Mob of Democrats swarm woman at Trump rally, assault her, smash eggs on her; Who is for women?

America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.

They were classical liberals. These people are regressive liberals, the complete polar opposite of the term.
Yes, I know. But liberals hijacked the term, like they did with gays and many other things. I use the word in the modern sense. A classic liberal would be a libertarian today.
Also no.
Liberals have finally fully come out of the closet, exposing their true identity - bitter, hate-filled, violent, intolerant thugs and terrorists who continue to attack and try to silence their opposition:

Protesters Punch, Throw Eggs at Trump Supporters in Calif.
Protesters Punch, Throw Eggs at Trump Supporters in Calif.

Police Officer Assaulted, Punches Thrown After San Jose Trump Rally

Violence erupts at Trump's San Jose rally as protesters fight The Donald's supporters in ugly street brawls leading to several arrests ...
  • Anti-Trump demonstrators attacked his supporters in San Jose, California
  • They were targeted and subjected to violence as they left his rally
  • Police were forced to move into the angry crowd to try and break them up
  • The protest led to six arrests and the assault of one police officer
Protesters punch, throw eggs at Trump supporters in San Jose

San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence
-- Libs & lib Media bashed Trump and demanded he reign in HIS supporters, yet the Libs DEFEND liberal violence

Protesters take to streets after Donald Trump rally in San Jose -

Welcome to Barry's NEW Illegal Immigrant Invasion-Fueled Liberal America - All hail 'Hope & FUNDAMENTAL Change'!

If these POSes (Democrats - Hillary / Bernie) win the election the United States is officially 'done'.
- Will the Last American out please bring the flag?!

American Progressive Fascists taking baby steps
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.
Liberalism is where Liberty comes from, dumbass.

The greatest trick socialist have done is to convince people that socialism is just as democratic as anything else.
We are not a democracy so, why would it matter if they did?
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.

They were classical liberals. These people are regressive liberals, the complete polar opposite of the term.
Yes, I know. But liberals hijacked the term, like they did with gays and many other things. I use the word in the modern sense. A classic liberal would be a libertarian today.
Also no.
You have nothing.
Why aren't you people blaming Trump for this strife the way you try to blame Obama for racial strife?
Simple: Trump didn't do anything to cause it.

Trump's the sole cause of it. He incites riots for political gain.

Speaking the truth incites riots? What have you got against the new sheriff in town enforcing our immigration laws?

I mean hopefully the new Sheriff. Of course the democrat favorite could commit just about any crime and her base would still vote for her.
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.
Liberalism is where Liberty comes from, dumbass.
Wrong. Liberalism demands government intervention....
You're full of shit then.

Government is sometimes the solution and sometimes not.
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
He's a moron.


Don't fuck with liberals. We'll send you running back to your ships.

Liberals were blowing King George for Horse care insurance
My title is exactly correct....LEFTIST TRASH....there are no small "d" democrats anymore....just chickenshit "progressives" and mehican livestock who'd throw eggs at a trapped woman....fucking scum.

Tom you are part of the problem that America has today with the hatred among the people...Instead of fighting try working together and go after what is really tearing us down. The corruption in our government on all sides of the spectrum.

America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.

They were classical liberals. These people are regressive liberals, the complete polar opposite of the term.
Yes, I know. But liberals hijacked the term, like they did with gays and many other things. I use the word in the modern sense. A classic liberal would be a libertarian today.
Also no.
You have nothing.
I have liberalism, the past of the nation and the future of the nation.

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington

What you got? Nothin'.
I would have gone if it wasn't so hot...looks like it was violent..

And Guess What , I am a Liberal liking Trump so your title is not accurate.

Remember how the Republicans turned their back on him? I do? So it is not just the lefts causing the problems Tom.

Do you think some of those are Republicans? I doubt it. They, like the BLM group are being used as a tool. The left is whipping up emotions by being selective and painting Trump as the cause for all their problems. Let's face it, no one with a functioning mind is going to burn the flag and attack a women out of ire for someone they disagree with. They don't even know they are being used.

My husbands best friend is a republican Mexican and hates Trump, yes there are many around here.

Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.
Liberalism is where Liberty comes from, dumbass.
Wrong. Liberalism demands government intervention....
You're full of shit then.

Government is sometimes the solution and sometimes not.

When it comes to liberals though, they seem to think coercion and violence always are.
Tom you are part of the problem that America has today with the hatred among the people...Instead of fighting try working together and go after what is really tearing us down. The corruption in our government on all sides of the spectrum.


That's MR. HORN to you....GFY
Enough of this bullshit that Trump supporters are peace loving pacifists being picked on by protesters. They are known for their agression .
You are truly a stupid little shit if you think liberal violence at Trump rallies is Trump's fault. You're also stupid if you think shit like this is good for the liberal cause. It will only help Trump get elected.
Wrong. Liberalism demands government intervention....
You're full of shit then.

Government is sometimes the solution and sometimes not.

When it comes to liberals though, they seem to think coercion and violence always are.

Here are the comments regarding the woman being savaged:

"Damn they got her good :thup:"

"Mess with the bulls, you get the horns."

"She placed herself in harm's way. If you stand in the middle of the tracks before an oncoming train, that makes you the stupid one, it doesn't mean the train is not respecting your rights." (Apparently, liberals have similar control of themselves as a train - they just MUST resort to violence, it can't be controlled... The regressive way).

"I'm justifying it the way I justify gravity when you get drunk and fall off your bar stool."

"Someone should have brought toilet paper and TP'd her :thup:"

"In case your mothers never told you, don't fuck with a mob, run away instead. Mobs get ugly, fast." - Don't tell women not to dress properly, tell men not to rape logic utilized here?

"Egg on her face? A living idiom."

"Be careful what you ask for."

"She was getting sexually stimulated."

"She is sorta freaky. She got a little moist downstairs when they threw the egg on her. Did you see that smile?"

"I think that Trumpette whore had her first orgasm in years during that video"

Some of those by you, fully cheering for violence. In addition, you support big government - the institution of institutionalized coercion. When will people get that regressive liberals have only one core belief? Violence.... they are the draconian might make rights of the world.

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