Mom Buys Daughter Cocaine For 18th Birthday

Her daughter most likely has already been working the streets to pay for habit. Mom too.
What to you base that assumption on? Do you believe everyone who enjoys the effects of certain substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, and beverage alcohol is a degenerate, self-destructive addict?
Any mother that buys drugs for her daughter is most likely selling her ass for drugs. It's a "street fact." Been going on for 1,000 years.
That's probably very true. Mom is getting her daughter ready to be pimped on the street to return the favor.
No it didn't. As many people die today from booze than did during prohibition. You never heard of alcohol poisoning?
That is simply as wrong as two left feet -- and you need to read the history of Prohibition.

People do die today from alcohol poisoning, but the number is extremely small and the cause is excessive consumption -- not the consequence of impurity, which was very common during Prohibition. Back then it was a very common practice for unscrupulous bootleggers to mix half a measure of good whiskey with a half measure of anti-freeze, which is a deadly poison. One consequence of that practice was known as the "Morning Sweep" in New York City when the Bellevue Hospital morgue weapon did a sweep of the Bowery picking up the corpses of vagrant alcoholics who were poisoned by "bathtub gin." New York was not the only place where that practice was common and it served as one motivation for repealing Prohibition.

A modern version of that practice is seen in the "cutting" of illegal heroin with everything from baking soda to, in one example, a powder containing warfarin (rat poison) which hit the streets in New York City back in the seventies and killed over a hundred junkies who bought from the same dealer in the City's "Needle Park."
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You are a drug addict yourself. It colors every thought you have.
The only recreational drug I ever used was marijuana, which I enjoyed throughout the 1970s when it was decriminalized in New York City. I stopped using it in 1982 when Reagan escalated the War On Drugs, which made possession a serious crime and brought about an insane rise in price and decline in quality.

I would use marijuana again today if it were legally available and reasonably priced but I wouldn't smoke it. I would stick with the edibles and probably buy a vaporizer.
You are a drug addict yourself. It colors every thought you have.
The only recreational drug I ever used was marijuana, which I enjoyed throughout the 1970s when it was decriminalized in New York City. I stopped using it in 1982 when Reagan escalated the War On Drugs, which made possession a serious crime and brought about an insane rise in price and decline in quality.

I would use marijuana again today if it were legally available and reasonably priced but I wouldn't smoke it. I would stick with the edibles and probably buy a vaporizer.
Go to a 12 step meeting. You will see alcoholics who haven't had a drink in 20 or more years. They are still alcoholics, one shot away from a bender. That's you. There is a longing that you might not even know you express. You are a drug addict thinking that you aren't because you aren't using right now. You just want to. You want to soooo bad. That's why you continually look for ways to make drug use not so bad.

There is an incredible sadness about you.
I have never used drugs. I know plenty who did. My roommate blew out her nose a couple of times with cocaine and had surgery to repair the damage. Cocaine just eats the tissue. Surely you know this. My roommate was a drug addict. She went from a brilliant attorney to being disbarred then on the street and died of brain cancer. That's not the only destroyed life I witnessed.

Get ahold of your longing.
You keep referring to alcohol. It causes massive problems because it is legal. Legalizing other drugs is obviously not the answer. You are refuting your own argument.
Beverage alcohol was once illegal. But alcohol Prohibition was repealed because it made the situation infinitely worse.

The War On Drugs is in fact another Prohibition -- which is in fact equal to if not even worse than the destructive nature of alcohol prohibition. The War On Drugs has been going on for over forty years and it has been a monumental waste of money, government resources, and millions of ruined and lost lives. In spite of all of the wasted effort any recreational drug that anyone wishes to buy is readily available within a few miles of any inhabited part of the U.S., usually within a few blocks, and drug use is more prevalent today than it was before Nixon started this fiasco.

The only way to effectively reduce the use of recreational drugs is presently being practiced in the Philippines in the form of random, cold-blooded murder of anyone suspected by any police official or civilian vigilante of selling or using recreational drugs. So the president of the Philippines has opted to substitute corpses in the streets of his towns and cities for the practice of recreational drug use. This situation is categorically insane -- and our President Trump has complimented Philippine President Duterte for imposing it.

How do you feel about it?
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.
Are you saying everyone who uses a little of any drug now and then becomes addicted?
Addicts use drugs. They use drugs to get high. That's why they are addicts. They are easy to spot. They justify getting high.
You can use a drug to alter your consciousness and never be an addict
Do you take the drug to alter your consciousness? Then you are an addict.
If you spin around in a chair to make yourself dizzy, are you an addict?
Go to a 12 step meeting. You will see alcoholics who haven't had a drink in 20 or more years. They are still alcoholics, one shot away from a bender. That's you. There is a longing that you might not even know you express. You are a drug addict thinking that you aren't because you aren't using right now. You just want to. You want to soooo bad. That's why you continually look for ways to make drug use not so bad.

There is an incredible sadness about you.
You seem to know a lot about 12-step meetings and the longing of addicts. How is that?

I've often repeated the adage, There is no reformer like a reformed drunk, in these discussions but you persistently ignore how it fits you like a glove.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!
Do you know how much you are paying to support the Prison Industrial Complex and to finance the cost of prosecuting the drug war?

