Mom Buys Daughter Cocaine For 18th Birthday

Are you saying everyone who uses a little of any drug now and then becomes addicted?
Addicts use drugs. They use drugs to get high. That's why they are addicts. They are easy to spot. They justify getting high.
You can use a drug to alter your consciousness and never be an addict
Do you take the drug to alter your consciousness? Then you are an addict.

You need to look up the definition of addict.

But tell me do you use caffeine?
Caffeine alters your consciousness too you know.
How badly does caffeine impair your cognitive ability? Can you drive a car, perform surgery, fly a plane, baby sit someone's children? Which drug would you want your child care personnel high on?

you said alter your consciousness and nothing about cognitive ability.

LAck of sleep can alter your cognitive ability as much as any drug
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.

Use coke a couple times and you're an addict
smoke an occasional cigar and you're an addict

but having a glass of wine occasionally doesn't make you an addict?

please explain
Smoking a cigar a couple of times doesn't make you an addict.

Using coke to get high makes you an addict. If you drank to get blotto you would be an alcoholic.

wrong in every sense.

According to you if I get rip roaring drunk once a year then I am an alcoholic
Do you drink once a year with the intention of getting rip roaring drunk? Then you are an alcoholic.
What I would like to see for this mother is for that cocaine to completely blow out that girl's nose. I saw that happen to someone. Blood everywhere. Running down the back of the girl's throat, choking on it. Then passing out from blood loss to the brain. Kind of comical really. They get scared but never enough to stop using. That's addiction for you.
Your schadenfreude is well noted. But don't worry, there are good people on this planet that would overlook your evil intentions and save you if you needed help.
Addicts use drugs. They use drugs to get high. That's why they are addicts. They are easy to spot. They justify getting high.
You can use a drug to alter your consciousness and never be an addict
Do you take the drug to alter your consciousness? Then you are an addict.

You need to look up the definition of addict.

But tell me do you use caffeine?
Caffeine alters your consciousness too you know.
How badly does caffeine impair your cognitive ability? Can you drive a car, perform surgery, fly a plane, baby sit someone's children? Which drug would you want your child care personnel high on?

you said alter your consciousness and nothing about cognitive ability.

LAck of sleep can alter your cognitive ability as much as any drug
I never said alter consciousness. You did.

Do you deliberately go without sleep to experience the cognitive impairment?

Are you trying to conflate every possible action with the deliberate purposeful act of drug use?
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.
Are you saying everyone who uses a little of any drug now and then becomes addicted?
Addicts use drugs. They use drugs to get high. That's why they are addicts. They are easy to spot. They justify getting high.
You can use a drug to alter your consciousness and never be an addict
Do you take the drug to alter your consciousness? Then you are an addict.

Absolutely untrue
In my opinion, age doesn't matter. Since when are drugs a good gift to give anyone no matter what the occasion is?

God bless you always!!!

One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.

Use coke a couple times and you're an addict
smoke an occasional cigar and you're an addict

but having a glass of wine occasionally doesn't make you an addict?

please explain
Smoking a cigar a couple of times doesn't make you an addict.

Using coke to get high makes you an addict. If you drank to get blotto you would be an alcoholic.

You need to research the subject. You are always wrong
One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.

Use coke a couple times and you're an addict
smoke an occasional cigar and you're an addict

but having a glass of wine occasionally doesn't make you an addict?

please explain
Smoking a cigar a couple of times doesn't make you an addict.

Using coke to get high makes you an addict. If you drank to get blotto you would be an alcoholic.

wrong in every sense.

According to you if I get rip roaring drunk once a year then I am an alcoholic
Do you drink once a year with the intention of getting rip roaring drunk? Then you are an alcoholic.

Wrong some more. Tipsy... Do some reading!
I've been popping hydros today cause I had oral surgery this morning..I am such an addict. Time to snort one.
We have an epidemic of overdose deaths in this country and still can't figure out drug use.
The most common cause of overdose is ignorance of dosage.

When you buy alcohol in a federally supervised liquor store the label on the bottle will accurately and reliably tell you the "proof" (strength) of the alcohol content. When you buy a "hit" of heroin from a street dealer you have no idea what is in that glassine envelope. It could be "cut" down to virtual zero strength or it can be pure enough to kill or severely disable a novice user.

This factor of unknown quantity and quality is the cause of most of the serious problems associated with all recreational (illegal) drug use. It is not commonly known that someone could regularly use heroin with absolutely no deleterious effect -- provided usage is occasional, not frequent, and each precisely measured dose is sterile, comfortably tolerable per the user, and is not exceeded.

This situation is analogous to the millions of Americans who regularly enjoy the effect of beverage alcohol, consumed in moderation on an occasional basis and never exceeded. If sterile, precisely measured doses of their alcoholic beverages were not available many of these same individuals would become alcoholics and would be made sick or worse by consuming illegal booze (see history of Prohibition).
A mother who bought £300 worth of cocaine as a birthday present for her daughter’s 18th has been spared jail.
The 37-year-old – who is also a grandmother – admitted that she was planning to take the cocaine with her college student daughter on a night of wild celebrations in London.

