Mobile Alabama Removes Statue of Confederate Without Notice

No one said they had them then, deranged Birfer. :cuckoo:

They have them now though...
You are finally getting it......his HI BC was invented/created in 2008....on a modern are a dum dumb..
I never said it wasn't generate on a computer, ya moronic birfer. In fact, I've pointed out it was. The information on it comes from his birth records on file with the state of Hawaii. Validated by 2 different Directors of Health and certified by Hawaii's state registrar.

You're fucking deranged
That's what you said to me 3 years ago when I told you Flynn would walk...are you sure you want to go there again?....
And although it's extremely likely he'll walk, he still hasn't yet. And while Sullivan will almost certainly dismiss the case, he could drag it on longer should he chose to do so. And even when Flynn walks, all that means is you were right this time. It doesn't mean you're right about Obama's birthplace, which you failed miserably to prove; and in the face of insurmountable evidence to the contrary.
Likely...could...maybe...would have...if...probably...most likely...and un named sound like one has proven beyond any doubt that Obama is American one....not as of yet....and most likely never.....being raised on American soil does not make you an American.....and Obama is a Kenyan until someone proves otherwise.....
Its all going to come out now Faun....every dirty deed committed by Obama and his tribe of crooks and liars.....if you have stuff to hide you had better keep your nose clean...but Obama didn't follow that advise and now everything will come out and people will begin to run away from his side......He is a Kenyan...not an American born man....
:dance:There it is...your favorite gif....the gif of surrender....I win again....
That's what I post when I make a fool of idiots like you.


You're fucking deranged
That's what you said to me 3 years ago when I told you Flynn would walk...are you sure you want to go there again?....
And although it's extremely likely he'll walk, he still hasn't yet. And while Sullivan will almost certainly dismiss the case, he could drag it on longer should he chose to do so. And even when Flynn walks, all that means is you were right this time. It doesn't mean you're right about Obama's birthplace, which you failed miserably to prove; and in the face of insurmountable evidence to the contrary.
Likely...could...maybe...would have...if...probably...most likely...and un named sound like one has proven beyond any doubt that Obama is American one....not as of yet....and most likely never.....being raised on American soil does not make you an American.....and Obama is a Kenyan until someone proves otherwise.....
Sure he did. With a certified copy of his Hawaiian birth record...

Their "duty" was to join another country's army to fight against the U.S. army.

They were traitors. You know, folks you admire. Reveals how much you despise the U.S..

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.

My mom and her family are from the south. I still have relatives who live there.

I have been to the south. I was told all my life about southern hospitality, how open and nice people are in the south.

My experience in the south has always been if I talk to people with my normal accent, people are rude and very mean. If I talk with a southern accent people treat me mostly normal and nice.

The woman who taught me how to talk was from the south and that accent was around me most of my life so I know how to talk with that accent.

I think it's sad that only happens in the south. I can go to any other part of the nation without being treated badly because of my accent and where I'm from.

You shouldn't be blind to reality of what is actually going on.
Their "duty" was to join another country's army to fight against the U.S. army.

They were traitors. You know, folks you admire. Reveals how much you despise the U.S..

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.
"THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites."

Dumbfuck, I am a white southerner. Are you ever not an imbecile? Ever??

No, dumbfuck, my beef is with the traitors who fought against the U.S. and the morons who defend them today.

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.

You're an imbecile and you admite traitors.

Said the man that is pretending to be upset over events from more than a hundred years before he was born.
Dumbfuck, slavery is more than a hundred years before you were born -- are you claiming you're not upset about it because it occurred here?

That is correct. It is ancient history to me. A matter of historical interest with very minor emotional impact, akin to the War of 1812 and those damn Canadians kicking our asses or the building of the Pyramids.

And not because it occurred "here" but because it occurred long ago.

Only a piece of shit racist is not upset over slavery.

Only assholes trying to justify their shitty behavior, pretend to be upset about shit that happened over a century before they were born.

You are willing to fuck up people over shit their great, great, grandfathers did. That is you being the bad guy.

Slobbers a raging racist who supports slavery.

I made my point clearly and well. All you got is crying "Wacist" like a retarded child.

You are a fucking asshole who is pretending to be upset about shit that was moot more than a century before you were born, to justify your being an asshole today.
Lying fucking racist ... slavery, and the subsequent subjugation of blacks, is not moot. It will never be moot except perhaps to unabashed racists like you.


