*Moderate Another Word For Independents*

Will Independents vote Democrat and become Socialists?

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What in the world.... is the op going to start referring to himself in 3rd person next?

Whether a person is a moderate liberal, moderate conservative, independent... that's up to them to decide.

I consider myself a right leaning independent. It's not up to you to label them.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I'm just pulling back the veil of covering.
  2. I'm on a debate site.
  3. Its okay for me to do this.

Sorry bout that,

  1. There are free roaming Independents who end up getting people elected, and they are floaters.
  2. They are an inch from suicide, having the shame of once being a Democrat and then shuffling on over to the stand-less Independent, realm.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?

I am a fiscal conservative Independent is there something wrong with that? No party owns me. No party is going to dictate my political leanings.

Are you asking if Independents are going to vote blue this coming November. Oh hell yeah, but it's not because they're socialists. It's because of the Ass Clown you put in the Oval office.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

No. It's your problem if your candidate has no chance of success. You merely roundfile your vote, instead of voting for the candidate that has a chance and is closest to your interests.
it aint my problem....unlike you i dont vote for someone i dont want to see in office....but you party people have to vote for your pathetic party,its the way you are....and thats why we end up getting the worst possible people running.....cut the cord Billy you will feel like you are your own man...

I vote my interests. I may not get all I want, but when successful I get most of what I want.
you vote your interests?.....what if that 3rd party person represented your interests way better than the big 2?....

If he had no chance to win, I would vote for the closest facsimile from the big two, rather than permit some whacked-out Socialist to gain power.
and as long as voters have your mindset the the 2 parties will always be running the show and we will always have half-assed party people in charge....the last election...i dont know how many lefties i seen here say.."i dont care for hillary,but i cant stand trump more so im voting hillary"....and on the right..." i am not that happy with trump,but i cant stand hillary,so i am voting for trump"....so that tells me that 2 pathetic people were running,but were picked anyway,because thats what the parties wanted and thats what the people let them get away with...die hard party people.....no matter what,party first and if you dont like it,eat shit and die....

At least we won't be changing coalition governments every other week, like Europe.

True. Elections, particularly presidential elections have long been a choice of the lesser of two evils. 2016 was the first time since Reagan I actually voted for someone, primarily driven by the matters of Supreme Court nominees and a desire to see the effects of Obama's presidency negated.

I am not, nor have I ever been a member of any political party. Ever.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?

I am a fiscal conservative Independent is there something wrong with that? No party owns me. No party is going to dictate my political leanings.

Are you asking if Independents are going to vote blue this coming November. Oh hell yeah, but it's not because they're socialists. It's because of the Ass Clown you put in the Oval office.
Blue wave coming this November 2018


  1. So if you are okay flushing your country down the toilet, then fine go ahead and vote for socialist Democrats, they are telling you that is where they are going, following Venezuela, or other nations like dictatorships of the style of Cuba, two brothers with a strangle hold on that nation, *socialism is fine ask Venezuela till you run out of other peoples money.*
  2. Just flush America, its time you nut bag.
  3. Then when you see the mistake you've made jump off a building and make it ALL better,...lol!!!
  4. No but really, you voting for the Democrats to try to even the power structure in DC is psychopathic, its crazy, just like it seems the whole of the Independents are, who are rejected Democrats searching for a righteous political party, and all the while the most righteous is the GOP.
  5. This thread lays it out for you, I'm explaining it right in front of everyone's eyes to see, listen up and learn something.
  6. After everything the President has done for the good, a psychopathic voter like you STILL will vote blue, that should be self evident enough for anybody, BUT not for you and your kind.

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Sorry bout that,

it aint my problem....unlike you i dont vote for someone i dont want to see in office....but you party people have to vote for your pathetic party,its the way you are....and thats why we end up getting the worst possible people running.....cut the cord Billy you will feel like you are your own man...

I vote my interests. I may not get all I want, but when successful I get most of what I want.
you vote your interests?.....what if that 3rd party person represented your interests way better than the big 2?....

If he had no chance to win, I would vote for the closest facsimile from the big two, rather than permit some whacked-out Socialist to gain power.
and as long as voters have your mindset the the 2 parties will always be running the show and we will always have half-assed party people in charge....the last election...i dont know how many lefties i seen here say.."i dont care for hillary,but i cant stand trump more so im voting hillary"....and on the right..." i am not that happy with trump,but i cant stand hillary,so i am voting for trump"....so that tells me that 2 pathetic people were running,but were picked anyway,because thats what the parties wanted and thats what the people let them get away with...die hard party people.....no matter what,party first and if you dont like it,eat shit and die....

