Monster Cops Charged In 6 year Old's Shooting Death-Murder

I can tell from your posts and opinions. You're a common street thug and have been for most of your life. Lie about your "real" life but I know the truth.

Ah, you "can tell". From posts on a message board you can tell "common street thuggery".

That would be a yes to the question then. It's the reason you're in the position you're in today ---- fired. Because you think you "can tell".

Haha I wasn't fired. Far from it.

And're a common street thug. It's clear as day.
You have no idea or clue as to how much damage you have done and continue to do to good law enforcement officers. Your comments indicate all the bad things the public disdains about bad cops. The idea that awful people like you are permitted serve on police forces is what disturbs the public and influences them to demand bad police be rooted out and held to be accountable.
Sure, but when that innocent kid, Big Mike Brown was innocently executed by a white monster, you could have cared less!

You're just using an unfortunate incident to spread your hate of black people!
That is just something rolling around in your head with the other marbles and delusions. Hell, aren't you the nut job that credits Reagan with inventing sliced bread and sneakers?
Reagan was a racist who bombed his own Marines in Beirut and ruined the American economy. His policies were indirectly responsible for the execution of Mike Brown and the Benghazi incident to boot!

Meanwhile, your hatred of blacks extends to that of even those who serve and protect.
They have been charged not convicted. It's interesting that the anarchist left continues to comb the U.S. for incidents like this but the federal police are immune from scrutiny. How many innocent Mexican citizens are being murdered as we speak by weapons supplied to drug cartels by our own ATF?
ALL cops fed or state or county or city should be held accountable. Who said otherwise? I am no Anarchist neither am I a leftist lol.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
The facts are pretty shady from you article. I will wait to see what happens.

One thing is clear if the NOT innocent father didn't flee in his car from the police his son would dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
The facts are pretty shady from you article. I will wait to see what happens.

One thing is clear if the NOT innocent father didn't flee in his car from the police his son would dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure sure sparky. Witnesses are calling this a PERSONAL thing...the top cop has said he knows NOTHING about ANY warrants....So you keep fooling yourself.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
The facts are pretty shady from you article. I will wait to see what happens.

One thing is clear if the NOT innocent father didn't flee in his car from the police his son would dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure sure sparky. Witnesses are calling this a PERSONAL thing...the top cop has said he knows NOTHING about ANY warrants....So you keep fooling yourself.
Not in your article! The Black Lives Matter crew has taught me to wait and see the details, don't believe the media and let the facts come out before you crucify the police.

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The system works doesn't it? So far this year 105 Police Officers killed in the line of duty to insure the rights of left wing idiots to call them "a gang in blue".

Cops have done nothing to assure my rights. What they have done is carry out the orders of the state to oppress them with bootlickers like you cheering them on.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
The facts are pretty shady from you article. I will wait to see what happens.

One thing is clear if the NOT innocent father didn't flee in his car from the police his son would dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure sure sparky. Witnesses are calling this a PERSONAL thing...the top cop has said he knows NOTHING about ANY warrants....So you keep fooling yourself.

Col. Edmondson is the Superintendent of the Louisiana State Police.
Now you know that when the State Police make an ARREST...of OTHER COPS...THAT quickly..and charge them with 2nd Degree Murder...and Attmpt 2nd Degree was a REAL BAD shoot.

In La. 2nd Degree is the highest there is. 1st Degree is for premeditated.

He said some of the body cam footage was the worst he had ever seen.
There are a few interesting points about no valid/active warrant for the man and how the cops violated about every procedure known to police in this brief article.
If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

Do remember a charge is not a definite indication of guilt. And I feel pretty certain, unless the evidence points to their knowing, this DA probably has received a lot of pressure to bring forth charges.

If guilty, hang them. If not, let them be exonerated

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
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If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!

They'll get off scot-free. Mark my word on that. A cop in Pennsylvania just got acquitted for shooting an unarmed man in the back after she had already tased him.
And video showed him reaching in his waistband, after she tazed him.
If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!