Watch the tv "ride-along" documentaries, COPS, and PD Live, and you'll see that the vast majority of police activity involves victimless drug offenses. Do you know how much you are paying to maintain these cops -- whose time is diverted from real crime by the futile, counterproductive pursuit of drug offenses? Do you know how much of the entire criminal justice system is preoccupied with this drug madness, from the courts to the prisons, to the parole and probation systems, and on and on? Would you rather pay through the nose for this useless nonsense than pay a comparative pittance for anti-drug use public education and for rehab programs for those who make a mistake?

You are one of the many millions of Americans who simply don't know how much the drug war is costing you.
You keep referring to alcohol. It causes massive problems because it is legal. Legalizing other drugs is obviously not the answer. You are refuting your own argument.
Beverage alcohol was once illegal. But alcohol Prohibition was repealed because it made the situation infinitely worse.

The War On Drugs is in fact another Prohibition -- which is in fact equal to if not even worse than the destructive nature of alcohol prohibition. The War On Drugs has been going on for over forty years and it has been a monumental waste of money, government resources, and millions of ruined and lost lives. In spite of all of the wasted effort any recreational drug that anyone wishes to buy is readily available within a few miles of any inhabited part of the U.S., usually within a few blocks, and drug use is more prevalent today than it was before Nixon started this fiasco.

The only way to effectively reduce the use of recreational drugs is presently being practiced in the Philippines in the form of random, cold-blooded murder of anyone suspected by any police official or civilian vigilante of selling or using recreational drugs. So the president of the Philippines has opted to substitute corpses in the streets of his towns and cities for the practice of recreational drug use. This situation is categorically insane -- and our President Trump has complimented Philippine President Duterte for imposing it.

How do you feel about it?
I fully support the execution of drug addicts. I applaud the success of the efforts taken in the Philippines.
It was mentioned that cocaine was a part of Cocoa cola! Why was the substance removed?
Because it was learned that people were becoming addicted to Coca Cola because they were not aware of the cocaine content and therefore were using too much of it.

Using a little cocaine now and then probably will not habituate someone who is not inclined to addiction (some people are and some are not). But consuming a cocaine-laced soft drink two or three times a day will hook anyone.
Go to a 12 step meeting. You will see alcoholics who haven't had a drink in 20 or more years. They are still alcoholics, one shot away from a bender. That's you. There is a longing that you might not even know you express. You are a drug addict thinking that you aren't because you aren't using right now. You just want to. You want to soooo bad. That's why you continually look for ways to make drug use not so bad.

There is an incredible sadness about you.
You seem to know a lot about 12-step meetings and the longing of addicts. How is that?

I've often repeated the adage, There is no reformer like a reformed drunk, in these discussions but you persistently ignore how it fits you like a glove.
Except that I don't drink and never have. I just do not like the taste or the buzz. I never took drugs at all because I always thought myself untrustworthy. No telling what I would do if I got high or if I would be able to stop doing it when I was no longer high. If I let those monsters out. I might not be able to catch them. I do know a lot about 12 step programs. I have certainly known enough people in them and have gone to enough meetings with friends, the odd client now and again and even an associate or so. They are quite good. You might try a meeting to help you get a handle on your own addiction.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!
Do you know how much you are paying to support the Prison Industrial Complex and to finance the cost of prosecuting the drug war?

Watch the tv "ride-along" documentaries, COPS, and PD Live, and you'll see that the vast majority of police activity involves victimless drug offenses. Do you know how much you are paying to maintain these cops -- whose time is diverted from real crime by the futile, counterproductive pursuit of drug offenses? Do you know how much of the entire criminal justice system is preoccupied with this drug madness, from the courts to the prisons, to the parole and probation systems, and on and on? Would you rather pay through the nose for this useless nonsense than pay a comparative pittance for anti-drug use public education and for rehab programs for those who make a mistake?

You are one of the many millions of Americans who simply don't know how much the drug war is costing you.
There is no drug war that's why the uselessness of accommodation is so expensive. How much in medical care, rehab, counseling, halfway houses. Execution is cheaper and is the way to fight a real war on drugs. Stop the medical care. Close the rehab centers. Close the halfway houses. Let these people die. Stop feeding them, housing them. If they break the law lock them up and have them weave baskets.
I have never used drugs. I know plenty who did. My roommate blew out her nose a couple of times with cocaine and had surgery to repair the damage. Cocaine just eats the tissue. Surely you know this. My roommate was a drug addict. She went from a brilliant attorney to being disbarred then on the street and died of brain cancer. That's not the only destroyed life I witnessed.

Get ahold of your longing.
Do you believe because that extreme consequence happened to your roommate it is commonplace? Let me assure you it isn't. I know that because I am 80 years old and lived most of my life in New York City. I might have heard about that nose problem but I never knew of any actual examples.

There are extreme examples of consequences from just about any recreational activity, from jumping rope to sky-diving.
There is no drug war that's why the uselessness of accommodation is so expensive. How much in medical care, rehab, counseling, halfway houses. Execution is cheaper and is the way to fight a real war on drugs. Stop the medical care. Close the rehab centers. Close the halfway houses. Let these people die. Stop feeding them, housing them. If they break the law lock them up and have them weave baskets.
I would wager heavily that you probably will commit suicide.
China has a very good program dealing with drug use. No trial. No lawyers. No prison. A simple blood test will detect drugs in the system. The user is sent to work rehab in one of the mega factories. No excuses no appeal. The user lives in a dormitory. The length of treatment is three years. After two such treatment programs a third offense gets the user diagnosed as chronic. They never get out. They put together all that cheap Chinese stuff you over pay for. Now that is something that us better than what we have now.

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