Money out of thin air


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
These days, nobody seems to care that we are running up huge national debts and deficits. Every president since Andrew Jackson has increased the debt, but so much more since Clinton. Maybe it was a mindset that grew out of the 1930s Great Depression or maybe even before that: you weren't supposed to go into debt if you could help it and if you did you paid back your debts as soon as you could. And you tried to make a better world for the next generation.

But no longer; nobody is thinking about paying off the debt cuz it's already so gargantuan, and yet we keep on spending and spending until at some point just the interest on the debt will be the biggest budget item to deal with. Isn't that kind of irresponsible? What kind of message does that send to future generations? Aren't we leaving them a huge problem with no means to solve it? Sooner or later the debt gets so big that we can't find enough borrowers to cover it, what then? Print gobs and gobs of new money, or simply create it out of thin air? Does anyone seriously believe the US can do that indefinitely? People laugh today about inflation, as if it can't happen here. Well, yeah it can, and I don't see any way to avoid it. Maybe not in the near future, but how long can we keep up the pretense that there is no problem and no urgency to address it?

Seniors like me will maybe not see the real consequences of what's going on now, most of us will probably die before that happens. You guys on the low side of 50 give or take, you guys are going to get fucked and you ain't going to get any vaseline either. I really think we are creating a world of shit for those who follow us, and nobody cares.

LOL, but have a nice day.
that cant be right about Jackson,he tried to get us off the dollar.thats why there was an assassination attempt on his life.
These days, nobody seems to care that we are running up huge national debts and deficits. Every president since Andrew Jackson has increased the debt, but so much more since Clinton. Maybe it was a mindset that grew out of the 1930s Great Depression or maybe even before that: you weren't supposed to go into debt if you could help it and if you did you paid back your debts as soon as you could. And you tried to make a better world for the next generation.

But no longer; nobody is thinking about paying off the debt cuz it's already so gargantuan, and yet we keep on spending and spending until at some point just the interest on the debt will be the biggest budget item to deal with. Isn't that kind of irresponsible? What kind of message does that send to future generations? Aren't we leaving them a huge problem with no means to solve it? Sooner or later the debt gets so big that we can't find enough borrowers to cover it, what then? Print gobs and gobs of new money, or simply create it out of thin air? Does anyone seriously believe the US can do that indefinitely? People laugh today about inflation, as if it can't happen here. Well, yeah it can, and I don't see any way to avoid it. Maybe not in the near future, but how long can we keep up the pretense that there is no problem and no urgency to address it?

Seniors like me will maybe not see the real consequences of what's going on now, most of us will probably die before that happens. You guys on the low side of 50 give or take, you guys are going to get fucked and you ain't going to get any vaseline either. I really think we are creating a world of shit for those who follow us, and nobody cares.

LOL, but have a nice day.
Do you see my logo? Republicans explode the Deficit & Debt, then only complain when we remove their asses from power!
These days, nobody seems to care that we are running up huge national debts and deficits. Every president since Andrew Jackson has increased the debt, but so much more since Clinton. Maybe it was a mindset that grew out of the 1930s Great Depression or maybe even before that: you weren't supposed to go into debt if you could help it and if you did you paid back your debts as soon as you could. And you tried to make a better world for the next generation.

But no longer; nobody is thinking about paying off the debt cuz it's already so gargantuan, and yet we keep on spending and spending until at some point just the interest on the debt will be the biggest budget item to deal with. Isn't that kind of irresponsible? What kind of message does that send to future generations? Aren't we leaving them a huge problem with no means to solve it? Sooner or later the debt gets so big that we can't find enough borrowers to cover it, what then? Print gobs and gobs of new money, or simply create it out of thin air? Does anyone seriously believe the US can do that indefinitely? People laugh today about inflation, as if it can't happen here. Well, yeah it can, and I don't see any way to avoid it. Maybe not in the near future, but how long can we keep up the pretense that there is no problem and no urgency to address it?

Seniors like me will maybe not see the real consequences of what's going on now, most of us will probably die before that happens. You guys on the low side of 50 give or take, you guys are going to get fucked and you ain't going to get any vaseline either. I really think we are creating a world of shit for those who follow us, and nobody cares.

LOL, but have a nice day.
Do you see my logo? Republicans explode the Deficit & Debt, then only complain when we remove their asses from power!
notice how this troll wont own up to what we know as facts how it has been a mess ever sense clinton?:auiqs.jpg:
that cant be right about Jackson,he tried to get us off the dollar.thats why there was an assassination attempt on his life.

On January 8, 1835, president Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt, the only time in U.S. history that has been accomplished. The Panic of 1837 then followed. 1836 to 1910 . In 1836 debt began again (the debt on January 1, 1836 was $37,000).