They'll get off scot-free. Mark my word on that. A cop in Pennsylvania just got acquitted for shooting an unarmed man in the back after she had already tased him.
And video showed him reaching in his waistband, after she tazed him.
Ah, well then, I guess next time I'm walking down the street and the guy walking towards me reaches into his waistband to scratch his balls I can pull out my Glock and blow him away.
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

Do remember a charge is not a definite indication of guilt. And I feel pretty certain, unless the evidence points to their knowing, this DA probably has received a lot of pressure to bring forth charges.

If guilty, hang them. If not, let them be exonerated

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
they're going to prison.
The La. State Police don't frivolously file 2nd degree murder charges against other cops. They've SEEN the body cam footage.
If tthey knew, and intentionally shot the boy, then let them hang. But the facts from the trial will answer whether that is indeed the case. It is a wait and see.

Do remember a charge is not a definite indication of guilt. And I feel pretty certain, unless the evidence points to their knowing, this DA probably has received a lot of pressure to bring forth charges.

If guilty, hang them. If not, let them be exonerated

WOW! I am impressed with this DA! Thank you sir for standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere and showing those little tin badges DO NOT grant these thugs extra rights!
they're going to prison.
The La. State Police don't frivolously file 2nd degree murder charges against other cops. They've SEEN the body cam footage.
Police don't indict, the DA does and they overcharged. A jury might convict on manslaughter, but not murder 2. They are NOT going to prison. But cop haters can rest easy that they will never again be cops.
Well, I'll say this much, you don't do good cops any favors when you help magnify the mistakes of the bad one(s). You spread this misconception that all cops are bad when things like this atrocity happen. In my eyes that makes you part of the problem, Camp.

On a note of irony, the two men are what appear to be Hispanic and African American. According to this Black Lives Matter movement, that kid they killed should be black, and those two officers white. So, what happens when the roles are reversed? Instead of playing the race card like you liberals normally do, you begin going on a tirade about how "horrible" cops are and how they're nothing more than "monsters."

This incident doesn't play by your script. When the cop is white, you condemn him, and the police. When the cop is black, you just condemn cops...

Pathetic, truly.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

--Freidrich Nietzsche
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.
My guess is that when the smoke clears the father will be charged with manslaughter and the Police Officers will face departmental charges.
And video showed him reaching in his waistband, after she tazed him.
Ah, well then, I guess next time I'm walking down the street and the guy walking towards me reaches into his waistband to scratch his balls I can pull out my Glock and blow him away.

Well....are you sworn and authorized to place that person under arrest...and think it's a weapon he's pulling on you?

No? You're just the same douche bag wanna - be fake martial artist poser as you've always been?

Ok. Then no....dont do that

And it's a shame Las Vegas PD turned you down. They created quite a cop hater. I know the truth DontTazeMeBro. Don't lie about it. You applied. Got denied. And went full hater. Fact.
Monsters are monsters and it is not my job or duty to make cops look good or bad. It is what it is. It is highly unlikely that a poster on a message board has any influence on the public perception of a front page story. The same post would have been made it the monsters were white cops. Those cops are monsters no matter what race they are.
Coyote just posted a story about a cop who gave 4 kids a wonderful Halloween because they would soon learn that both their parents were killed. You cop hating assholes NEVER post threads like that.

On behalf of cops who face danger daily to keep your spoiled ass safe, fuck you.


So you're saying, if two cops shoot a 6-year-old to death, and somebody reports that, "fuck you"?

That's what RumplarFormac said above too basically-- that these incidents should be hushed up.

You know what -- that's actually the way it used to be. Before protestations and phone cameras and all that.

Ah the good old daze, right?
I was talking about cop haters focus on police abuse, Pogo-stick. And I'm right in saying you cop haters never highlight positive police stories. So yeah, fuck you is right. I didn't stutter.

You're just doing the same shit BumblerKormac and Dickhead did -- crying the blues about a simple report of a story and wishing it would go away and whining and whining because somebody posted it.

So no -- fuck you.
Stop calling the cops if you hate them so much. You cop haters are the biggest hypocrites when you actually need one.

Trust me, I do NOT call the cops if I need help. I learned that way the fuck a long time ago. Already been there, already avoided doing that.

So we're back to "fuck you". And considering that you just called me a hypocrite based on your own strawman, let's make it "fuck the fuck you". :fu:
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