Money and Media


Nov 27, 2013
6 corporations own the media in the USA.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America - Business Insider

Wealthy elites pay wealthy newsmen to tell the middle class that poor people are the cause of all their problems.

To wit:

*Labor Unions destroy jobs and cause poverty
*State Aid to the poor creates dependency
*Social Security is a criminal enterprise oppressing millions- a Ponzi Scheme in fact
*Public Pensions destroy city budgets and must be dissolved
*Clean Air / Water and Labor regulations are job killers

What do those scant few examples share in common? The poor people of this country are systematically gaming the political system to create a massive transfer of wealth from the capitalist owners to their own pockets.

The poor have been pulling this crime for years. I've seen it before. Homeless people organizing to take down innocent multi-billionaires who are the job creators.

Then the middle class gets uppity with the audacity to expect a livable wage and benefits for the work done. That will not stand in the America I know.

Why is that? B/c I know better! The media told me so.

If the market rewards billionaires with a fortune, then that's how Nature intended. Forget self-interest for the middle class. We know better. And the concurs. But it is a liberal media that lies all the time.

Apparently the Super wealthy media owners control everything but their own wholly owned media.

I'm torn on this matter. What do you think?
6 corporations own the media in the USA.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America - Business Insider

Wealthy elites pay wealthy newsmen to tell the middle class that poor people are the cause of all their problems.

To wit:

*Labor Unions destroy jobs and cause poverty
*State Aid to the poor creates dependency
*Social Security is a criminal enterprise oppressing millions- a Ponzi Scheme in fact
*Public Pensions destroy city budgets and must be dissolved
*Clean Air / Water and Labor regulations are job killers

What do those scant few examples share in common? The poor people of this country are systematically gaming the political system to create a massive transfer of wealth from the capitalist owners to their own pockets.

The poor have been pulling this crime for years. I've seen it before. Homeless people organizing to take down innocent multi-billionaires who are the job creators.

Then the middle class gets uppity with the audacity to expect a livable wage and benefits for the work done. That will not stand in the America I know.

Why is that? B/c I know better! The media told me so.

If the market rewards billionaires with a fortune, then that's how Nature intended. Forget self-interest for the middle class. We know better. And the concurs. But it is a liberal media that lies all the time.

Apparently the Super wealthy media owners control everything but their own wholly owned media.

I'm torn on this matter. What do you think?

This should be obvious to hapless Americans, but it isn't; the mythical "liberal media" meme is repeated endlessly (by the "media," no less), and American wage slaves buy right into it. Why wouldn't they? It's all most of them hear. From wall-to-wall "talk radio conservative" propaganda to FOX News (that converts politics to entertainment, ala professional wrestling), this is what they believe. They have no time for water cooler conversations, porch pondering, or anything else. They barely survive in economic terms.

And it keeps the aristocratic system in place.
6 corporations own the media in the USA.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America - Business Insider

Wealthy elites pay wealthy newsmen to tell the middle class that poor people are the cause of all their problems.

To wit:

*Labor Unions destroy jobs and cause poverty
*State Aid to the poor creates dependency
*Social Security is a criminal enterprise oppressing millions- a Ponzi Scheme in fact
*Public Pensions destroy city budgets and must be dissolved
*Clean Air / Water and Labor regulations are job killers

What do those scant few examples share in common? The poor people of this country are systematically gaming the political system to create a massive transfer of wealth from the capitalist owners to their own pockets.

The poor have been pulling this crime for years. I've seen it before. Homeless people organizing to take down innocent multi-billionaires who are the job creators.

Then the middle class gets uppity with the audacity to expect a livable wage and benefits for the work done. That will not stand in the America I know.

Why is that? B/c I know better! The media told me so.

If the market rewards billionaires with a fortune, then that's how Nature intended. Forget self-interest for the middle class. We know better. And the concurs. But it is a liberal media that lies all the time.

Apparently the Super wealthy media owners control everything but their own wholly owned media.

I'm torn on this matter. What do you think?

This should be obvious to hapless Americans, but it isn't; the mythical "liberal media" meme is repeated endlessly (by the "media," no less), and American wage slaves buy right into it. Why wouldn't they? It's all most of them hear. From wall-to-wall "talk radio conservative" propaganda to FOX News (that converts politics to entertainment, ala professional wrestling), this is what they believe. They have no time for water cooler conversations, porch pondering, or anything else. They barely survive in economic terms.

And it keeps the aristocratic system in place.
I would agree with your conclusion. Thinking about this stuff - media ownership by the plutocratic elite, the accusation of a liberal media at odds with the interests of the owners, and all the other anti-middle class / poor stories leads me to think that the subject matter is seemingly designed to paralyze rational thought. That pretty much leaves us with a "I believe what I believe and that's that" approach which isn't thinking at all.
6 corporations own the media in the USA.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America - Business Insider

Wealthy elites pay wealthy newsmen to tell the middle class that poor people are the cause of all their problems.

To wit:

*Labor Unions destroy jobs and cause poverty
*State Aid to the poor creates dependency
*Social Security is a criminal enterprise oppressing millions- a Ponzi Scheme in fact
*Public Pensions destroy city budgets and must be dissolved
*Clean Air / Water and Labor regulations are job killers

What do those scant few examples share in common? The poor people of this country are systematically gaming the political system to create a massive transfer of wealth from the capitalist owners to their own pockets.

The poor have been pulling this crime for years. I've seen it before. Homeless people organizing to take down innocent multi-billionaires who are the job creators.

Then the middle class gets uppity with the audacity to expect a livable wage and benefits for the work done. That will not stand in the America I know.

Why is that? B/c I know better! The media told me so.

