*Moderate Another Word For Independents*

Will Independents vote Democrat and become Socialists?

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Moderates are the people who are generally okay with compromising on all of the really bad anti-liberty legislation coming out of Washington from both parties.
--------------------------------------------- Moderates , i see them as 'libs and lefties' and worse as they have no real beliefs . Same for 'bush type conservatives' who are really 'moderates' .

I'm a trends guy. If there's one thing that has been consistent, it's that more and more people are becoming dissatisfied with the fake two-party system.

Back during the 2014 mid-terms we had more independent voters show up than we've had in modern history. 50%. That's the number of people who were registered as neither Republican or Democrat. Independent and third party candidates were polling higher than weve ever seen, and rules were changed in order to keep them from debating.

Trump disrupted things in the 2016. He was neither a Bush or a Clinton. Trump's time will pass, regardless. And America will still be in the same boat it was when he got there. Worse, actualy.

Then it's back to business for us...

Anyway. Yeah. Agreed.
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Bottom line: everyone votes their wallet, period.
-------------------------------------- yeah , heard that said and if voting the wallet those who vote their wallets as their only consideration are stupid in my opinion Kyzr . ---------------- just a comment .

Calling someone stupid as an "opinion" is stupid. Can't you debate properly? It's called reason for a reason...

To me, people that vote for progressivism while they work their asses of for a bucket of rice, and the party taxes them into poverty, while the party leaders dole out food stamps and free medicare are stupid. Obamacare is the perfect example, the dems whine about "pre-existing conditions" and their 30m without insurance, while the 300m actually working and paying for healthcare can't afford to see a doctor because of the high deductibles. Even Bubba called it "the craziest thing in the world".
Bill Clinton calls Obamacare 'the craziest thing in the world,' later tries to walk it back - CNNPolitics
Bottom line: everyone votes their wallet, period.
------------------------------------ i don't vote based on my Wallet and never have but thats Personal . i responded to your above statement KYZER and i think that people who vote primarily for the money in their wallet are stupid and thats my polite OPINION . I dislike people that only think MONEY while Americans should think about the good of the Country . imo Kyzer .
Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?
I'm a Marxist, registered as an independent. I vote third party for the most part.
Bottom line: everyone votes their wallet, period.
------------------------------------------ not much to DEBATE properly in your simple statement right above as your simple statement looks like your simple OPINION Kyzer .
Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?
I'm a Marxist, registered as an independent. I vote third party for the most part.

You know, Bernie always voted the same as Ron did on a lot of the bad legislation that came out of Congress. They didn't agree with each others solutions, but they agreed that the bad legislation they were voting against would make the rich richer and the working class poorer.

I always admired the level of activism the Bernie supporters were able to achieve. They did what we did. We set an all-time political record for single day money raised, and then we kept raising money whenever we needed it in the form of money bombs, we had a great networking game, we phone banked, trained delegates, won the delegate game in many states, got people elected at the local level and even in the Senate, a standard rally was 10,000 people consistently. When they changed the rules after we won the opportunity to have our 15 minutes, so that we couldnt speak, we put 10,000 people in the Target Center next door during their Republiocan National Convention, so he actually got to speak....and do forth.

Bernie's people were just as good. They also trained delegates, got screwed by the party the same way we did, they raised millions, actually broke our single day political record, they also phone banked and had a good networking game. And they also filled buildings.

I didn't agree with their solutuions, but I sure did admire their efforts.
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Bottom line: everyone votes their wallet, period.
------------------------------------------ not much to DEBATE properly in your simple statement right above as your simple statement looks like your simple OPINION Kyzer .

Here is one article that documents that people vote their wallets. Why Trump Won: People Vote Their Wallets
I know I liked the Clinton economy back in the 1990s.

For example, it seems fairly obvious that when Obama and the dems push for the Paris Climate Change Agreement, that means that the US could owe billions to 3rd world countries like India, many voters say that we need that money here to pay for SS and Medicare, that are going bankrupt.

If you don't vote your own wallet, why would you vote to enrich people too lazy to work? The good news is that the participation rate is rising, so there aren't as many lazy people as originally assumed, people want to work instead of getting food stamps. Voting for the party that manages the economy better (like Clinton in the 1990s) seems to be a smart move.

Got any better reason to vote??
Sorry bout that,

  1. So the Independents are Moderates to the Democrats.
  2. Are they Moderates to the Republicans as well?
  3. Independents need to use their heads, vote for Republicans or vote for losing your country.
  4. Democrats are socialist.
  5. Read all about it here and here:
  6. exhibit (A) Jimmy Carter cautions Democrats not to scare off moderates
  7. exhibit (B) Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’
  8. Are the Moderates / Independents socialist?
I'm a Marxist, registered as an independent. I vote third party for the most part.

You know, Bernie always voted the same as Ron did on a lot of the bad legislation that came out of Congress. They didn't agree with each others solutions, but they agreed that the bad legislation they were voting against would make the rich richer and the working class poorer.