Mother bought 12 packets of cocaine for her daughter’s 18th

The level this once great country has become. And these people walk among us! Disgusting, pathetic excuse of a mother. I just imagine what the kids she dragged up are like!! I shudder at the thought. the 14 year old should be placed in a safe environment well away from his irresponsible mother and sister who both clearly believe that drugs are acceptable!

Rich lady will get the most expensive legal team and beat the rap. She probably should of used the coke on herself. :lol: ( I kid)
The level this once great country has become. And these people walk among us! Disgusting, pathetic excuse of a mother. I just imagine what the kids she dragged up are like!! I shudder at the thought.
That's progressivism for you. The left is taught from birth that drugs, fornication, violence, etc. is all acceptable (even encouraged) and that nobody has the right to "judge". They have no morals, no values, no God, etc.
What I would like to see for this mother is for that cocaine to completely blow out that girl's nose. I saw that happen to someone. Blood everywhere. Running down the back of the girl's throat, choking on it. Then passing out from blood loss to the brain. Kind of comical really. They get scared but never enough to stop using. That's addiction for you.
How common do you think such extreme situations are? I've never seen anything like that, nor have the vast majority of people seen anything like it. I would estimate its frequency of occurrence to be approximately equal to that of severe motorcycle accidents. So would you like to see motorcycle riding banned?
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.
Are you saying everyone who uses a little of any drug now and then becomes addicted?
Addicts use drugs. They use drugs to get high. That's why they are addicts. They are easy to spot. They justify getting high.
You can use a drug to alter your consciousness and never be an addict
Do you take the drug to alter your consciousness? Then you are an addict.
Smoking a cigar a couple of times doesn't make you an addict.

Using coke to get high makes you an addict. If you drank to get blotto you would be an alcoholic.
I believe your own life experience has seriously distorted your perceptions and ideas where this subject matter is concerned. Simply stated, you don't know what you're talking about.
Au contraire. How effective was Prohibition? The answer of course is "Not at all". It simply drove the production and consumption of alcohol underground, spawning Speak Easies, and bribing of police and judges to turn a blind eye to them. Sales of illegal alcohol funded the Mafia for a generation. There were also bloody turf battles, not unlike today's useless War on Drugs.
You're quite right. The negative effects you've mentioned are but a few of the serious problems caused by Prohibition, one of which was the millions of Americans killed or made sick by the "bathtub booze" sold by the Prohibition era equivalent of today's drug dealers. Repeal of Prohibition put a stop to that lethal effect.
What I would like to see for this mother is for that cocaine to completely blow out that girl's nose. I saw that happen to someone. Blood everywhere. Running down the back of the girl's throat, choking on it. Then passing out from blood loss to the brain. Kind of comical really. They get scared but never enough to stop using. That's addiction for you.
How common do you think such extreme situations are? I've never seen anything like that, nor have the vast majority of people seen anything like it. I would estimate its frequency of occurrence to be approximately equal to that of severe motorcycle accidents. So would you like to see motorcycle riding banned?
Are you serious? You have never seen anyone blow out a nose from cocaine!
Au contraire. How effective was Prohibition? The answer of course is "Not at all". It simply drove the production and consumption of alcohol underground, spawning Speak Easies, and bribing of police and judges to turn a blind eye to them. Sales of illegal alcohol funded the Mafia for a generation. There were also bloody turf battles, not unlike today's useless War on Drugs.
You're quite right. The negative effects you've mentioned are but a few of the serious problems caused by Prohibition, one of which was the millions of Americans killed or made sick by the "bathtub booze" sold by the Prohibition era equivalent of today's drug dealers. Repeal of Prohibition put a stop to that lethal effect.
No it didn't. As many people die today from booze than did during prohibition. You never heard of alcohol poisoning?
Smoking a cigar a couple of times doesn't make you an addict.

Using coke to get high makes you an addict. If you drank to get blotto you would be an alcoholic.
I believe your own life experience has seriously distorted your perceptions and ideas where this subject matter is concerned. Simply stated, you don't know what you're talking about.
You are a drug addict yourself. It colors every thought you have.
I've been popping hydros today cause I had oral surgery this morning..I am such an addict. Time to snort one.
I had surgery on the bone and nerves in my foot and never took anything stronger than a Tylenol. If you needed hydro you are a weakling.
Her daughter most likely has already been working the streets to pay for habit. Mom too.
What to you base that assumption on? Do you believe everyone who enjoys the effects of certain substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, and beverage alcohol is a degenerate, self-destructive addict?
Any mother that buys drugs for her daughter is most likely selling her ass for drugs. It's a "street fact." Been going on for 1,000 years.

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