Mom Buys Daughter Cocaine For 18th Birthday

There is no drug war that's why the uselessness of accommodation is so expensive. How much in medical care, rehab, counseling, halfway houses. Execution is cheaper and is the way to fight a real war on drugs. Stop the medical care. Close the rehab centers. Close the halfway houses. Let these people die. Stop feeding them, housing them. If they break the law lock them up and have them weave baskets.
I would wager heavily that you probably will commit suicide.
Not hardly. You on the other hand might not be able to handle being without drugs for much longer.
I have never used drugs. I know plenty who did. My roommate blew out her nose a couple of times with cocaine and had surgery to repair the damage. Cocaine just eats the tissue. Surely you know this. My roommate was a drug addict. She went from a brilliant attorney to being disbarred then on the street and died of brain cancer. That's not the only destroyed life I witnessed.

Get ahold of your longing.
Do you believe because that extreme consequence happened to your roommate it is commonplace? Let me assure you it isn't. I know that because I am 80 years old and lived most of my life in New York City. I might have heard about that nose problem but I never knew of any actual examples.

There are extreme examples of consequences from just about any recreational activity, from jumping rope to sky-diving.
Cocaine nose

Cocaine and Your Nose | The Oaks at La Paloma Treatment Center

I grew up in New York City. I never heard of drunks drinking bathtub gin which is from the 20s. The drunks drank sneaky pete. Cheap liquor mixed with wood alcohol. I remember the heroin addicts dying with the needle still in their arms. Death can't come too fast for the addicts. Some say the Philippines has killed over 7,000 so far. Good for them.
One of the most commonly presented gifts is a bottle (or a case) of some sort of beverage alcohol. And beverage alcohol is by far the most addictive and medically damaging drug of all.

So if it occurs to you that something be done about the ready availability of beverage alcohol, I hasten to remind you that it's already been tried.
.millions of people have a glass of wine now and then and aren't addicted. Those who take drugs aren't so lucky.

Use coke a couple times and you're an addict
smoke an occasional cigar and you're an addict

but having a glass of wine occasionally doesn't make you an addict?

please explain
Smoking a cigar a couple of times doesn't make you an addict.

Using coke to get high makes you an addict. If you drank to get blotto you would be an alcoholic.

wrong in every sense.

According to you if I get rip roaring drunk once a year then I am an alcoholic
Do you drink once a year with the intention of getting rip roaring drunk? Then you are an alcoholic.
No you are wrong as usual
You can use a drug to alter your consciousness and never be an addict
Do you take the drug to alter your consciousness? Then you are an addict.

You need to look up the definition of addict.

But tell me do you use caffeine?
Caffeine alters your consciousness too you know.
How badly does caffeine impair your cognitive ability? Can you drive a car, perform surgery, fly a plane, baby sit someone's children? Which drug would you want your child care personnel high on?

you said alter your consciousness and nothing about cognitive ability.

LAck of sleep can alter your cognitive ability as much as any drug
I never said alter consciousness. You did.

Do you deliberately go without sleep to experience the cognitive impairment?

Are you trying to conflate every possible action with the deliberate purposeful act of drug use?
you asked me if I took drugs to alter my consciousness you said nothing about cognitive impairment

My god people have used drugs since there have been people on the planet.

Shit even elephants eat rotten fruit so as to catch a buzz

the deliberate use of any drug on occasion is not addiction and people can use drugs in a responsible manner and never become an addict
I have never used drugs. I know plenty who did. My roommate blew out her nose a couple of times with cocaine and had surgery to repair the damage. Cocaine just eats the tissue. Surely you know this. My roommate was a drug addict. She went from a brilliant attorney to being disbarred then on the street and died of brain cancer. That's not the only destroyed life I witnessed.

Get ahold of your longing.
occasional use of coke will not do that she was obviously abusing the drug
murkinz get addicted to anything. Exercise, not eating, over eating, porn/monkey spanking, cars, stamps, coins, religions.Drugs are the least of the problems.
A line of blow sounds good about right now. Havent had ona those in maybe a year......With a Bloody Mary and and sausage gravy wiff them thar bizkitz,
murkinz get addicted to anything. Exercise, not eating, over eating, porn/monkey spanking, cars, stamps, coins, religions.Drugs are the least of the problems.
A line of blow sounds good about right now. Havent had ona those in maybe a year......With a Bloody Mary and and sausage gravy wiff them thar bizkitz,
if you've ever done coke you know the last thing you think about is eating
Rehab is a lot cheaper than prison.
Read the question moron! If cocaine is so beneficial to your society why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab? Now, try again on comprehension.
Cocaine was used for many things. It was used for hundreds of years in the Inca empire. It was widely used as an anesthetic and in medicinal preparations. It was used as an energy booster and was even in the original formula for Coca-Cola. That is until the nanny staters incorrectly classified it as a narcotic and made it illegal. Always amusing to watch the so called opponents of big government supporting big brother when it comes to the War On (some) Drugs[emoji768] and making criminals out of people whose only "crime" was getting high.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Read the question moron! If cocaine is so beneficial to your society why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab? Now, try again on comprehension.
Cocaine was used for many things. It was used for hundreds of years in the Inca empire. It was widely used as an anesthetic and in medicinal preparations. It was used as an energy booster and was even in the original formula for Coca-Cola. That is until the nanny staters incorrectly classified it as a narcotic and made it illegal. Always amusing to watch the so called opponents of big government supporting big brother when it comes to the War On (some) Drugs[emoji768] and making criminals out of people whose only "crime" was getting high.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?
Cocaine was used for many things. It was used for hundreds of years in the Inca empire. It was widely used as an anesthetic and in medicinal preparations. It was used as an energy booster and was even in the original formula for Coca-Cola. That is until the nanny staters incorrectly classified it as a narcotic and made it illegal. Always amusing to watch the so called opponents of big government supporting big brother when it comes to the War On (some) Drugs[emoji768] and making criminals out of people whose only "crime" was getting high.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!