Only because vile race baiters like you, like to teach the young to hate based on ancient wrongs.

My dad was a WWII vet. I can count on one hand the number of times he had negative things to say about the Japanese. And have several fingers left over, to give you obscene gestures, you race baiting ass licker.

Wars end. Afterwards, you work to heal the wounds between you and turn your former enemies into friends. That has always been the American Way.

We did it with the British. We did it with the Canadians. We did it with the South. We did it with the Germans. And later the Germans and the Japanese.

We should be doing it with the Russians, but America is not the nation we used to be. We are infected with hate filled pustules like you, who want to bog US down in endless strife and conflict and hate.

The Civil War ended and part of the healing process was America as a whole embracing the Confederate veterans AND their service to their States.

View attachment 354782
Spare me your bedtime stories, ya piece of shit racist. Slavery and subjugation of blacks is not going to become a distant memory in this lifetime, I don't care how racist you are. Jews were enslaved thousands of years ago and I still celebrate their freedom.

Slavery is ancient history and if you hate because of it, it is because you were raised or indoctrinated to hate, not because of anything real.

You are the racist and the piece of shit.

When you hurt people based on a wrong, committed by someone else long ago, far away,

you are the bad guy.

That you can blind yourself to that obvious fact, is a testimony to how much a of a fucking retard you are.

I see you're a piece of shit racist AND an anti-Semite.

Nice combination, naziboi.

i see you are a lying piece of shit and also a coward.

So, you are fired up about the slavery of the Jews in Ancient Egypt? Well, what should we DO about it then?

How should Egypt be held to account? Or are you just talking shit out of your face anus.
Slobbers the forum's racist naziboi.

My point wasn't that anything should be done, just that its memory never fades away, I don't care how racist and anti-Semitic you are.

You expressed outrage over the slavery of jews and American blacks, both. YOu support pulling down statues here, what do you support as a response to the slavery of jews? How do you want to follow up on your outrage at the Ancient Egyptians?

It is a reasonable question, and your inability to answer it, reveals you to be full of shit.

THat you are an asshole about your inability to answer it, is you being a faggot.

Furthermore, the difference between you calling me names, and you calling me names,

is that your slurs are bullshit, while mine are based on your behavior.

You call me a nazis. I am not. I point out that you are an asshole and a faggot. And you actually are.

And you know it.
Their "duty" was to join another country's army to fight against the U.S. army.

They were traitors. You know, folks you admire. Reveals how much you despise the U.S..

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.

My mom and her family are from the south. I still have relatives who live there.

I have been to the south. I was told all my life about southern hospitality, how open and nice people are in the south.

My experience in the south has always been if I talk to people with my normal accent, people are rude and very mean. If I talk with a southern accent people treat me mostly normal and nice.

The woman who taught me how to talk was from the south and that accent was around me most of my life so I know how to talk with that accent.

I think it's sad that only happens in the south. I can go to any other part of the nation without being treated badly because of my accent and where I'm from.

You shouldn't be blind to reality of what is actually going on.

I've living in the South some myself. My experience was quite nice.

Are you, like Faun, outraged over events that occurred more than a century before you were born?
Their "duty" was to join another country's army to fight against the U.S. army.

They were traitors. You know, folks you admire. Reveals how much you despise the U.S..

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.
"THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites."

Dumbfuck, I am a white southerner. Are you ever not an imbecile? Ever??

No, dumbfuck, my beef is with the traitors who fought against the U.S. and the morons who defend them today.

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.

You're an imbecile and you admite traitors.

Said the man that is pretending to be upset over events from more than a hundred years before he was born.
Dumbfuck, slavery is more than a hundred years before you were born -- are you claiming you're not upset about it because it occurred here?

That is correct. It is ancient history to me. A matter of historical interest with very minor emotional impact, akin to the War of 1812 and those damn Canadians kicking our asses or the building of the Pyramids.

And not because it occurred "here" but because it occurred long ago.

Only a piece of shit racist is not upset over slavery.

Only assholes trying to justify their shitty behavior, pretend to be upset about shit that happened over a century before they were born.

You are willing to fuck up people over shit their great, great, grandfathers did. That is you being the bad guy.

Slobbers a raging racist who supports slavery.

I made my point clearly and well. All you got is crying "Wacist" like a retarded child.