If the market rewards billionaires with a fortune, then that's how Nature intended. Forget self-interest for the middle class. We know better. And the concurs. But it is a liberal media that lies all the time.

Apparently the Super wealthy media owners control everything but their own wholly owned media.

I'm torn on this matter. What do you think?

This should be obvious to hapless Americans, but it isn't; the mythical "liberal media" meme is repeated endlessly (by the "media," no less), and American wage slaves buy right into it. Why wouldn't they? It's all most of them hear. From wall-to-wall "talk radio conservative" propaganda to FOX News (that converts politics to entertainment, ala professional wrestling), this is what they believe. They have no time for water cooler conversations, porch pondering, or anything else. They barely survive in economic terms.

And it keeps the aristocratic system in place.
I would agree with your conclusion. Thinking about this stuff - media ownership by the plutocratic elite, the accusation of a liberal media at odds with the interests of the owners, and all the other anti-middle class / poor stories leads me to think that the subject matter is seemingly designed to paralyze rational thought. That pretty much leaves us with a "I believe what I believe and that's that" approach which isn't thinking at all.

Media echo-chambers create an illusion of "us" and "THEM," and we live in a world of the Conservative Entertainment System that thoroughly controls all discussion.

What's the WORD OF THE DAY? Let's have Benghazi! Let's have The War on Christmas! Let's have the outrage of Miley Cyrus! Let's have He Lied!

Idiot country, idiot voters.
There is an overbearing nanny state creating unhealthy dependencies on government.

There is an ever expanding federal government greatly overstepping its intended bounds.

There is wealth being redistributed to down the income ladder in great quantities.

Conversely, there is a privileged class committing massive fraud and destroying the very roots of our capitalist system, transferring wealth up the income ladder from everyone into their pockets.

The middle class is being ripped to shreds. We are being destroyed from all sides. Right, Left, and inside.

All of it is true. And we are all guilty.

When you are whining over someone getting food stamps while claiming all the government deductions, credits, and subsidies you can get your grubby hands on, you are being a hypocrite of the first water. Tax expenditures are far more responsible for our national debt and high tax rates than food stamps, by several orders of magnitude!

When you are defending the crimes of Wall Street, you are defending the thieves stealing from your own pocket!

When you are calling the people who you are stealing from "freeloaders" so you can take their money and give it to people who did nothing to earn that money, you are flat out insane. You are through-the-Looking-Glass crazy.

"You didn't build that?" By "you", you mean the rich. But ask yourself, are the rich the only ones using "that"? That road or that bridge? NO!!!
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Despite the far left rants and falsehoods being posted on this thread if this truly about Money and Media then follow the trail:

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets
Fantastic. what does your link have to do with 6 corporations owning the US media? Is it a secret that these plutocrats own both political parties? I guess it is to you.

If it has to be explained to you then you are a far left Obama drone.

Compare your so called list and see who those companies donated money to. The results might just shock you to see who far left the bulk of the media really is.
There is an overbearing nanny state creating unhealthy dependencies on government.

There is an ever expanding federal government greatly overstepping its intended bounds.

There is wealth being redistributed to down the income ladder in great quantities.

Conversely, there is a privileged class committing massive fraud and destroying the very roots of our capitalist system, transferring wealth up the income ladder from everyone into their pockets.

The middle class is being ripped to shreds. We are being destroyed from all sides. Right, Left, and inside.

All of it is true. And we are all guilty.

When you are whining over someone getting food stamps while claiming all the government deductions, credits, and subsidies you can get your grubby hands on, you are being a hypocrite of the first water. Tax expenditures are far more responsible for our national debt and high tax rates than food stamps, by several orders of magnitude!

When you are defending the crimes of Wall Street, you are defending the thieves stealing from your own pocket!

When you are calling the people who you are stealing from "freeloaders" so you can take their money and give it to people who did nothing to earn that money, you are flat out insane. You are through-the-Looking-Glass crazy.

"You didn't build that?" By "you", you mean the rich. But ask yourself, are the rich the only ones using "that"? That road or that bridge? NO!!!
That's a lot to digest. I still haven't understood the government dependency argument as it is applied to the poor. Even when we had welfare, I believe that the average time spent on the dole was something like only 2.5 years. That's not really dependency.

This country is the richest in the history of the planet. Yet we have people without insurance, without job security, with poor pay and with 1/4 kids going to bed hungry. Meanwhile the uppercrust is enjoying riches beyond measure. That's the effect of unregulated capitalism where money owns the political process. Labor has no leverage and is indeed marginalized by the media that's routinely portrayed as sympathetic to the liberal lot.

The ultra rich would not have their wealth but for the efforts of Labor and, in some cases, the federal government. Walmart is owned by the richest family in the game. They have a tactic of using governmental programs to provide assistance to their own workforce so that they can have an extra hundred million in their pockets. There's a lot wrong with that picture.

What's worse? Gov. redistirbution of assets to Multi Billionaires or to the working poor?

These questions always come down to values.
The media has been Obama's lap dog for over 5 years. It absolutely refused to investigate him, his associates, his appointments or his actions. It has absolutely skewered the GOP with stories of people hurt by mythical funding cuts.
Now that Obamacare has revealed the utter debacle of Dem rule, the left is turning on the media in general.
I am NOT driven by ENVY or JEALOUSY of others or their success.

It takes an exceptionally small and pathetic "mind" to call for the diminishing of the productive in order to promote the non-productive drones.

I do not care how much others make as long as I can keep my family sheltered and fed to my and their satisfaction.

I and my family let the ENVY and JEALOUSY of others ruin the lives of those who are incapable to succeed without trying to ruin others, with or without government support.

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