I always admoired the level of activism the Bernie supporters were able to achieve. They did what we did. We set an all-time political record for single day money raised, and then we kept raising money whenever we needed it in the form of money bombs, we had a great networking game, we phone banked, trained delegates, won the delegate game in many states, got people elected at the local level and even in the Senate, and do forth.

Bernie's people were just as good. They also trained delegates, got screwed by the party the same way we did, they raised millions, actually broke ourt single day political record, the yalso phone banked and had a good networking game.
Bernie is too far to the right for my tastes. I probably would have voted for him against Trump though.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I'm still seeing Moderates as Independents.
  2. The way I view moderates is the same way my view sees Independents.
  3. Both identical.
  4. Both vote more or less gut.
  5. They get a gut feeling and move to that side.
  6. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but that is how it appears.
  7. JImmy Carter even says not to run them off in the Nov. election.
  8. So that tells me they are not Democrats they are just a floating block of voters, kind of like Independents.
  9. I'm also concerned there is a huge block of Moderates within the Republican Party.
  10. They float too looking for a direction, feeling and listening with their gut for the direction to vote.
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yeah , Freedom and GUNS for me Kyzer:afro: !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But my DAD and Uncles fought for Freedom and one Uncle died in WW2 fighting for Freedom and no mention of money or wallets Kyzer .
I consider myself a right-tilted moderate and there is no way in hell I’d vote for a fucking socialist.

Hopefully most Independents are smart enough to know socialism would ruin America.
Bernie is too far to the right for my tastes. I probably would have voted for him against Trump though.

Bernie went after the Fed. In that regard, he's a better conservative than most modern conservatives in the electorate, actually.
I consider myself a right-tilted moderate and there is no way in hell I’d vote for a fucking socialist.

As long as our elected ones continue their belief in deficit financing and central economic planning by a central bank, they're all socialists.

And I don't see it changing any time soon.
Moderates are the people who are generally okay with compromising on all of the really bad anti-liberty legislation coming out of Washington from both parties.
Independents are moderates, not libertarians.

zacly. I want the Independents. Got it? :)

Moderates aren't libertarian. As I said, moderates are the faction in the electorate who compromise on all of the bad legislation that comes out of both the Democrat and Republican parties in Washington, and the horrible legislaton the moderates compromise on, by the fact that they're moderates, always serves to erode our civil liberties.

So, we don't want people falling for that. We want em to defend and speak up for their civil liberties and this demands they avoid moderates like the plague. And Republicans. And Democrats.
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but talk and fear about the economy , its gotta be a recent concern . Probably since 'gwb' said , hey keep spending and that was right after the Trade Towers 17 years ago . What American of somewhat sound mind can't afford to eat after he sobers up and stops spending money on beer and smokes . Economy , i never heard my DAD mention the economy as he went to work as the only wage owner and as he paid to raise and feed , house . clothe , take care of sick kids and generally raise 5 kids and my MOM . And he ALWAYS had 5 bucks in his pocket to hand out as each kid asked for 5 bucks to go to the High School Dance . ------------------ just a personal comment on ECONOMY Kyzer .
Moderates are the people who are generally okay with compromising on all of the really bad anti-liberty legislation coming out of Washington from both parties.
--------------------------------------------- Moderates , i see them as 'libs and lefties' and worse as they have no real beliefs . Same for 'bush type conservatives' who are really 'moderates' .

I’d have to disagree. I have “real beliefs,” they just don’t all line up in the same place on the spectrum. Or maybe I’m not moderate and just an open-minded Republican. I’m right-of-center but not even close to far-right and I definitely don’t consider my beliefs conservative.
yeah , Freedom and GUNS for me Kyzer:afro: !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But my DAD and Uncles fought for Freedom and one Uncle died in WW2 fighting for Freedom and no mention of money or wallets Kyzer .

My dad fought in the Pacific. Not sure how that affects how we vote today??

IMHO its the net total effects of the parties' policies that determines how we vote, these are the economic policies, such as immigration, defense, trade, funding social programs, the Debt, and taxes, that allows us the maximum freedom to do what we want. Its simpler to say net net "vote your wallet" or personal finances.

Side hot button issues like Roe, guns, trannys, FBI/DOJ conspiracies, foreign policy, VA, education, infrastructure, tech bias, energy policy, environmental policy, law & justice issues, are important, but for me these issues are secondary to the primary responsibility to maintain prosperity.

The good news is that Congress is so dysfunctional, that no matter which party is in power, they can't agree on anything, so its usually "steady as she goes". Obamacare being the latest disaster when Congress tried to do something...assuming that the GOP tax cut is temporary.
Moderates are the people who are generally okay with compromising on all of the really bad anti-liberty legislation coming out of Washington from both parties.
Independents are moderates, not libertarians.

zacly. I want the Independents. Got it? :)
No, I don't really understand what you want. But that's okay. Sadly, as an Independent, I frequently end up voting for a Dem or Republican, because they are the candidates that will win the vote and they are the ones with the fleshed out policies and agendas. I have heard there is an Independent party, but they are a pretty well kept secret, as far as I know anyway.

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