You are a fucking asshole who is pretending to be upset about shit that was moot more than a century before you were born, to justify your being an asshole today.
Lying fucking racist ... slavery, and the subsequent subjugation of blacks, is not moot. It will never be moot except perhaps to unabashed racists like you.


Only because vile race baiters like you, like to teach the young to hate based on ancient wrongs.

My dad was a WWII vet. I can count on one hand the number of times he had negative things to say about the Japanese. And have several fingers left over, to give you obscene gestures, you race baiting ass licker.

Wars end. Afterwards, you work to heal the wounds between you and turn your former enemies into friends. That has always been the American Way.

We did it with the British. We did it with the Canadians. We did it with the South. We did it with the Germans. And later the Germans and the Japanese.

We should be doing it with the Russians, but America is not the nation we used to be. We are infected with hate filled pustules like you, who want to bog US down in endless strife and conflict and hate.

The Civil War ended and part of the healing process was America as a whole embracing the Confederate veterans AND their service to their States.

View attachment 354782
Spare me your bedtime stories, ya piece of shit racist. Slavery and subjugation of blacks is not going to become a distant memory in this lifetime, I don't care how racist you are. Jews were enslaved thousands of years ago and I still celebrate their freedom.

Slavery is ancient history and if you hate because of it, it is because you were raised or indoctrinated to hate, not because of anything real.

You are the racist and the piece of shit.

When you hurt people based on a wrong, committed by someone else long ago, far away,

you are the bad guy.

That you can blind yourself to that obvious fact, is a testimony to how much a of a fucking retard you are.

I see you're a piece of shit racist AND an anti-Semite.

Nice combination, naziboi.

i see you are a lying piece of shit and also a coward.

So, you are fired up about the slavery of the Jews in Ancient Egypt? Well, what should we DO about it then?

How should Egypt be held to account? Or are you just talking shit out of your face anus.
Slobbers the forum's racist naziboi.

My point wasn't that anything should be done, just that its memory never fades away, I don't care how racist and anti-Semitic you are.

You expressed outrage over the slavery of jews and American blacks, both. YOu support pulling down statues here, what do you support as a response to the slavery of jews? How do you want to follow up on your outrage at the Ancient Egyptians?

It is a reasonable question, and your inability to answer it, reveals you to be full of shit.

THat you are an asshole about your inability to answer it, is you being a faggot.

Furthermore, the difference between you calling me names, and you calling me names,

is that your slurs are bullshit, while mine are based on your behavior.

You call me a nazis. I am not. I point out that you are an asshole and a faggot. And you actually are.

And you know it.
The Egyptians were already punished for enslaving Jews. You should have already known that.
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.
By defintion, the confederacy was not American.
They were traitors who fought against the U.S.. Even worse, they did so in their failed attempt to preserve slavery. There should be no statues memorializing such pieces of shit traitors.
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.
By defintion, the confederacy was not American.
They were traitors who fought against the U.S.. Even worse, they did so in their failed attempt to preserve slavery. There should be no statues memorializing such pieces of shit traitors.

The Americans who defeated them, disagreed. Who are you to gain say them?
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.
By defintion, the confederacy was not American.

So, you support the secession?
So, you support the secession?
Not in any way.
The confederate states believed they were no longer Americans. Their articles of seccession explained why. They claimed their white supremacy gave them the natural right to subjugate blacks and that their economic survival depended on the continued and future expansion of that subjugation.

Straight up racist and deplorable.
The South is NOT patriotic. Flying the Confederate flag is the OPPOSITE of patriotism. Loyalty to the Confederacy isn't patriotism, it's sedition. It keeps anti-North sentiment alive and divides the North from the South. Loyalty and pride in the Confederacy is what keeps the wounds from the Civil War alive.

The statues, all of which were erected in the Jim Crow era, when blacks were being brutally supressed, were to assure the white Southerners that the old ways will not pass, and terrify uppity blacks that nothing had changed.

Maybe if you actually learned about the history of the nation, instead of just blindly parrotted Trump's lies and talking points, you might have a tiny bit of understanding as to why these statues should never have been erected in the first place.

Those good ole boys, with COnfederate flags on their pickup trucks are the MOST likely group to also be military veterans.

Accepting and assimilating the history of the Confederacy into the larger AMERICAN history and culture, is what healed the wounds of the CIvil War.

YOUR actions, are designed to undo that healing and redivide this nation.

