Monster Cops Charged In 6 year Old's Shooting Death-Murder

Actually, according to reports, he repeatedly rammed one of the cars, and refused to get out of his vehicle.
The reason for the charges is by a court decision that officers should not be randomly shooting at cars, even when headed in their direction..

That was only mentioned in passing. It may well be part of the incident but they've given no details.
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

Trust me, I do NOT call the cops if I need help. I learned that way the fuck a long time ago. Already been there, already avoided doing that.

So we're back to "fuck you". And considering that you just called me a hypocrite based on your own strawman, let's make it "fuck the fuck you". :fu:
I don't believe you. You're a little bitch who's going to call the cops and on the 911 transcript it's going to preface your words with (sounds like a little bitch). The police will come to your rescue looking for a petite old woman in distress and will be surprised as hell to find out you're a man.

I don't give a flying rat's ass fuck what the fuck you believe. You're a moron. So again, fuck you, fuck your pissant strawmen, fuck your bootlicker asskissing, and fuck the horse you all rode in on.

Wow. I had you pegged for someone who was at least above this kind of childishness.
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.

Once again, if this pans out, I hope they never see the light of day again, but it is wrong to use an issue like this to paint every last cop in America as some sort of "monster."

That's cute! "BumblerKormac." Well, I guess the fun is over now, back on ignore you go.

Oh yeah, and here's my obligatory "fuck you."

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Actually, according to reports, he repeatedly rammed one of the cars, and refused to get out of his vehicle.
The reason for the charges is by a court decision that officers should not be randomly shooting at cars, even when headed in their direction..

That was only mentioned in passing. It may well be part of the incident but they've given no details.
You are making stuff up again. If not, show a link for this report you are promoting about this violent ramming of the patrol car by the vehicle with the little kid in it.
Let me get this straight, there are actually people here, right here ON USMB who are CONDEMNING THESE COPS??? ACTUALLY CALLING THESE WONDERFUL GUYS IN BLUE, MONSTERS????? AM I MISS READING THIS???

Every motherfuckin time a nigga is killed by these murderers, ie cops.....its our fault...we shouldn't have ran, we should've/ could've done this or that, anything but run, anything but breath, anything but talk back, cause black lives don't matter...and mind you our murderers, ie cops.....all go scott free, we're not endangering anyone, yet we're being gunned down and killed....and this father chose to put his child in danger and that child accidentally gets killed and now, not only is these BLACK COPS going to jail, but yaw turning on em and you don't see something wrong here?

I would bet my last gotdamned dollar if it was a black kid that got killed in all this, you bastards all of you would be blaming the father and you fucks know it.

Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.

We all know if they were white cops, the father would be blamed for running and endangering his childs life, we know this to be fact!! and the threads would be damming the father and making hero's once again out of the white cops.
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


Was the candy tested first, just askin
Initially I have a few points.

1. I generally trust the system. The DA/State police say the body cam video is trust it and support the charges until other evidence emerges.
2. Suspect and victim are white. Both cops are black/brown. If it were reversed....we'd have another Ferguson and media firestorm.

Seriously? Google, black kids killed, injured in drug happens more often than you think and never do the media carry the it, I double dog dare ya!!

Did cops know a kid was in the car?
Did driver try to run over cops?

If one reads the links, those aren't yet known. But hey, that's never stopped you from making it up. .
Newfound skepticism?

There apparently is video, and there's forensic testing pending. Lots more questions beyond those comin'.
Perhaps the kid actually commandeered the car, disabled his dad and was running crack. Yet to be determined. Give the scriptwriters investigators time.

But what a great system we have, where we deal with everything by shooting at it. What could possibly go wrong.

What could possibly go wrong? The fact that people are upset is just mind blowing to is the blame here, sorry!!
Let me get this straight, there are actually people here, right here ON USMB who are CONDEMNING THESE COPS??? ACTUALLY CALLING THESE WONDERFUL GUYS IN BLUE, MONSTERS????? AM I MISS READING THIS???

Every motherfuckin time a nigga is killed by these murderers, ie cops.....its our fault...we shouldn't have ran, we should've/ could've done this or that, anything but run, anything but breath, anything but talk back, cause black lives don't matter...and mind you our murderers, ie cops.....all go scott free, we're not endangering anyone, yet we're being gunned down and killed....and this father chose to put his child in danger and that child accidentally gets killed and now, not only is these BLACK COPS going to jail, but yaw turning on em and you don't see something wrong here?

