Monster Cops Charged In 6 year Old's Shooting Death-Murder

If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!

They'll get off scot-free. Mark my word on that. A cop in Pennsylvania just got acquitted for shooting an unarmed man in the back after she had already tased him.

I just reported that in your Protect and Serve thread having read it earlier. Hard to believe this shit.

And video showed him reaching in his waistband, after she tazed him.

Actually I posted the video link in that thread. Feel free to give us a timestamp where that happens. I watched it several times, never saw it. He's face down, in the snow, with his hands up above his head. Even if he did reach into his pocket he would have had to pull the weapon out AND roll over first. And she shoots him AGAIN four seconds later.

In other words she blew him away based on her asssss-umption of what he MIGHT have done, IF he'd been armed, IF she gave him the time to act. While he's got fifty thousand volts of TASER running through him.

And she walked.
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Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

I don't call the police. I handle my own affairs. That said, I'll certainly call them if I damn well please. I'm paying for their bloated salaries and benefits just like everybody else.
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mmm it's up to 95% Black on Black murders this year but Democrats could care less, seems pretty racist to me but then again they do control most inner cities where these murders are committed, why should they?
Is anyone really in control? After decades of so-called black on black genocide it's a wonder that any are left. Why is that? Could the "crisis" be much smaller than we' re led to believe?
If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!

They'll get off scot-free. Mark my word on that. A cop in Pennsylvania just got acquitted for shooting an unarmed man in the back after she had already tased him.
Glad we agree on something.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

Trust me, I do NOT call the cops if I need help. I learned that way the fuck a long time ago. Already been there, already avoided doing that.

So we're back to "fuck you". And considering that you just called me a hypocrite based on your own strawman, let's make it "fuck the fuck you". :fu:
I don't believe you. You're a little bitch who's going to call the cops and on the 911 transcript it's going to preface your words with (sounds like a little bitch). The police will come to your rescue looking for a petite old woman in distress and will be surprised as hell to find out you're a man.
The reason for the charges is by a court decision that officers should not be randomly shooting at cars, even when headed in their direction..
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

I don't call the police. I handle my own affairs. That said, I'll certainly call them if I damn well please. I'm paying for their bloated salaries and benefits just like everybody else.
You don't want them to exist, so calling them to come out and talk to the mischievous neighbor kids who trampled your petunias is like an atheist praying to God. Stop being a hypocrite.
So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

Trust me, I do NOT call the cops if I need help. I learned that way the fuck a long time ago. Already been there, already avoided doing that.

So we're back to "fuck you". And considering that you just called me a hypocrite based on your own strawman, let's make it "fuck the fuck you". :fu:
I don't believe you. You're a little bitch who's going to call the cops and on the 911 transcript it's going to preface your words with (sounds like a little bitch). The police will come to your rescue looking for a petite old woman in distress and will be surprised as hell to find out you're a man.

I don't give a flying rat's ass fuck what the fuck you believe. You're a moron. So again, fuck you, fuck your pissant strawmen, fuck your bootlicker asskissing, and fuck the horse you all rode in on.
The reason for the charges is by a court decision that officers should not be randomly shooting at cars, even when headed in their direction..

That was only mentioned in passing. It may well be part of the incident but they've given no details.
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

Trust me, I do NOT call the cops if I need help. I learned that way the fuck a long time ago. Already been there, already avoided doing that.

So we're back to "fuck you". And considering that you just called me a hypocrite based on your own strawman, let's make it "fuck the fuck you". :fu:
I don't believe you. You're a little bitch who's going to call the cops and on the 911 transcript it's going to preface your words with (sounds like a little bitch). The police will come to your rescue looking for a petite old woman in distress and will be surprised as hell to find out you're a man.

I don't give a flying rat's ass fuck what the fuck you believe. You're a moron. So again, fuck you, fuck your pissant strawmen, fuck your bootlicker asskissing, and fuck the horse you all rode in on.
See, you judge without even finding out the truth to a story. He reached in his waist after being tazed while on the ground. She had no idea whether he was going for a gun.
And video showed him reaching in his waistband, after she tazed him.
Ah, well then, I guess next time I'm walking down the street and the guy walking towards me reaches into his waistband to scratch his balls I can pull out my Glock and blow him away.
Most black cops don't go around killing white kids. Stop being so racist!
No doubt the people like you will be thankful and celebrate the death of a 6-year-old kid by black cops. Like a special gift for your ilk.

Hey, you're the one who posted the thread. Was this a chance to for you to mourn the child or use this as a platform just to condemn all cops everywhere?

Either way, liberals like you effectively use the deaths of others for peak political gain.
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See, you judge without even finding out the truth to a story. He reached in his waist after being tazed while on the ground. She had no idea whether he was going for a gun.
And video showed him reaching in his waistband, after she tazed him.
Ah, well then, I guess next time I'm walking down the street and the guy walking towards me reaches into his waistband to scratch his balls I can pull out my Glock and blow him away.

Already told you -- I saw that video (and linked it). That's bullshit. On that basis she has "no idea" if some guy's on the other side of town picking up a baseball bat in two hours to bash her tomorrow. Therefore, blow him away today.

Most black cops don't go around killing white kids. Stop being so racist!
No doubt the people like you will be thankful and celebrate the death of a 6-year-old kid by black cops. Like a special gift for your ilk.

Hey, you're the one who posted the thread. Was this a chance to for you to mourn the child or just condemn the cops?

Either way, liberals like you effectively use the deaths of others for peak political gain.

Still whining that this story wasn't covered up are we?

Most black cops don't go around killing white kids. Stop being so racist!
No doubt the people like you will be thankful and celebrate the death of a 6-year-old kid by black cops. Like a special gift for your ilk.

Hey, you're the one who posted the thread. Was this a chance to for you to mourn the child or just condemn the cops?

Either way, liberals like you effectively use the deaths of others for peak political gain.

Still whining that this story wasn't covered up are we?


What are you talking about Pogo?
Most black cops don't go around killing white kids. Stop being so racist!
No doubt the people like you will be thankful and celebrate the death of a 6-year-old kid by black cops. Like a special gift for your ilk.

Hey, you're the one who posted the thread. Was this a chance to for you to mourn the child or just condemn the cops?

Either way, liberals like you effectively use the deaths of others for peak political gain.

Still whining that this story wasn't covered up are we?


What are you talking about Pogo?

What am I talking about -- hold on I'll just re-quote the last 97 posts so you don't have to bother to read them... :rolleyes:
Most black cops don't go around killing white kids. Stop being so racist!
No doubt the people like you will be thankful and celebrate the death of a 6-year-old kid by black cops. Like a special gift for your ilk.

Hey, you're the one who posted the thread. Was this a chance to for you to mourn the child or just condemn the cops?

Either way, liberals like you effectively use the deaths of others for peak political gain.

Still whining that this story wasn't covered up are we?


What are you talking about Pogo?

What am I talking about -- hold on I'll just re-quote the last 97 posts so you don't have to bother to read them... :rolleyes:

Why would I care about how many posts there are in this thread? Of all the things in my life I have to worry about, that is the last thing on my mind.

Back here in reality, I'm calling Camp on the accusation that somehow he/she thinks Meathead was celebrating the death of a 6 year old child, while bringing the issue up to bash police. Was that celebration or pontification? Perhaps you need a lesson in reading comprehension.

If you think I'm whining about how many posts this thread has, you wouldn't very well see me posting on it myself, now would you?

Get a clue. This is a frivolous line of conversation.

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