Monday October 4, 2023 Trumps Civil Trial Starts Today and Guess Who Will Testify For The State

Invaka Trump will testify for the State of New York. Baby Don and Eric will also testify.

P01135809 is about to be bitch slapped Letitia James.
You thread title is poor grammar and contradictory. Are you a schizophrenic?
You thread title is poor grammar and contradictory. Are you a schizophrenic?

Remind me to give a shit about what you think important, sometime after hell has frozen over. Again you are as important to me as a bug when smash it on the ground. Suck up P01135809.
The fire alarm was pulled during RFK Jr.'s speech, so no cell phones in Trump's courtroom.

2 Oct 2023
Your Phone Will Blare a National Emergency Alert Test on 4 Oct

Trumps Civil Trial Starts Today and Guess Who Will Testify For The State​

Either the band The Guess Who will be testifying or an illiterate imbecile doesn't know how to write a question.
Fake narrative by the left to deflect Biden Corruption.
Kushner deals were predated when civilian, being that he's a great investor, how much did Saudis make back from their investment? Did Saudis get any added benefit ? The answer is no, their oil went to below zero during Trump, because people were literally paying to store the excess oil and take it off their hands. Saudis did not do good during Trump's drill baby drill American Energy independence and cut of US red tape bureaucracy.
But with Biden China got favors, like our strategic oil and gas supplies that we put ourselves at risk in a time of war and global uncertainty. China got open border drug lanes to push their fentanyl which helped kill over 184,000 Americans.
Biden's weird push to remove already set up container walls made no sense until you realize it's what China and Mexican cartels wanted and needed not what U.S. wanted and needed. CLEAR CUT PROOF BIDEN IS BEHOLDEN AND COMPROMISED by China and the cartels they work with.
184,000 Americans +died in a year Due to Biden's beholden to China, if you don't count the millions globally due to Obama -Biden admin assisted financing of the Wuhan lab experiments.
184,000 Americans +died in a year Due to Biden's beholden to China, if you don't count the millions globally due to Obama -Biden admin assisted financing of the Wuhan lab experiments.
'Why was the president of Wellcome Trust, Jeremy Farrar, included in this email exchange between Fauci and Andersen? I have some ideas as to why, but only a formal investigation will provide us with the real reason.'
(Huff, The Truth About Wuhan, p. 215)

Because Wellcome Trust is UK and so is Pirbright Institute, which is the Bill Gates link to the IBV coronavirus GoF report published on 17 Oct 2019, as Joe Biden was stating in the media that his son received no money from China.
Might want to clean up your crystal ball.

FPOTUS#45 is ALREADY convicted of 1 of the claims via Summary Judgement (which was requested by BOTH the plaintiff and respondent).


Civil Trial, not criminal. So judgement, not conviction.

Words mean things.
Facts on the inflated value case:
Fact: All thr contracts stated for the banks to do their own due diligence which they did and even though disagreeing with subjective value gave the loans anyway at their own willingness= Case should have never been brought forth, which is why the bad poker face DA grins andclaughs as she uses the same old canned phrases "nobody is above the law".
Which brings us to fact 2:
Fact: during the Dems adjustable mortgage loan giveaway fiasco the values of property were artificially inflated by the property appraisers, nobody had a problem with it then, andxwhen the R.E. market crashed and those mortgages defaulted dems never blamed themselves nor arrested themselves and after the appraisers got strict in the opposite direction and greatly undervalued properties causing owners to give discounts even on contracted houses, billions lost in revenues and tax dollars under valuing properties, contracts lost, people were totally screwed by the under valuations brought on by Dem zealous behavior gone wrong causing this ripple affect.
Nobody got arrested for understating, no dems blamed themselves or steped down, no DA on TV bragging about trying to prevent an opposition candidate from living his life.
Fact3: Subjective evaluations of celebrity property is different then comparing cheap builder materials to expensive imported materials and one of a kind designer features. Plus the name alone factor makes for celebrity properties or desired properties more valued than similar sq' market values.
Example: Marilyn Monroe's home was a tear down 50's -60s style only worth the land value, however it has a celebrity premium value name recognition, therefore did the sellers gouge the buyer asking for millions over it's value? Were they arrested for over inflating a celebrity nostalgia valuecpremium or is it subjective to the buyer as is the loaner mortgage holder?
You can't say Trump built or Trump owned properties don't hold a premium, and banks get their own always lower appraisals, therefore Babks as contract stated did their due diligence and loaned anyway. The only scam and crime is the DA knowing this and using the banks (always questionable by ownwers) lower appraisal as a sneeky tactic to claim inflated values took place.
In that case every single homwowner after the r.e. market crash over stated their value compared to the corrupt appraisals that purposely low balled values to be safer on defaults.
Conclusion: Dems corrupt abuse of power-clear cut political strategy to tie up, take funds away from, and defame & demonized narrative to taint a rival candidate while also intimidaring to obstruct the Biden corruption scandal and make it seem like a wash with both candidates troubles.
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P01135809 is attacking the judge who in the end decide be able to decide if P01135809 will be able to do business in NY State.

Perhaps one his team of Keystone Cops lawyers hould remind P01135809 of the fact that was the failure of that legal team to request a jury trial.

P01135809 can bloviate about not having a jury trial, but it was his shysters that request on.
This is the biggest bullshit trial I've ever seen.

This dumbass "get Trump" judge values Mar a Lago at 18 million, yet a 2 acre plot of DIRT with nothing on it in the same area is listed for TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. Mar a Lago is 20 acres WITH a building. Trump valued it at 1.5 billion, right in line with actual properties in the area.

"A nearby vacant lot (2.3 acres) is for sale on Zillow for $200 million," John LeFevre, a former investment banker who created the Goldman Sachs Elevator social media account, wrote alongside a screengrab of the listing. "Mar-a-Lago sits on 17 acres, with waterfront on both sides."

This is the biggest bullshit trial I've ever seen.

This dumbass "get Trump" judge values Mar a Lago at 18 million, yet a 2 acre plot of DIRT with nothing on it in the same area is listed for TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. Mar a Lago is 20 acres WITH a building. Trump valued it at 1.5 billion, right in line with actual properties in the area.

"A nearby vacant lot (2.3 acres) is for sale on Zillow for $200 million," John LeFevre, a former investment banker who created the Goldman Sachs Elevator social media account, wrote alongside a screengrab of the listing. "Mar-a-Lago sits on 17 acres, with waterfront on both sides."

Your Orange shit faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodgin Putin loveing P01135809 is now Shi-"-Lago is worth "100 Times More" than originallly stated. Which he has once again committed Real Estate Fraud.

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