Molecular Geneticist drops mic on Trans Debate.

The problem is "designed". The godless left can't accept that fact. Their demons scream and throw a fit every time God is acknowledged
For me it depends. I do not believe in God as an individual or person. I see the Deity as an emotionless force of nature and nothing more.
I sincerely hope the leftists here get are as miserable as She appears to be.

The Indiana tranny wannabe dreamed of an operation. This was circa 1998. All of a sudden, Badger used the "wrong" pronoun, "man."

Tranny wannabe: "Why would you do that (to me)?!"

At that point, Badger should have asked for a birth certificate.
For me it depends. I do not believe in God as an individual or person. I see the Deity as an emotionless force of nature and nothing more.
Then you have used an incorrect noun because the force of nature is not a deity. No deity exists that cares about you.
I like this comment: "The man's comfort takes precedent, over the women's safety"
they have no fking clue what a woman feels. what a woman is. They have a picture and mirror the picture. Women have periods, they have hot flashes, they wear bras that give them uncomortableness in their breasts, they wear pads, they pop in tampons, they have to smell at that time, uncomfortable cramps. What blatant disrespect to those who gave them life.

Oh, and can they have babies? ewwwwwwwwww now that one they fking hate.

Oh, and they disrespect woman's little girls by flashing their still existent penis.

Tell them this, once they experience all of that, I'll call them a girly. Until then, they are nothing but chicks with dicks.
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Start at the Embryo

Trannys jonesing for recognition and murdering people at schools have opened a can of worms, because there are physical reasons connected to sex-determination.

These reasons link to the American-assisted Chinese communist virus, SARS2. We plunder this arcana because we want to know just how kinky it was for the Chinese Wuhan-lab communists to be studying (crotch-clownism [italics]) in reproducing bats.

So this furin sequence ends up in the SARS2 virus, a similar sequence (be sure of it) also helps to determine bat gender.

19 Mar 2023 Post # 2,038 Sex-Determining Genes / Furin
My personal experience leads me to a totally different conclusion; but to each their own.
Personal experience is precisely the problem. That's why the bible is one of the world's most dangerous self-glossing literatures.
Start at the Embryo

First to link genes to sex determination. This is a physical sex determination and has nothing to do with tranny wanna-be sugar-plum ideations.

'In Denys-Drash syndrome, there is a complex nephropathy and sexual ambiguity. Patients with the WAGR syndrome may have undescended testes and hypospadias, whereas male patients with Denys-Drash may have female or ambiguous external genitalia.
It is probable that defects in these interactions disrupt testicular development so that Leydig cell function and testosterone production are inadequate. This could explain the pseudohermaphroditism sometimes seen in Deny-Drash syndrome. Mice transgenic for the Deny-Drash mutation in Wt1 did not express the androgen receptor of AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) in Sertoli cells.'
(Erickson RP, Ch. 15 The Sex Determination Pathway, in Epstein, ed., Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis)

This is all the genetics needed for now to make the bat connection to the Wuhan lab, forthcoming.
1. The guy has no knowledge of the brain and the structure of the brainwiring that has been proven by science.
2. Who gives a fuck? An adult should have the freedom to live the way they wish in a so called free country.

I used roids for 12 fucking years and frankly all woman should too as we have a huge unfair disadvantage that needs correcting compared to you fuckking judgemental sexist males that enjoy privilege. You pigs cause most of the violence and murder in this society and need to fuck off with your baseless factless idiotic opinions.

Males cause most of murders 90%
Males cause most grooming and rape 90-95%
Males should fuck off with their offensive and controlling behavior.
Therein lies the blossoming problem-your statement that adults should be able to do what they want SOLELY because they want to
We first note the anal retention of the Chinese communists: the bat we can draw sex-determining genetics from is the European species of Rhinolophus, not the Chinese species of Rhinolophus closest related to SARS2. As far as is known, there is no published equivalent information for the Chinese bat species closely linked to SARS2, Rhinolophus affinis.

European Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Anti-Mullerian Hormone
'....positions 14-116 anti-mullerian hormone....'

This bat anti-mullerian sequence (14-116) can now be compared with the equivalent from H. sapiens at Uniprot. This trajectory will find identical sequences between bat and human for sex-determining genes.
Personal experience is precisely the problem. That's why the bible is one of the world's most dangerous self-glossing literatures
I spent 27 years as a devout Lutheran. I witnessed miracles during that time. I also experienced things that the church refused to even admit exist. I also saw the lies of the church. After I left the faith I went on a personal spiritual journey that spanned close to three years. By the end of it I learned many things… the most obvious of which is that organized religion is at best a crutch and at worst a suicide pact. I live my own personal spiritual beliefs at this point and have no intent on seeing them changed by anyone or anything.
I spent 27 years as a devout Lutheran. I witnessed miracles during that time. I also experienced things that the church refused to even admit exist. I also saw the lies of the church. After I left the faith I went on a personal spiritual journey that spanned close to three years. By the end of it I learned many things… the most obvious of which is that organized religion is at best a crutch and at worst a suicide pact. I live my own personal spiritual beliefs at this point and have no intent on seeing them changed by anyone or anything.
Then the obvious question from an atheist would be that of secular faith vs. spiritual faith.
Pseudohermaphroditism was mentioned above. We must first give credit to this post from 2015 for mentioning the Sox9 gene at that time:

9 May 2015 Post #192 Hermaphrodite / SOX9

So two more genes can be added to reinforce the notion that Wuhan was experimenting with the sexuality of bats, possibly as a cover for more important experiments linking to humans: SRY and SOX9.

Ap 2006 Poland / Hermaphrodite Dog / SOX9-SRY / Mullerian Duct Syndrome

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