Monster Cops Charged In 6 year Old's Shooting Death-Murder

Hmm...the usual suspects defending ALL cops actions are absent...
They will probably show up soon, accusing you of being racist yourself for bringing up the story involving cops of color killing a white colored kid.
A note on the NYT link -- Marksville is technically "north of Lafayette" but that's misleading. This is central Sleaziana, not far west of the Mississippi River (which Lafayette is nowhere near). It's two parishes from my mother's house. It's nowhere near Acadiana.
This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

There is no script. I wish we lived in a world where police are deserving of my respect but we don't. I find them repulsive no matter what color they are.

Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


Did cops know a kid was in the car?
Did driver try to run over cops?
Most black cops don't go around killing white kids. Stop being so racist!
No doubt the people like you will be thankful and celebrate the death of a 6-year-old kid by black cops. Like a special gift for your ilk.
You're obviously saying even if you put a police uniform on a black person, he's still a thug. You wouldn't be whining about this if the cops were white and the little kid black!

You racists are one-trick ponies!
All I did was provide links to a front page story. You are the one that is interpreting the story as racist. You are also the guy with the photo-shopped avatar of a black guy. The history of your post shows you to be a racist. Hey, keep bumping the thread and keeping it on page one. Thanks
No problem. You think because black cops killed a little white kid, all blacks are thugs. You would never have even mentioned it if it were that white monster cop killing the black kid, Mike Brown, who was just trying to give up.
Mike Brown lie has been proven a lie, stop lying. Brown was a thug that got what he deserved.
I think he was being sarcastic.
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
The Town Talk Local News Section

One of these upstanding thugs in blue was indicted on RAPE charges a few years ago, I am hearing the 2 thugs were in UNMARKED CAR,The father NEVER rammed them,They NEVER identified themselves...this seems VERY personal.
Initially I have a few points.

1. I generally trust the system. The DA/State police say the body cam video is trust it and support the charges until other evidence emerges.
2. Suspect and victim are white. Both cops are black/brown. If it were reversed....we'd have another Ferguson and media firestorm.

Did cops know a kid was in the car?
Did driver try to run over cops?

If one reads the links, those aren't yet known. But hey, that's never stopped you from making it up. .
Newfound skepticism?

There apparently is video, and there's forensic testing pending. Lots more questions beyond those comin'.
Perhaps the kid actually commandeered the car, disabled his dad and was running crack. Yet to be determined. Give the scriptwriters investigators time.

But what a great system we have, where we deal with everything by shooting at it. What could possibly go wrong.
Initially I have a few points.

1. I generally trust the system. The DA/State police say the body cam video is trust it and support the charges until other evidence emerges.
2. Suspect and victim are white. Both cops are black/brown. If it were reversed....we'd have another Ferguson and media firestorm.

2 is entirely speculation fallacy. Marksville FYI is a completely rural area. Ain't no city near there for a long ways.
The system works doesn't it? So far this year 105 Police Officers killed in the line of duty to insure the rights of left wing idiots to call them "a gang in blue".
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.

No, fuck you. You are just doing what you always do. You distort comments made by posters to go into imaginative holier than thou rants to feed your ego. The posts I have posted have not been negative to police. They are directly related to these two particular monsters who happen to have been wearing police uniforms at the time they committed their evil deeds.
Hmm...the usual suspects defending ALL cops actions are absent...
They will probably show up soon, accusing you of being racist yourself for bringing up the story involving cops of color killing a white colored kid.
Lol probably. To me they are Blue. Not black,not white,latino,asian but blue.

Skin color is ignored when it fits the agenda. Promoted only when necessary
The system works doesn't it? So far this year 105 Police Officers killed in the line of duty to insure the rights of left wing idiots to call them "a gang in blue".
And? Its a "job" that they VOLUNTEERED FOR to harass and murder citizens like this.
Hmm...the usual suspects defending ALL cops actions are absent...
They will probably show up soon, accusing you of being racist yourself for bringing up the story involving cops of color killing a white colored kid.
Lol probably. To me they are Blue. Not black,not white,latino,asian but blue.

Skin color is ignored when it fits the agenda. Promoted only when necessary
Why does their "skin color" matter here?
Hmm...the usual suspects defending ALL cops actions are absent...
They will probably show up soon, accusing you of being racist yourself for bringing up the story involving cops of color killing a white colored kid.
Lol probably. To me they are Blue. Not black,not white,latino,asian but blue.

Skin color is ignored when it fits the agenda. Promoted only when necessary
Why does their "skin color" matter here?
The same reason it matters any other time. Be consistent in your hackery please
The system works doesn't it? So far this year 105 Police Officers killed in the line of duty to insure the rights of left wing idiots to call them "a gang in blue".
Well. If they'd work harder maybe those numbers would increase. :2up:

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