Moderate Republicans In the Senate Are Getting Scared

There are no such things as "moderate Republicans". Only closet Democrats. Constituents are beginning to notice.
The American people are pissed at these bastards for attempting to fuck them over! SAY NO TO THIS BILL! View attachment 135673

Interesting perspective how the people getting the free shit pulled away from them are the ones getting screwed over, but the rest of us currently paying for it aren't.
It is impossible for 60% of this country to make enough money to pay your masters for this dumb ass healthcare...Personal responsibility? lol Not when the game is rigged.

Top 20 % pay over 80 % of the income taxes and here we have a whiner declaring that the game is rigged against him. ROFLMAO!

Yes, personal responsibility is the answer, thanks for admitting you don't have any of it.

"Dumb ass healthcare", so now you are calling it dumb, yet becoming enraged if it isn't paid by other people. These people are the dumbest...
Look, you stupid bastard, the rich pay a far lower percentage of their income in taxes than do the middle class. And they still pay 80% of the income taxes? Do you not realize that means they are taking a inordinate amount of the money from the economy? What we need is for them to make only enough to pay 20% and pay the same percentage as the rest of we citizens. The remaining 60% spread among our population, would bring back the solid middle class we once had. And there would be no working poor. Working would automatically mean an income good enough to have a real life and future.
You're nothing but a thug and a thief.

What makes you entitled to anything they earn?

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