At least we won't be changing coalition governments every other week, like Europe.

True. Elections, particularly presidential elections have long been a choice of the lesser of two evils. 2016 was the first time since Reagan I actually voted for someone, primarily driven by the matters of Supreme Court nominees and a desire to see the effects of Obama's presidency negated.

I am not, nor have I ever been a member of any political party. Ever.

  1. You are close to finding your way, but you too could be just a nutter with no place to turn too.
  2. Join the GOP, do not fear, fear itself isn't for you.
  3. Just the witch hunt taking place should be enough to convince any undecided voter.
  4. You need to vote wisely.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?

I am a fiscal conservative Independent is there something wrong with that? No party owns me. No party is going to dictate my political leanings.

Are you asking if Independents are going to vote blue this coming November. Oh hell yeah, but it's not because they're socialists. It's because of the Ass Clown you put in the Oval office.
Blue wave coming this November 2018


  1. So if you are okay flushing your country down the toilet, then fine go ahead and vote for socialist Democrats, they are telling you that is where they are going, following Venezuela, or other nations like dictatorships of the style of Cuba, two brothers with a strangle hold on that nation, *socialism is fine ask Venezuela till you run out of other peoples money.*
  2. Just flush America, its time you nut bag.
  3. Then when you see the mistake you've made jump off a building and make it ALL better,...lol!!!
  4. No but really, you voting for the Democrats to try to even the power structure in DC is psychopathic, its crazy, just like it seems the whole of the Independents are, who are rejected Democrats searching for a righteous political party, and all the while the most righteous is the GOP.
  5. This thread lays it out for you, I'm explaining it right in front of everyone's eyes to see, listen up and learn something.
  6. After everything the President has done for the good, a psychopathic voter like you STILL will vote blue, that should be self evident enough for anybody, BUT not for you and your kind.


You're the odd ball out not me. The overwhelming majority in this country are moderates. That includes in both parties, there are moderate Democrats, (not liberal) as there are moderate Republicans--(not right wing nut cases.)

Independents today are the largest voting block in this country. They outnumber those in the Democrat party and those that are still in the Republican party. They are not owned by any party, they study their facts, and they don't vote for someone because they have an R or D behind their name. Which is what is wrong with this country in the first place.

An example.
Liberal democrats voted for Bernie Sanders, but he got his butt kicked by Hillary Clinton by 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes, who is actually more conservative than your Ass Clown, Donald Trump is. Meaning moderate Democrats--the majority of that party-- supported the moderate Democrat, as expected. They aren't socialists which is what Bernie Sanders represented to them.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Donald Trump campaigned on liberal policies.
1. No conservative, no Republican would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative, no Republican would have proposed another Obamacare type program, only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative, no Republican would say they are the king of debt and love debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
4. No conservative, no Republican would say they love emminent domain and used it often.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House


So it was "moderate" Republicans that fucked up. And did they make one yuuuuuge mistake. Donald Trump will actually get along better with a Democrat house and Senate than he ever would with Republicans. This was brought to your attention a 1000 times over, but you ignored it. Proving that right wing nut cases will vote for anyone, as long as they're "popular."


So when you figure out the demographics of each party, -come back on here and share your opinion, because right now you don't know jack shit. Which is another reason, I am an independent--and I will be voting for ("blue dog" Democrats--not liberal Democrats) this coming November.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?

I am a fiscal conservative Independent is there something wrong with that? No party owns me. No party is going to dictate my political leanings.

Are you asking if Independents are going to vote blue this coming November. Oh hell yeah, but it's not because they're socialists. It's because of the Ass Clown you put in the Oval office.
Blue wave coming this November 2018


  1. So if you are okay flushing your country down the toilet, then fine go ahead and vote for socialist Democrats, they are telling you that is where they are going, following Venezuela, or other nations like dictatorships of the style of Cuba, two brothers with a strangle hold on that nation, *socialism is fine ask Venezuela till you run out of other peoples money.*
  2. Just flush America, its time you nut bag.
  3. Then when you see the mistake you've made jump off a building and make it ALL better,...lol!!!
  4. No but really, you voting for the Democrats to try to even the power structure in DC is psychopathic, its crazy, just like it seems the whole of the Independents are, who are rejected Democrats searching for a righteous political party, and all the while the most righteous is the GOP.
  5. This thread lays it out for you, I'm explaining it right in front of everyone's eyes to see, listen up and learn something.
  6. After everything the President has done for the good, a psychopathic voter like you STILL will vote blue, that should be self evident enough for anybody, BUT not for you and your kind.


