Mom Buys Daughter Cocaine For 18th Birthday

Cocaine was used for many things. It was used for hundreds of years in the Inca empire. It was widely used as an anesthetic and in medicinal preparations. It was used as an energy booster and was even in the original formula for Coca-Cola. That is until the nanny staters incorrectly classified it as a narcotic and made it illegal. Always amusing to watch the so called opponents of big government supporting big brother when it comes to the War On (some) Drugs® and making criminals out of people whose only "crime" was getting high.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!
Do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue? I don't have any drug habit. I don't take drugs and I don't need rehab. I pay for my own healthcare. You worry about your insurance rates going up, but you don't give a damn about the tremendous societal costs of the useless War On (some) Drugs® and the prison for profit system and how that effects your pocketbook. There are over 2 million people in prison in the US, and About 1 in 5 incarcerated people are in for non-violent drug crimes. That's over 400,000 people. Millions more are on probation or have criminal records because of their "crime" of getting high. It's hard enough to find work let alone with a criminal record. The aggregate cost of incarceration has been estimated to be nearly a trillion dollars when the societal costs are factored in. 20% of that is 200 billion dollars. Legalize it and tax it would be a better solution than what we currently have.
So the drug cartels hauling cocaine, hash, heroine, and pot into the USA are innocent victims, in prison un necessarily and your hero? Got it.
If drugs weren't illegal the cartels would be out of business. It is your side that gives them their power. I guess that must make them your heroes.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!
Do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue? I don't have any drug habit. I don't take drugs and I don't need rehab. I pay for my own healthcare. You worry about your insurance rates going up, but you don't give a damn about the tremendous societal costs of the useless War On (some) Drugs® and the prison for profit system and how that effects your pocketbook. There are over 2 million people in prison in the US, and About 1 in 5 incarcerated people are in for non-violent drug crimes. That's over 400,000 people. Millions more are on probation or have criminal records because of their "crime" of getting high. It's hard enough to find work let alone with a criminal record. The aggregate cost of incarceration has been estimated to be nearly a trillion dollars when the societal costs are factored in. 20% of that is 200 billion dollars. Legalize it and tax it would be a better solution than what we currently have.
So the drug cartels hauling cocaine, hash, heroine, and pot into the USA are innocent victims, in prison un necessarily and your hero? Got it.
If drugs weren't illegal the cartels would be out of business. It is your side that gives them their power. I guess that must make them your heroes.
Incorrect! Colorado legalized mj and the illicit drug dealers are making a killerr income!
To me anyone who helps their kids score drugs should be kicked where it hurts.

God bless you and her kids always!!!

she was not a kid anymore she was 18 that makes her an adult
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

Did you ever give a person a bottle of wine?

God bless you always!!!

Cocaine was used for many things. It was used for hundreds of years in the Inca empire. It was widely used as an anesthetic and in medicinal preparations. It was used as an energy booster and was even in the original formula for Coca-Cola. That is until the nanny staters incorrectly classified it as a narcotic and made it illegal. Always amusing to watch the so called opponents of big government supporting big brother when it comes to the War On (some) Drugs® and making criminals out of people whose only "crime" was getting high.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!
Do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue? I don't have any drug habit. I don't take drugs and I don't need rehab. I pay for my own healthcare. You worry about your insurance rates going up, but you don't give a damn about the tremendous societal costs of the useless War On (some) Drugs® and the prison for profit system and how that effects your pocketbook. There are over 2 million people in prison in the US, and About 1 in 5 incarcerated people are in for non-violent drug crimes. That's over 400,000 people. Millions more are on probation or have criminal records because of their "crime" of getting high. It's hard enough to find work let alone with a criminal record. The aggregate cost of incarceration has been estimated to be nearly a trillion dollars when the societal costs are factored in. 20% of that is 200 billion dollars. Legalize it and tax it would be a better solution than what we currently have.
Let's make a deal! End the war on drugs get densely stupid as much as you want, then when you blow out your heart pay for your own treatments including rehab! And when I say " you" I am speaking of all persons who take life threatening addictive drugs! Got it now?
Works for me.
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
You are equating a bottle of wine with cocaine? When did wine ever explode your heart valves? Moron.
In order for cocaine to explode one's heart valves one would need to consume an enormous overdose. But something you need to know is beverage alcohol, which includes wine, kills or medically injures infinitely more Americans every year than all of the other recreational drugs combined.
To me anyone who helps their kids score drugs should be kicked where it hurts.