It's not a problem. People have used drugs since there have been people to think that we can stop it is beyond stupid

People use drugs now they have used them in the past and in fact all the laws and the war on drugs has resulted in no decrease in drug use in the population.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!

It's not a problem. People have used drugs since there have been people to think that we can stop it is beyond stupid

People use drugs now they have used them in the past and in fact all the laws and the war on drugs has resulted in no decrease in drug use in the population.
So? Why legalize it? Just take your drugs and be happy.
Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!

It's not a problem. People have used drugs since there have been people to think that we can stop it is beyond stupid

People use drugs now they have used them in the past and in fact all the laws and the war on drugs has resulted in no decrease in drug use in the population.
So? Why legalize it? Just take your drugs and be happy.
why should anyone be under threat of incarceration for ingesting any substance willingly?
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!

It's not a problem. People have used drugs since there have been people to think that we can stop it is beyond stupid

People use drugs now they have used them in the past and in fact all the laws and the war on drugs has resulted in no decrease in drug use in the population.
So? Why legalize it? Just take your drugs and be happy.
why should anyone be under threat of incarceration for ingesting any substance willingly?

Okay! You win! Your pilot is free to invest as much cocaine as he likes and do not dare bitch about it! Now if some acid head murders my family on the highway I will deal with that .. You people are fucking idiots!
so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!

It's not a problem. People have used drugs since there have been people to think that we can stop it is beyond stupid

People use drugs now they have used them in the past and in fact all the laws and the war on drugs has resulted in no decrease in drug use in the population.
So? Why legalize it? Just take your drugs and be happy.
why should anyone be under threat of incarceration for ingesting any substance willingly?

Okay! You win! Your pilot is free to invest as much cocaine as he likes and do not dare bitch about it! Now if some acid head murders my family on the highway I will deal with that .. You people are fucking idiots!

you can't seem to understand the difference between drug use and operating a vehicle while under the influence.

What do I care if a pilot did coke last weekend as long as he is fit for duty today?

and tell me where I said driving under the influence of any drug was ever OK?
Did I say that numbskull? Clearly some of the horses have left the barn! I am asking why you want to compound the fucking propblem!

It's not a problem. People have used drugs since there have been people to think that we can stop it is beyond stupid

People use drugs now they have used them in the past and in fact all the laws and the war on drugs has resulted in no decrease in drug use in the population.
So? Why legalize it? Just take your drugs and be happy.
why should anyone be under threat of incarceration for ingesting any substance willingly?

Okay! You win! Your pilot is free to invest as much cocaine as he likes and do not dare bitch about it! Now if some acid head murders my family on the highway I will deal with that .. You people are fucking idiots!

you can't seem to understand the difference between drug use and operating a vehicle while under the influence.

What do I care if a pilot did coke last weekend as long as he is fit for duty today?

and tell me where I said driving under the influence was ever OK?
How ewe gonna know stupid? It's legal for him to have it now right? Who the fuck are you to tell him when he can have it?
So why do you want taxpayers to fund your rehab?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
No one has compared damaging one's health to drugs that impair one's ability to think or act clearly. If anything, using drugs should be legal and administering narcan be illegal. These people shouldn't be in jail but the graveyard.
So the libtard admits that ingesting coke renders one unfit for duty! But he's willing to risk it so he can have legal drugs! Screw all the dead on the highways too. Fuck em?
I don't need rehab, and I fund my own healthcare. I think it should be available on any health plan though. Treating addiction as a health issue would be much cheaper than incarcerating addicts and stigmatizing them as criminals thereby making it nearly impossible for them to get a job.
So you are telling society to legalize an addictive substance that has significant health risk and saying our premiums for insurance must rise to accommodate your drug habit? This is astonishing!

Smokers, drinkers, those who eat fast foods are all people who are doing damage to their health, as are those who never exercise or are overweight and out of shape like Donald Trump.
Yes? And? Why compound the problem by legalizing a substance which will further add damage to your body? Is that governments role?

so we should make every substance that can damage the body illegal?

Maybe we should make exercise mandatory.
No one has compared damaging one's health to drugs that impair one's ability to think or act clearly. If anything, using drugs should be legal and administering narcan be illegal. These people shouldn't be in jail but the graveyard.
Works for me. Beats having innocent people in the grave.

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