Mob of Democrats swarm woman at Trump rally, assault her, smash eggs on her; Who is for women?

It was Trump calling Mexicans murderers and rapists, Trumpers cold cocking protesters, and Trump rooting them on first. I see thugs coming out on both sides. That's what you get with a bigot/idiot, ugly American candidate. Great job, liars, thieves, and dupes.
For all the above reasons is why I don't care for your boy obama hate made people hate me.

That's what the Trumpies sound like.

Get this through your heads. Homophobia and xenophobia and bigotry will always eventually encounter some blowback. It's the nature of hate and intolerance. Every action and so fourth.

Ah the liberal race card. Does anyone take this seriously anymore?

After supporting Islam - the religion responsible for throwing gay people off the roofs en masse. Nope, no one. Sad, that it's all you got.

Mentioning homophobia and xenophobia in on sentence should be the definition of irony.
you're not dealing with the brightest of the bulbs here. After all her avatar is ####nut
In the same way that Irish-American proudly display the flag from their heritage, Mexican-Americans are waving the Mexican flag NOT to usurp their new country, but to tell xenophobes like the clown Trump that his insults are not to be tolerated....and certainly not be this country's policies.
When did conservatives become such wimps? It wasn't always this way. You used to be able to find conservatives who weren't crybabies.

I think they're so hysterical because they understand how badly they're going to lose. They can't talk about issues, because the nation thinks they suck on the issues. Appeals to emotion are all they have left, so we get these constant victimhood tantrums.
That's quite a projection you have going on. All you can do is sling your shit diaper around and claim the other guy is whining. Plus you are stupid enough to believe it will eventually become effective.
I know you are but what am I. That is basically the level of maturity this post has.

Quite plainly, conservatives get upset when we point out how they've become a cult of wimps. Hence, I'll keep doing it. I don't care if telling truth about them hurts their precious snowflake feelings. The PC rot of conservative wimpiness needs to exposed to fresh air and sunlight.

It's interesting, how sheeplike the conservative herd is, and how they're all so proud of bleating together. Just look at all the threads on this. When their masters put out the official talking points, the whole herd immediately runs over here and widdles themselves in unison. It's like the group-incontinence display is some kind of weird cult bonding.
Republicans have to always give lead ups to instruct the idiots how to respond.

"Domestic Terrorist!!" "Unprecedented violence" "HATEFUL LIBERALS"

Calm down there Missy
Democrats Attack Trump Supporter And Leave Him Bleeding

These illegal invaders are proving why we need a wall every time there is a Trump rally.


Typical bigoted xenophobe, afraid of minorities.

I'm afraid of those who throw rocks, no matter what their color is. Still, it looks like all the violent protesters are anti Trump. Maybe they're afraid of a new Sheriff coming to town who will finally enforce the law?
Why aren't you people blaming Trump for this strife the way you try to blame Obama for racial strife?
I haven't seen anything that shows Trump egging on these fucktard liberal protesters way your messiah eggs on and exacerbates racist blacks' violence.
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.
Liberalism is where Liberty comes from, dumbass.
Wrong. Liberalism demands government intervention, that isn't freedom. If liberals don't like something, they want it outlawed for everyone.

The founders broke away from big government tyranny and liberals want to put it back.
Watching the skinheads shitting their pants while running from Latinos is funny.

And seeing those cheap red caps knocked of their pinheads is classic.

Bunch of pussies these Trumpies.

Back your shit up, tough guys. Spew your vile racist shit when surrounded by Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Put up or shut up.

And, I love how they lock their women out of the building and let them get pelted by eggs. Typical white trash males. Weak and pathetic.
America was founded by violent liberals.

"Never seen..." fuck, get out more. Read a fucking history book.
Liberals? They established a free people, the anathema to liberalism.

They were classical liberals. These people are regressive liberals, the complete polar opposite of the term.
Yes, I know. But liberals hijacked the term, like they did with gays and many other things. I use the word in the modern sense. A classic liberal would be a libertarian today.

Watching the skinheads shitting their pants while running from Latinos is funny.

And seeing those cheap red caps knocked of their pinheads is classic.

Bunch of pussies these Trumpies.

Back your shit up, tough guys. Spew your vile racist shit when surrounded by Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Put up or shut up.

And, I love how they lock their women out of the building and let them get pelted by eggs. Typical white trash males. Weak and pathetic.

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