last after this. In the very few months since she has been there, she has seen the Dems bark about:

1. Impeachment
2. "collusion"
3. tax returns

And virtually NOTHING else. She will not be re-elected and she must know it. And it must sicken her--it's like her worst nightmare come true. Of course I feel little pity for her really--she was carpetbagged in and she can carpetbag right out of here.

Good luck with all the other seats you're going to lose in your madness.
Had they actually worked to create beneficial legislation it would be differnt

I think Pelosi has not much control, either. The people are nuts and want what they want--and they want More Resistance. So the "moderate" Dems are up a creek.
I think polisi will hunt for and promote democrats to replace omar cortez talib and others in a attempt to regain power .
Fun days ahead for the orange buffoon........Justice will prevail........Elections have consequences...both the good and the bad.
Fun watching the demoncraps crash and burn now that they are exposed as the lying pieces of crap they are.
The IRS has refused the request made by the Dem lead House Ways and Means committee.

They won't be sending Trump's tax returns anywhere.

Sucks to be the Dems. Guess they will have to find some other way to be assholes.
t's MUELLER time! Just you wait. When that report comes out Trump and his whole family will be perp walked right out of the white house. Just as soon as that report comes out.

I actually WANT for Trump to finish out his sorry one-term......He hasn't yet FULLY screwed over the GOP........
Paraphrasing Napoleon, "when your enemy is busy commiting suicide, do NOT interrupt......"
Mnuchin must have taken an oath to Trump....and NOT the Constitution....

WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE so long as they team up together to put the bone to the Democrats?

That is after all, what Dems were put on this good Earth for! To be PORKED.

View attachment 255205
"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime."
I can all but guarantee she will be the last after this. In the very few months since she has been there, she has seen the Dems bark about:

1. Impeachment
2. "collusion"
3. tax returns

Would you......rather talk about

1. Repeal and Replace with a hetter HC system from day one?
2. A beautiful wall fully paid by Mexico?
3. Declaring China a currency manipulator and shipping all those Chinese manufacturing back to Michigan?

When corruption is so fucking OBVIOUS, any decent American should deride d NOT just fall back to "well, your side did it too.)
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
Probably signed the same loyalty agreement Barr did.
EXACTLY what Al Capone's lawyers argued in the
A crime had occurred. No crime is alleged to have occurred with Trump. They want to examine the taxes to see if they can fabricate a crime.[/QUOTE]

They fabricated evidence to get a warranty to spy on Trump during the campaign. Then used that fabricated evidence to justify a 2 year investigation to undo the election. That failed so now they want to go fishing for something, anything in his tax returns. Can you imagine how the rest of the world views this corrupt fiasco?
I can all but guarantee she will be the last after this. In the very few months since she has been there, she has seen the Dems bark about:

1. Impeachment
2. "collusion"
3. tax returns

Would you......rather talk about

1. Repeal and Replace with a hetter HC system from day one?
2. A beautiful wall fully paid by Mexico?
3. Declaring China a currency manipulator and shipping all those Chinese manufacturing back to Michigan?

When corruption is so fucking OBVIOUS, any decent American should deride d NOT just fall back to "well, your side did it too.)
His own side full of establishment people did noot work with him and forget your side. And you got the house and you are the same as you were when you did not have it. Those committee people no matter what their background is more concerned about indicting people over legislation. It is like Birth of a Nation!
Mnuchin must have taken an oath to Trump....and NOT the Constitution....

WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE so long as they team up together to put the bone to the Democrats?

That is after all, what Dems were put on this good Earth for! To be PORKED.

View attachment 255205
"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime."

DEMOCRATS: (noun): that crazy bunch of people who get really irked when Trump or any republican doesn't jump to provide them with whatever they demand for any specious reason, that is, except when they themselves are under investigation for a hundred things, and perpetually dragging out, delaying and obfuscating for months and years until public interest has been fully run under the table.
Last edited:
t's MUELLER time! Just you wait. When that report comes out Trump and his whole family will be perp walked right out of the white house. Just as soon as that report comes out.

I actually WANT for Trump to finish out his sorry one-term......He hasn't yet FULLY screwed over the GOP........
Paraphrasing Napoleon, "when your enemy is busy commiting suicide, do NOT interrupt......"
yep your butt hurt and with one as big as yours that a lot of hurt
As expected, secretary of the treasury, Mnuchin, is STALLING in releasing Trump's tax returns as both ordered by the Ways and Means Committee chair, AND the clear statute that states that Treasury SHALL release them.

This issue is Trump's "line in the sand"......The charlatan does NOT want for his returns to ever be disclosed since he has a LOT to hide in his inheritance from Fred, foreign money laundering, tax dodges, etc.

Of course Trump's excuse is that he was supposedly "under perpetual audit" and that he was elected (well, through the electoral college) and voters did not care about his business dealings..shady as they may be.......

But Trump RAN his entire campaign telling people of his "wonderful" business savvy (regardless of the frequent bankruptcies) ......NOT his tax dodging schemes. and he is dead wrong that people don't care since polls show that almost TWO-THIRDS (64%) of sane REPUBLICANS want his tax returns divulged.
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
Mnuchin is just another STOOGE of Trump (like Barr) and he has a choice to make.....either uphold existing law or be a faithful puppy to Trump.

This may get to the SCOTUS...and that is good, since the speculation may be derogatory fodder for all democrat candidates....AND will also put pressure on the SCOTUS as to whether the highest court in our nation is subjugated to a charlatan....OR to the law..

This should be fun to watch during the upcoming campaign months.....
Have you noticed that EVERYONE who does the slightest thing that could be seen as favorable to President Trump is immediately labeled a "stooge" by you?

If you're going to continue this insanity, at least try to more creative.

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