Clinton had a few years of budget surplus, but the debt was higher when he left office than when he entered it.
These days, nobody seems to care that we are running up huge national debts and deficits. Every president since Andrew Jackson has increased the debt, but so much more since Clinton. Maybe it was a mindset that grew out of the 1930s Great Depression or maybe even before that: you weren't supposed to go into debt if you could help it and if you did you paid back your debts as soon as you could. And you tried to make a better world for the next generation.

But no longer; nobody is thinking about paying off the debt cuz it's already so gargantuan, and yet we keep on spending and spending until at some point just the interest on the debt will be the biggest budget item to deal with. Isn't that kind of irresponsible? What kind of message does that send to future generations? Aren't we leaving them a huge problem with no means to solve it? Sooner or later the debt gets so big that we can't find enough borrowers to cover it, what then? Print gobs and gobs of new money, or simply create it out of thin air? Does anyone seriously believe the US can do that indefinitely? People laugh today about inflation, as if it can't happen here. Well, yeah it can, and I don't see any way to avoid it. Maybe not in the near future, but how long can we keep up the pretense that there is no problem and no urgency to address it?

Seniors like me will maybe not see the real consequences of what's going on now, most of us will probably die before that happens. You guys on the low side of 50 give or take, you guys are going to get fucked and you ain't going to get any vaseline either. I really think we are creating a world of shit for those who follow us, and nobody cares.

LOL, but have a nice day.
I will leave my kids plenty of gold and silver, and guns and ammo. Other than that, they are going to have to rough it....

Best investment


Money out of thin air:

Every car insurance promises to "save you money."

So switch every week. Soon you will be getting car insurance for free and then the only way you can save money is if they PAY YOU to insure your car.

Democrats approve of this message. It's soothing to their two left ears.
that cant be right about Jackson,he tried to get us off the dollar.thats why there was an assassination attempt on his life.

On January 8, 1835, president Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt, the only time in U.S. history that has been accomplished. The Panic of 1837 then followed. 1836 to 1910 . In 1836 debt began again (the debt on January 1, 1836 was $37,000).

Clinton had a few years of budget surplus, but the debt was higher when he left office than when he entered it.
And it was repub Congress that gets the credit
These days, nobody seems to care that we are running up huge national debts and deficits. Every president since Andrew Jackson has increased the debt, but so much more since Clinton. Maybe it was a mindset that grew out of the 1930s Great Depression or maybe even before that: you weren't supposed to go into debt if you could help it and if you did you paid back your debts as soon as you could. And you tried to make a better world for the next generation.

But no longer; nobody is thinking about paying off the debt cuz it's already so gargantuan, and yet we keep on spending and spending until at some point just the interest on the debt will be the biggest budget item to deal with. Isn't that kind of irresponsible? What kind of message does that send to future generations? Aren't we leaving them a huge problem with no means to solve it? Sooner or later the debt gets so big that we can't find enough borrowers to cover it, what then? Print gobs and gobs of new money, or simply create it out of thin air? Does anyone seriously believe the US can do that indefinitely? People laugh today about inflation, as if it can't happen here. Well, yeah it can, and I don't see any way to avoid it. Maybe not in the near future, but how long can we keep up the pretense that there is no problem and no urgency to address it?

Seniors like me will maybe not see the real consequences of what's going on now, most of us will probably die before that happens. You guys on the low side of 50 give or take, you guys are going to get fucked and you ain't going to get any vaseline either. I really think we are creating a world of shit for those who follow us, and nobody cares.

LOL, but have a nice day.
Yeah, it's amazing that it took 210 years for the public debt to reach $1T, and the DOW to hit 1K and in the last slightly more than 30 years, both indicators have risen approximately $1T and 1K per year on average. I wonder what parallels will be drawn with this info.
Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
W and Cheney were RINOs and part of the swamp. Take a look at John Roberts.
Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
W and Cheney were RINOs and part of the swamp. Take a look at John Roberts.
So was Trump!

Donald Trump: "I'm the king of Debt"... "I love Debt"... "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal."
If you get the free money invest it quickly.

Not in stocks.

Not in bonds.

In consumer products that will be in extremely short supply as manufacturing ceases.

Consumer products that can be sold in small unitsl

One sure-fire item?

Money out of thin air:

Every car insurance promises to "save you money."

So switch every week. Soon you will be getting car insurance for free and then the only way you can save money is if they PAY YOU to insure your car.

Democrats approve of this message. It's soothing to their two left ears.
u have to spend money to save wife is totally on board with that
Gold dropped $400 since Biden beat Trump in the polls, because everyone knows Democrats always return the USA to fiscal sanity. Republicans only goal is to bankrupt the government so they can claim government is bad!

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