You're the odd ball out not me. The overwhelming majority in this country are moderates. That includes in both parties, there are moderate Democrats, (not liberal) as there are moderate Republicans--(not right wing nut cases.)

Independents today are the largest voting block in this country. They outnumber those in the Democrat party and those that are still in the Republican party. They are not owned by any party, they study their facts, and they don't vote for someone because they have an R or D behind their name. Which is what is wrong with this country in the first place.

An example.
Liberal democrats voted for Bernie Sanders, but he got his butt kicked by Hillary Clinton by 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes, who is actually more conservative than your Ass Clown, Donald Trump is. Meaning moderate Democrats--the majority of that party-- supported the moderate Democrat, as expected. They aren't socialists which is what Bernie Sanders represented to them.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Donald Trump campaigned on liberal policies.
1. No conservative, no Republican would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative, no Republican would have proposed another Obamacare type program, only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative, no Republican would say they are the king of debt and love debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
4. No conservative, no Republican would say they love emminent domain and used it often.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House


So it was "moderate" Republicans that fucked up. And did they make one yuuuuuge mistake. Donald Trump will actually get along better with a Democrat house and Senate than he ever would with Republicans. This was brought to your attention a 1000 times over, but you ignored it. Proving that right wing nut cases will vote for anyone, as long as they're "popular."


So when you figure out the demographics of each party, -come back on here and share your opinion, because right now you don't know jack shit. Which is another reason, I am an independent--and I will be voting for ("blue dog" Democrats--not liberal Democrats) this coming November.

No one of sound mind would in this current day vote for a Democrat, regardless of how they sub-classify themselves.
Sorry bout that,

  1. The Moderates are more than likely the largest non commited block of voters on the planet.
  2. They neither stand with the baby killers, or stand with the party who freed the slaves.
  3. They just float out there in Never Never Land.
  4. The Moderates both Republican ones and Democratic ones are only driven by who they are led to believe candidates are.
  5. They ask, "Is this candidate better than his or her opposition?" (that is it). (Shameful floaters who have no real meaning in life, thinking they are FREE!)
  6. They have no stand on abortion, (d) or tax relief (r).
  7. I believe that when you own a property you should have noway a tax entity can come take it away from you. (should be basic right ones property) and (death tax isn't right either).
  8. They say, "We have no connection with a political party and whatever happens by these two parties isn't our doing, we are not amongst them in their parties be it Republican or the Democrats, we are non party voting peoples, with no horse in this race."
  9. So if things go to shit in our minds with these people who get elected its not us who put them there, its *THEM*.
  10. Perfect for a bat shit crazy person to not accept responsibility for their support when they collectively voted for that person.
  11. The Moderates both parties are needed for either candidate to win a national election.
  12. So they are indeed responsible, you Moderates automatically are included in any win of elected an official.
  13. Its your votes that sway an election, America is dependent on floaters (crazy fucking block of voters), to guide this Nations electoral process, its you crazy fuckers who make a winner, why are you dumb fuckers so misguided? *I'm talking frankly pardon me.*
  14. We don't hate you we wonder why you can't commit to one party or the other, you feel boxed in I guess, you are a free range chicken voter.
  15. I am rather amazed that you fucking idiots are the ones who put each election in a win category, (for either party) it takes your fucking non committal vote to win a national election, you amaze me.
  16. Don't take this as an attack I'm just stating the obvious, and nothing being said here is false.
  17. I hope that whoever reads this, which I don't think will be that many Moderates, that you try to look at choosing a party to join up with, be it the baby killers or the equal rights/lower tax people.
  18. Make a fucking stand, stop floating around, stop complaining about the politicians you helped get elected, it is YOUR fault not just each party.
  19. Own up to your vote, step out of the shadows, this is your country too.
  20. Glad we had this little talk, hope this opens your closed eyes.
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Perhaps we need to exclude the Moderates votes, I think it would be fair to only count voters who are within a party.
  2. Its a two party system, let everyone vote but don't let the votes be tallied unless you are a Republican or a Democrat, these two parties can vote for either party, but stop tallying Moderates votes.
  3. If they didn't count I am sure they would decide and select a party to join.
  4. And that is better for them and USA in general and for ALL elections world wide, for this block of voters will have ALL their teeth pulled out.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?

I am a fiscal conservative Independent is there something wrong with that? No party owns me. No party is going to dictate my political leanings.