God bless you and her kids always!!!

she was not a kid anymore she was 18 that makes her an adult
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!


Did you ever give a person a bottle of wine?

Alcohol is a drug and in fact is the most abused drug
Are you actually comparing cocaine to wine?

You are lost.
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

I think we should know a lot more about the circumstances in this situation. Could be these are people who enjoy the occasional use of cocaine and can afford to indulge their vice. Some people prefer expensive wines and/or liquors -- which are far more potentially harmful to some than is cocaine.

Whether cocaine, marijuana, heroin, or whatever, no drug has the same effect on everyone who uses it. Some people are what behaviorists call addictive personalities, while most people are not.
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.
A mother who bought £300 worth of cocaine as a birthday present for her daughter’s 18th has been spared jail.
The 37-year-old – who is also a grandmother – admitted that she was planning to take the cocaine with her college student daughter on a night of wild celebrations in London.

Mother bought 12 packets of cocaine for her daughter’s 18th

The level this once great country has become. And these people walk among us! Disgusting, pathetic excuse of a mother. I just imagine what the kids she dragged up are like!! I shudder at the thought. the 14 year old should be placed in a safe environment well away from his irresponsible mother and sister who both clearly believe that drugs are acceptable!
Yeah, she could have gotten a better deal if she had bought and eight ball.
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.
I've never become so addicted I couldn't live without drugs.
You are equating a bottle of wine with cocaine? When did wine ever explode your heart valves? Moron.
In order for cocaine to explode one's heart valves one would need to consume an enormous overdose. But something you need to know is beverage alcohol, which includes wine, kills or medically injures infinitely more Americans every year than all of the other recreational drugs combined.
Yes! I know. Alcohol users murder many innocent Americans on our highways yearly. Now why do you wish to compound that problem? I am interested!
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!
Do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue? I don't have any drug habit. I don't take drugs and I don't need rehab. I pay for my own healthcare. You worry about your insurance rates going up, but you don't give a damn about the tremendous societal costs of the useless War On (some) Drugs® and the prison for profit system and how that effects your pocketbook. There are over 2 million people in prison in the US, and About 1 in 5 incarcerated people are in for non-violent drug crimes. That's over 400,000 people. Millions more are on probation or have criminal records because of their "crime" of getting high. It's hard enough to find work let alone with a criminal record. The aggregate cost of incarceration has been estimated to be nearly a trillion dollars when the societal costs are factored in. 20% of that is 200 billion dollars. Legalize it and tax it would be a better solution than what we currently have.
So the drug cartels hauling cocaine, hash, heroine, and pot into the USA are innocent victims, in prison un necessarily and your hero? Got it.
If drugs weren't illegal the cartels would be out of business. It is your side that gives them their power. I guess that must make them your heroes.
Incorrect! Colorado legalized mj and the illicit drug dealers are making a killerr income!
Because there is a black market for it in other states.
Look at the bright side. Mom and daughter might both be dead in an alley with a needle in their arms. There's better highs than cocaine out there.
You keep referring to alcohol. It causes massive problems because it is legal. Legalizing other drugs is obviously not the answer. You are refuting your own argument.

no YOU assume it causes problems merely because it's legal

No drug causes problems
How the drug is used causes problems
Drugs are used by people
Therefore people cause all the problems
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.
Are you saying everyone who uses a little of any drug now and then becomes addicted?
Addicts use drugs. They use drugs to get high. That's why they are addicts. They are easy to spot. They justify getting high.
Addicts also use food, religion, sex exercise to get high on also.

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