Mob of Democrats swarm woman at Trump rally, assault her, smash eggs on her; Who is for women?

Why aren't you people blaming Trump for this strife the way you try to blame Obama for racial strife?
Enough of this bullshit that Trump supporters are peace loving pacifists being picked on by protesters. They are known for their agression .
When did conservatives become such wimps? It wasn't always this way. You used to be able to find conservatives who weren't crybabies.

I think they're so hysterical because they understand how badly they're going to lose. They can't talk about issues, because the nation thinks they suck on the issues. Appeals to emotion are all they have left, so we get these constant victimhood tantrums.

As I said, Libs are do 3 things really well: Deny, Lie, and JUSTIFY!
Are matey...
It was Trump calling Mexicans murderers and rapists, Trumpers cold cocking protesters, and Trump rooting them on first. I see thugs coming out on both sides. That's what you get with a bigot/idiot, ugly American candidate. Great job, liars, thieves, and dupes.
You're just admitting that Democrats are nothing more than a gang of thugs. Of course, we all knew that, but now that's all on video the rest of the voters can see it as well.

Keep up the good work, douche bag!
I would have gone if it wasn't so hot...looks like it was violent..

And Guess What , I am a Liberal liking Trump so your title is not accurate.

Remember how the Republicans turned their back on him? I do? So it is not just the lefts causing the problems Tom.


My title is exactly correct....LEFTIST TRASH....there are no small "d" democrats anymore....just chickenshit "progressives" and mehican livestock who'd throw eggs at a trapped woman....fucking scum.
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
He's a moron.


Don't fuck with liberals. We'll send you running back to your ships.
Liberal America is unraveling with the popular revolt which is putting their monolithic and self-righteous morality in free fall.

They had a good run, but stupidity cannot last forever.
Enough of this bullshit that Trump supporters are peace loving pacifists being picked on by protesters. They are known for their agression .


Yeah,'s one of those 'violent' Trump supporters after having been 'addressed' by one of your 'peaceful' Liberals. hate made people hate me.

That's what the Trumpies sound like.

Get this through your heads. Homophobia and xenophobia and bigotry will always eventually encounter some blowback. It's the nature of hate and intolerance. Every action and so fourth.

You sound just like a fucking thug. Leftwing douche bags cry like babies when one of their thugs gets killed assaulting a police officer, and then they cry because Republicans want to deport Mexican Democrat thugs.

You're just admitting that these so-called "protesters" deserve a beating.

Get this through your head, these protesters are all going to be deported. The more violent they get, the more likely it is.
So here we are....
Police are told to let Trump supporters be attacked and they are on their own....
If the Trump supporters fight back they will be arrested and charges will be filed....
The Liberal media and Democrat candidates will blame it all on Trump...
All the "Liberal" media is reporting that Anti-Trump protesters were the attackers. They aren't on the protesters side. Google Trump's rally. You won't see any that let the protesters off the hook.
Will Hillary say anything? That pandering pol? No. Obama should, though. If he can chew our asses about guns, he can chew our asses about these protests.
Why aren't you people blaming Trump for this strife the way you try to blame Obama for racial strife?

That is because Obama commands his people like a king does. When he says riot they riot. If he says open up your bathrooms they do that. It would be nice if we lived in a country that didn't believe in dictatorship because I like freedom but it is what it is and you people are the ones who are slowly destroying it.
The left loves these riots because like everything else they will say SEE! Free speech is a problem! We must declare "hate speech" a criminal act! Then they will slowly add what they consider hate speech to their law. Its alright foks go back in Weimar Germany. New political party (Trumps GOP) takes on Communists (illegal invaders,liberals,anti american scum) the party leader becomes president and makes the country great again :) Ah history has a beautiful way of repeating its self.
Liberals and their anti American buddies wil keep poking the hornets nest until it stings back twice as hard. Gonna be a beautiful sight especially for me who would love a system based on the leadership principle.
Liberals and their anti American buddies wil keep poking the hornets nest until it stings back twice as hard. Gonna be a beautiful sight especially for me who would love a system based on the leadership principle.
What you want is a race war. hate made people hate me.

That's what the Trumpies sound like.

Get this through your heads. Homophobia and xenophobia and bigotry will always eventually encounter some blowback. It's the nature of hate and intolerance. Every action and so fourth.

Ah the liberal race card. Does anyone take this seriously anymore?

After supporting Islam - the religion responsible for throwing gay people off the roofs en masse. Nope, no one. Sad, that it's all you got.

Mentioning homophobia and xenophobia in on sentence should be the definition of irony.
Enough of this bullshit that Trump supporters are peace loving pacifists being picked on by protesters. They are known for their agression .

Do you have evidence that Trump supporters marched into other protestors to start fights with them? Whenever Trump holds a rally liberals magically show up the violence starts. Lets propose the idea that Trump supporters are the ones who are starting the violence. Why would 'liberals' show up to peacefully protest when they know that Trump's people would attack them? Why show up at all if they knew that was going to be the outcome?

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