Modern Democrats


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.

Do you honestly believe that you have a say in the Government? Those Corporate Leaders run things for themselves and have for decades. And that is Fascism, not Communism or even Socialism. You are pulling the old "3rd" Red Scare Tactic.
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.

Communism is often used merely as as a pejorative, but the the case of the modern Democratic Party it is an accurate description: Government control of the economy, redistribution of wealth, political censorship and governance by a ruling elite. The rationalization for these policies is that "equality" can't otherwise be attained. The results will be the same as they always have been.
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.
Oh the irony.

You know your republican *president* wants to send federal troops into states whether they want them there or not, right?
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.

Communism is often used merely as as a pejorative, but the the case of the modern Democratic Party it is an accurate description: Government control of the economy, redistribution of wealth, political censorship and governance by a ruling elite. The rationalization for these policies is that "equality" can't otherwise be attained. The results will be the same as they always have been.
Political censorship is a tRumpling thing, not Democratic at all.

Just as dOnald.
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.

Communism is often used merely as as a pejorative, but the the case of the modern Democratic Party it is an accurate description: Government control of the economy, redistribution of wealth, political censorship and governance by a ruling elite. The rationalization for these policies is that "equality" can't otherwise be attained. The results will be the same as they always have been.

Considering that the Government is owned strictly by the Corporate Leaders, just how would this be done? Will X number of them become traitors to their Class? You are just repeating the Red Scare that was used in 1918/19 and 1952 to 1957 and it failed both times because there never has been a communist behind every tree and bush.
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.
Oh the irony.

You know your republican *president* wants to send federal troops into states whether they want them there or not, right?

I got a kick out of this last one. Rump sent in the 82nd from Ft. Bragg. Yes, they had to go to DC. But when they got there, they found out they didn't have a job. NO President can use Federal Military Troops to quell civilian unrest without the express permission of the US Congress. Rump called it an Insurrection but as usual, he had no idea what a nation Wide Insurrection is. The last one we had was in 1861.
Modern Democrat = neo-communist

The Party of the Rump = Fascist.
That's stupid.

You don't even know what a fascist is.
Yeah, we do.

But you apparently don't.
Way off topic, but opposing looting and burning does not seem to be fascist. What does not condemning and promoting looting and burning make a person?
Modern Democrat = neo-communist

The Party of the Rump = Fascist.
That's stupid.

You don't even know what a fascist is.
Yeah, we do.

But you apparently don't.View attachment 346238
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Democrats attack anyone who dare disagree with them. I remember them saying bush was hitler.

Anyone a Democrat doesn't like = Hitler

Democrats are the apidimy of fascism
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.

Communism is often used merely as as a pejorative, but the the case of the modern Democratic Party it is an accurate description: Government control of the economy, redistribution of wealth, political censorship and governance by a ruling elite. The rationalization for these policies is that "equality" can't otherwise be attained. The results will be the same as they always have been.

Considering that the Government is owned strictly by the Corporate Leaders, just how would this be done? Will X number of them become traitors to their Class? You are just repeating the Red Scare that was used in 1918/19 and 1952 to 1957 and it failed both times because there never has been a communist behind every tree and bush.

Like I said, I don't really care what you call it. Using branches of the government as a political weapon, cracking down on free speech, wanting to control healthcare and energy, wanting to hand out money for universal income, not condemning and supporting looting and arson. If the term communism makes you uncomfortable, feel free to call it something else.
I know all our democrat friends get upset when we call them Communists. They don't like that we call them that after they give the government more and more power. Normally I'd say they were right when they go on about all the various definitions of socialism, but have you looked at the Democrat Party lately? Have they finally earned their communist stripes? Government controlling speech based on political affiliation, government support of mobs of like minded political groups, their wish for government controlled healthcare and energy. They want to give everybody a government check and think people will still go to work. It gets even worse, not only does it look like full blown communism, but they want to completely give up sovereignty to globalism. Where exactly do American Citizens fit into that picture? Politicians and Billionaires ruling over their tent cities.

Communism is often used merely as as a pejorative, but the the case of the modern Democratic Party it is an accurate description: Government control of the economy, redistribution of wealth, political censorship and governance by a ruling elite. The rationalization for these policies is that "equality" can't otherwise be attained. The results will be the same as they always have been.

Considering that the Government is owned strictly by the Corporate Leaders, just how would this be done? Will X number of them become traitors to their Class? You are just repeating the Red Scare that was used in 1918/19 and 1952 to 1957 and it failed both times because there never has been a communist behind every tree and bush.

Like I said, I don't really care what you call it. Using branches of the government as a political weapon, cracking down on free speech, wanting to control healthcare and energy, wanting to hand out money for universal income, not condemning and supporting looting and arson. If the term communism makes you uncomfortable, feel free to call it something else.

It all depends on who is getting looted. But remember, there are more than one way to loot. Fascism also loots but they do it a different way.
Modern Democrat = neo-communist

The Party of the Rump = Fascist.
That's stupid.

You don't even know what a fascist is.
Yeah, we do.

But you apparently don't.View attachment 346238
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Democrats attack anyone who dare disagree with them. I remember them saying bush was hitler.

Anyone a Democrat doesn't like = Hitler

Democrats are the apidimy of fascism
Not remembering bush being accused of emulating Hitler.

Bush was kinda stupid, but not a fascist.
Modern Democrat = neo-communist

The Party of the Rump = Fascist.
That's stupid.

You don't even know what a fascist is.
Yeah, we do.

But you apparently don't.View attachment 346238
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Democrats attack anyone who dare disagree with them. I remember them saying bush was hitler.

Anyone a Democrat doesn't like = Hitler

Democrats are the apidimy of fascism
Not remembering bush being accused of emulating Hitler.

Bush was kinda stupid, but not a fascist.

Tons of this.

Democrats are using the same material. The same old playbook. Everyone they don't like they do this BS to.
Modern Democrat = neo-communist

The Party of the Rump = Fascist.
That's stupid.

You don't even know what a fascist is.
Yeah, we do.

But you apparently don't.View attachment 346238
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Democrats attack anyone who dare disagree with them. I remember them saying bush was hitler.

Anyone a Democrat doesn't like = Hitler

Democrats are the apidimy of fascism
Not remembering bush being accused of emulating Hitler.

Bush was kinda stupid, but not a fascist.

Tons of this.

Democrats are using the same material. The same old playbook. Everyone they don't like they do this BS to.

Even a broken anolog clock is right twice a day. Rump is a Fascist, plain and simple. He started out filling just 12 of the Fascist requirements. Today, he's tried to fill all 14 of them. But we have a thing called the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice that stops him from the last 2 steps. And of course, 2018's election. I voted for Bush Jr because the alternatives were so bad so don't give me this crap.
You are just repeating the Red Scare that was used in 1918/19 and 1952 to 1957 and it failed both times because there never has been a communist behind every tree and bush.

Tell that to the millions of people who lived under Soviet Communism.

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