Molecular Geneticist drops mic on Trans Debate.

1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
Psychos like you immediately make the ignore list.
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
So why are there so many lesbian dykes?
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
Removing tenets of this issue, there is the rest of the world. There is competition. Our main competitor now is China. Their GDP is catching up with ours although they have many more people. However, in just a few decades they are sitting near the pinnacle of total world domination. They have 1.3 billion people or so. At least a few hundred million are in their modern society and middle class. Or their version of it. The rest want in and our slowly being absorbed into it. Like many other nations they do not have this issue we are experiencing. We are in decline. And the tolerance will be a lot less for a lot more things as more and more people become poorer. Other considerations are needed, and we are not seeing it.
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
We get it.
Males suck so bad you want all woman to be one.
Makes perfect sense.
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
You think doing roids makes up for the physiological advantages men have? LOL! Don't you have a karate chop class to go to?
Shouldn't need a geneticist to say you can't change sexes. Even a god damn highschool drop out knows that. You can not change your genetics, your biology, your physiology, your psychology or anything. You are what you are from the time of conception at your very genetic core on a sub atomic level.

Every living thing is built and designed to be a specific thing from it's inception. Even a newborn, if you dunk it in water it will hold its breath automatically without being taught to because it's ingrained in their genetics. A man born is a man and it is biologically impossible for it to be another sex in any facet.

Sure sometimes genetic anomalies occur where they are intersexed but they still exhibit traits more in line with one sex than the other but those people are less than 1% of all births.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE in their right mind, knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that men CANNOT morph into women (or vice versa). The idea is nonsensical fantasy. The mental oafs who adhere to that idiotic idea are either low IQed dopes or are purposely pushing this nonsense to foster national confusion.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE in their right mind, knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that men CANNOT morph into women (or vice versa). The idea is nonsensical fantasy. The mental oafs who adhere to that idiotic idea are either low IQed dopes or are purposely pushing this nonsense to foster national confusion.
We never see the so called "professors" who indoctrinated these pawns. The pawns get filled with this nonsense, then go out into the real world and get resistance, then get filled with hurt and hatred when they finally wake up to the fact they're being used for an agenda.
Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country
Only so long as it does not negatively impact others.
I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions
Why does that difference need “correcting”? Women are not intended to be doing the same physical activities as Men are. Just as Men are not intended to be doing the emotionally/based activities that women were designed for.
Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior
That’s what we’re designed to do. Just as women are designed to sit the duck down, shut the fuck up, and do as they’re told.
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
Men also get the short end of the stick during divorce proceedings. They had much more to do with building civilization.

I bet you enjoy your computer and your car. Male inventions. And that's not to mention all the other wonderful "male" inventions. Please name the top ten female inventions.
Psychos like you immediately make the ignore list.
That's truly a nazi mistake. Sending it to the gas chamber from the Auschwitz train platform will help to dumb you down and also take away dolls to play with and critique.

The nazi can only watch the movements of those in the gas chamber, not hear what they are saying. Higher IQs will schizoanalyze the discourse of the information-compromised, and exploit it.
I really hope everyone who supports the current trans fad watches this. For all the people who tell us it's no big deal or why do we care.

The geneticist is the correct model base for critique of critique, though the moderators take off to reify "internalized misogyny" completely ignoring the flip-side and its projection. This may be exemplary in the Nashville killer-tranny, Hale, though we are not given much to go on from Hale's shrinks transcripts.

Genetics must be better used. This video debauches and mjutates genetics though these information-compromised are on the right track: Do not pass go. Begin with the embryo to differentiate signifier from signified in this politicized pronoun shell-game.
Only so long as it does not negatively impact others.

Why does that difference need “correcting”? Women are not intended to be doing the same physical activities as Men are. Just as Men are not intended to be doing the emotionally/based activities that women were designed for.

That’s what we’re designed to do. Just as women are designed to sit the duck down, shut the fuck up, and do as they’re told.
The problem is "designed". The godless left can't accept that fact. Their demons scream and throw a fit every time God is acknowledged.

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