Are you asking if Independents are going to vote blue this coming November. Oh hell yeah, but it's not because they're socialists. It's because of the Ass Clown you put in the Oval office.
Blue wave coming this November 2018


  1. So if you are okay flushing your country down the toilet, then fine go ahead and vote for socialist Democrats, they are telling you that is where they are going, following Venezuela, or other nations like dictatorships of the style of Cuba, two brothers with a strangle hold on that nation, *socialism is fine ask Venezuela till you run out of other peoples money.*
  2. Just flush America, its time you nut bag.
  3. Then when you see the mistake you've made jump off a building and make it ALL better,...lol!!!
  4. No but really, you voting for the Democrats to try to even the power structure in DC is psychopathic, its crazy, just like it seems the whole of the Independents are, who are rejected Democrats searching for a righteous political party, and all the while the most righteous is the GOP.
  5. This thread lays it out for you, I'm explaining it right in front of everyone's eyes to see, listen up and learn something.
  6. After everything the President has done for the good, a psychopathic voter like you STILL will vote blue, that should be self evident enough for anybody, BUT not for you and your kind.


You're the odd ball out not me. The overwhelming majority in this country are moderates. That includes in both parties, there are moderate Democrats, (not liberal) as there are moderate Republicans--(not right wing nut cases.)

Independents today are the largest voting block in this country. They outnumber those in the Democrat party and those that are still in the Republican party. They are not owned by any party, they study their facts, and they don't vote for someone because they have an R or D behind their name. Which is what is wrong with this country in the first place.

An example.
Liberal democrats voted for Bernie Sanders, but he got his butt kicked by Hillary Clinton by 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes, who is actually more conservative than your Ass Clown, Donald Trump is. Meaning moderate Democrats--the majority of that party-- supported the moderate Democrat, as expected. They aren't socialists which is what Bernie Sanders represented to them.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Donald Trump campaigned on liberal policies.
1. No conservative, no Republican would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative, no Republican would have proposed another Obamacare type program, only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative, no Republican would say they are the king of debt and love debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
4. No conservative, no Republican would say they love emminent domain and used it often.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House


So it was "moderate" Republicans that fucked up. And did they make one yuuuuuge mistake. Donald Trump will actually get along better with a Democrat house and Senate than he ever would with Republicans. This was brought to your attention a 1000 times over, but you ignored it. Proving that right wing nut cases will vote for anyone, as long as they're "popular."


So when you figure out the demographics of each party, -come back on here and share your opinion, because right now you don't know jack shit. Which is another reason, I am an independent--and I will be voting for ("blue dog" Democrats--not liberal Democrats) this coming November.

No one of sound mind would in this current day vote for a Democrat, regardless of how they sub-classify themselves.

Well you're going to see a lot of blue votes this November.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

And it will be primarily because of Trump.


When people are angry, they VOTE.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well Oreo, it will depend on how the floaters feel, if they are better off with Trump as President.
  2. I only how that they can at least be honest about basic things, and see that everything is better, Trump is doing a great job, and the Republican Party deserves their support, to further support the clean up and the progress being made.
  3. I know if there is a blue wave that the blue way fuck wads are the Moderates, the Republicans will vote their party affiliates.
  4. And we don't really know how the Independents are going to vote, they will surprise us when that day comes.
  5. They be so ignorant to ride the top of a blue wave, I can't imagine that they will.
  7. Ride that wave, Oreo man.....lol!!!

The fact of the matter is moderates have more integrity in their pimples than either democrats or rethuglicans will ever hope to have. That is an undeniable fact.
The dims are lists and the top is in it to help the rich folk. Another undeniable fact.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Damn initforme, you bud are a poster boy for fuck wads moderates/independents.
  2. You are a classic fucking idiot, in my opinion.
  3. You won't acknowledge how everything is getting better.
  4. There is a reason, and its in no way the Democrats.
  5. They block anything and everything the President does.
  6. They make the President sign executive orders, which makes it obvious they had no hand in this recovery, which we don't want them in if they don't want to be in.
  7. Make a stand moron, join a party, you idiot.
  8. Here is your choices, just to make it moron easy for you, (a) baby killer and or (b) tax cuts.
  9. Pick (b) idiot.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Initforme, I'm sorry if you feel I was harsh with you, but I was just being real.
  2. Your name here says everything we need to know, you float and look around in the world in it for yourself.
  3. Your name here says all we need to know about you, you are in it for yourself, aka (floater) and all us here mean nothing to you, ok I get it.
  4. Good luck closing yourself off to the world, might as well live in a cave I guess.
  5. Happy Trails to You.

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