No they aren't. Inner city blacks and Hispanics disproportionately the highest percentages of recruits in all branches of the service, except the Marines. That's because the services offer the poor the best opportunities for an education, housing, medical care, and a good career at the end of their service. All things that are much more difficult in the civilian world.
Their "duty" was to join another country's army to fight against the U.S. army.

They were traitors. You know, folks you admire. Reveals how much you despise the U.S..

Your ire over a battle from over a century before you were born, is not credible.

THis is not about that, this is about your bigotry against modern day Southern Whites.

You liberals are the people that despite America.

My mom and her family are from the south. I still have relatives who live there.

I have been to the south. I was told all my life about southern hospitality, how open and nice people are in the south.

My experience in the south has always been if I talk to people with my normal accent, people are rude and very mean. If I talk with a southern accent people treat me mostly normal and nice.

The woman who taught me how to talk was from the south and that accent was around me most of my life so I know how to talk with that accent.

I think it's sad that only happens in the south. I can go to any other part of the nation without being treated badly because of my accent and where I'm from.

You shouldn't be blind to reality of what is actually going on.

I've living in the South some myself. My experience was quite nice.

Are you, like Faun, outraged over events that occurred more than a century before you were born?

Every American should be outraged by slavery and all that went with it.

Every American should be outraged that anyone wants statues or flags or anything that glorifies slavery or people who committed treason, waged war on America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans including one president all to be able to own human beings as slaves.

I have no respect for someone who is too lazy to do their own work and must hold people in bondage against their will to force them to work for free. Those slave owners should have gotten off their fat lazy butts and do their own work. Or they were too cheap to actually pay people to do that work.

No, people like that aren't good people.

No one should glorify them or their views of slavery and racial inequality.

I have been to many of the southern states. I had to use a southern accent in all of them if I wanted people to treat me with common courtesy and decency. Or even to just get directions back to the freeway. It's not like that anywhere else in the nation. I can go anywhere else in the nation, talk freely and be treated normally like a human being. It's only in the south that I'm treated like garbage simply because of where I'm from and the way I speak. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has had that experience.

You respect and revere people who were too lazy to do their own work so they took human beings as slaves. Held those human beings in bondage against their will. Beat them, raped them, lynched them and killed them.

What does that say about you?
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.

You dumbfucking cuck, Admiral Semmes was not an American war hero. He fought against America. Dayum, you rightarded cult freaks sure are ignorant.
Whoa...whats gotten into your craw?....did your boyfriends condom break again.....hey are you watching Flynn walk?..... :auiqs.jpg:

Aside from your homo-erotic fantasies ... Flynn still hasn't walked. :mm:

And I'm not very fond of traitors who hail fellow traitors who fought against the U.S. as American war heroes.
Flynn is a decorated hero....Obama a lying Kenyan born agitator....and that agitator tried to take down a decorated hero.....sickening...

View attachment 346231
Not an American citizen....

Your birther-induced dementia is noted and laughed at. :lol:


View attachment 351053

That is just sad.

The Republic of Kenya didn't exist until 1964.

Learn the basic history of Kenya. All it would take is a few seconds to find out when the Republic of Kenya was established and it wasn't in 1961.

That piece of garbage forgery was debunked over a decade ago yet you are still trying to pass it off as authentic?

That's so pathetic.

Birfers lack even the minimal mental acuity required to comprehend that. All they're capable of is grunting birfer nonsense.

They are the most laziest people in our nation. They simply lack the capacity to take a few minutes to learn truth.

They don't want to know truth.

They prefer lies.
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.

You dumbfucking cuck, Admiral Semmes was not an American war hero. He fought against America. Dayum, you rightarded cult freaks sure are ignorant.
Whoa...whats gotten into your craw?....did your boyfriends condom break again.....hey are you watching Flynn walk?..... :auiqs.jpg:

Aside from your homo-erotic fantasies ... Flynn still hasn't walked. :mm:

And I'm not very fond of traitors who hail fellow traitors who fought against the U.S. as American war heroes.
Flynn is a decorated hero....Obama a lying Kenyan born agitator....and that agitator tried to take down a decorated hero.....sickening...

View attachment 346231
Not an American citizen....

Your birther-induced dementia is noted and laughed at. :lol:


View attachment 351053

That is just sad.

The Republic of Kenya didn't exist until 1964.

Learn the basic history of Kenya. All it would take is a few seconds to find out when the Republic of Kenya was established and it wasn't in 1961.