I would bet my last gotdamned dollar if it was a black kid that got killed in all this, you bastards all of you would be blaming the father and you fucks know it.
It seems to me that cop hate runs far deeper than racism, judging from how the USMB resident racists don't care about color when a cop can be blamed.
The shooting laid bare tensions between the city and a local marshal agency led by a school bus driver who lacks basic law enforcement certification. Marksville Mayor John Lemoine previously told The Advocate that Ward 2 Marshal Floyd Voinche Sr. recently began recruiting part-time officers and obtaining squad cars to issue tickets, without permission from city officials.

Multiple efforts to reach Voinche were unsuccessful Friday.

Voinche is not certified by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, according to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. All full-time officers are required to undergo the basic training and certification, but it’s legal for elected leaders of police agencies to not be certified.

On Tuesday night, three of the officers stopped an SUV driven by 25-year-old Christopher Few, claiming they were pursuing a warrant, Edmonson said earlier Friday. “No warrant has materialized,” he said.

The officers, later joined by a fourth, trapped Few’s vehicle at the intersection of Martin Luther King Drive and Taensas Street in Marksville, a crossing allowing through traffic, contrary to some reports that said it is a dead-end.

Investigators found evidence of at least 18 rounds fired from two officers’ weapons in the direction of Few and his young son, Edmonson said earlier Friday, adding that there was no gun in Few’s SUV.

1. No warrant
2. Guy that runs the marshals service isn't even a cop
3.It was NOT a dead end street
4. I GUARANTEE you he never rammed them and THAT is why they are being charged with 2nd degree murder.

Someone said this was personal and its starting to look more and more like a damn gang hit more than anything...just disgusting that the gang in blue has LITERALLY become a gang.
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.

Once again, if this pans out, I hope they never see the light of day again, but it is wrong to use an issue like this to paint every last cop in America as some sort of "monster."

That's cute! "BumblerKormac." Well, I guess the fun is over now, back on ignore you go.

Oh yeah, and here's my obligatory "fuck you."


The fact remains, you came oozing in here whining and crying the blues that this story was reported. And now you're crying the blues that I observed that you did that.

Whelp -- tough titty. We the People will not be silenced. Grow a fucking pair and deal with it.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

Trust me, I do NOT call the cops if I need help. I learned that way the fuck a long time ago. Already been there, already avoided doing that.

So we're back to "fuck you". And considering that you just called me a hypocrite based on your own strawman, let's make it "fuck the fuck you". :fu:
I don't believe you. You're a little bitch who's going to call the cops and on the 911 transcript it's going to preface your words with (sounds like a little bitch). The police will come to your rescue looking for a petite old woman in distress and will be surprised as hell to find out you're a man.

I don't give a flying rat's ass fuck what the fuck you believe. You're a moron. So again, fuck you, fuck your pissant strawmen, fuck your bootlicker asskissing, and fuck the horse you all rode in on.

Wow. I had you pegged for someone who was at least above this kind of childishness.

--- and now you're whining and crying the blues that I called out a strawman fallacy on a post you didn't even make.

In need of a life much?

Bottom line here -- do you have anything at all to add to this story other than "WAAAH - Stop Talking About This!"?

I've yet to see any.
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Is anybody looking at the training methods behind these incidents?
Remember when the cop was shot in San Diego, cops shot up at least two cars of innocents, got lucky they didnt kill anyone and nothing was done.
Great news. Where are the cop suckers, sealybobo, jc456, and depotoo to defend these murderers?
I guess you missed my post that if the two marshalls knew there was a kid in the car and fired anyway, I'm ok with them being prosecuted.

And they also know kids are present in homes when they do drug bust and countless children have been killed and injured during these
Great news. Where are the cop suckers, sealybobo, jc456, and depotoo to defend these murderers?
I guess you missed my post that if the two marshalls knew there was a kid in the car and fired anyway, I'm ok with them being prosecuted.

And they also know kids are present in homes when they do drug bust and countless children have been killed and injured during these
and? Did they know there was a kid in the truck? You didn't state that there in that reply, instead you wandered off to homes and drug busts. So, not sure your point to mine.

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