That piece of garbage forgery was debunked over a decade ago yet you are still trying to pass it off as authentic?

That's so pathetic.

Kenya was the British republic of Kenya up to 1962....maybe you should begin to look things up.....

Yes it was. That is the whole point.

That garbage forgery doesn't say British Republic of Kenya.

It just says Republic of Kenya. That didn't exist until 1964.

Plus if you look at the bottom left of the document, you will see the seal that's on it, reads South Australia. The original document was for a man born in Southern Australia in 1959.

Here's the seal. I took a screen shot of it. I sharpened it and bent the curves down to bring out the writing on the seal. Interesting that it was scanned to be so blurred in that one part of the document. LOL.

Just so you know, South Australia isn't anywhere near Kenya.

Here is also a link to the truth about the total garbage fraud that was tried to be passed off as Obama's birth certificate.

Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 1.09.31 PM.png
Every American should be outraged by slavery and all that went with it.

Slavery has existed throughout human history. Learn from history don't be outraged by it. Our peculiar brand was particularly brutal and heinous.

Every American should be outraged that anyone wants statues or flags or anything that glorifies slavery or people who committed treason, waged war on America

They seceded from the Union, so it doesn't fit our definition of treason. Lincoln waged war to force them back into the union. What was the Constitutional rationale? Doesn't the 10th Amendment give all powers not specifically given to the Federal Government to the States. The lessons from these post reconstruction, Jim Crow era statues, should be who put them up and why, not necessarily the people they depict.

I have no respect for someone who is too lazy to do their own work and must hold people in bondage against their will to force them to work for free.

I don't know, it had to be hard work keeping a thumb on all them slaves all the time. Slave labor was not free. A good slave cost up to 3 times the amount of a good horse. The Chattel system could not have existed without a compliance citizenry or a compromise between all States on the matter. You can't blame it all on the South.

But you can blame most of the statues on the South. After the Occupation ended in 1877, the former power structure began to regain some of it's political strength and to take away the new found freedoms of the former slaves. I oppose the destruction of the statues and I support their removal to museums, where they can be used to teach future generations about man's inhumanity to man.
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.
By defintion, the confederacy was not American.
They were traitors who fought against the U.S.. Even worse, they did so in their failed attempt to preserve slavery. There should be no statues memorializing such pieces of shit traitors.

The Americans who defeated them, disagreed. Who are you to gain say them?
I'm an American, that's who. That gives me that right.
The left removes another statue of an American war hero, and they wonder why people don't like them.

You dumbfucking cuck, Admiral Semmes was not an American war hero. He fought against America. Dayum, you rightarded cult freaks sure are ignorant.
Whoa...whats gotten into your craw?....did your boyfriends condom break again.....hey are you watching Flynn walk?..... :auiqs.jpg:

Aside from your homo-erotic fantasies ... Flynn still hasn't walked. :mm:

And I'm not very fond of traitors who hail fellow traitors who fought against the U.S. as American war heroes.
Flynn is a decorated hero....Obama a lying Kenyan born agitator....and that agitator tried to take down a decorated hero.....sickening...

View attachment 346231
Not an American citizen....

Your birther-induced dementia is noted and laughed at. :lol:


View attachment 351053

That is just sad.

The Republic of Kenya didn't exist until 1964.

Learn the basic history of Kenya. All it would take is a few seconds to find out when the Republic of Kenya was established and it wasn't in 1961.

That piece of garbage forgery was debunked over a decade ago yet you are still trying to pass it off as authentic?

That's so pathetic.

Kenya was the British republic of Kenya up to 1962....maybe you should begin to look things up.....

Yes it was. That is the whole point.

That garbage forgery doesn't say British Republic of Kenya.

It just says Republic of Kenya. That didn't exist until 1964.

Plus if you look at the bottom left of the document, you will see the seal that's on it, reads South Australia. The original document was for a man born in Southern Australia in 1959.

Here's the seal. I took a screen shot of it. I sharpened it and bent the curves down to bring out the writing on the seal. Interesting that it was scanned to be so blurred in that one part of the document. LOL.

Just so you know, South Australia isn't anywhere near Kenya.

Here is also a link to the truth about the total garbage fraud that was tried to be passed off as Obama's birth certificate.

View attachment 354961
Bu... bu... but that can't be a fake from Australia! Rambunctious insists it's genuine.


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