Montana becomes first state to completely ban TikTok

How will this actually work in practice ?
Will folk be expected to offer up their phones to the Montana authorities for imspection ?
It seems to be a bit authoritarian to me.. And pointless.
Republicans used to be the party of freedom and inclusion...Not now.

I've been having these same thoughts lately... Small government, freedom, inclusions, staying out of our lives, compassionate conservatism... what happened to the GOP I once supported? The GOP I joined at 18? Where have they gone? Most of today's Republicans are more often revolting in their ideals than not...
I've been having these same thoughts lately... Small government, freedom, inclusions, staying out of our lives, compassionate conservatism... what happened to the GOP I once supported? The GOP I joined at 18? Where have they gone? Most of today's Republicans are more often revolting in their ideals than not...
I voted for Reagn in 1980 and watched them change over the years to the same kind of people in power in the South in the 1960s, massive assholes.
Yea okay. Go vote for the transgender extremists that defend pedos and support child mutilation.

One seemingly stupid law passed doesn’t speak to the whole party.
It isn't just one, it's a progression.
Yea okay. Go vote for the transgender extremists that defend pedos and support child mutilation.

One seemingly stupid law passed doesn’t speak to the whole party.

It's one extreme or the other with you, is it?

I have never, and will never, defend pedophiles. As for my stance on "child mutilations," I have been vocal about the fact that I believe there should be NO chemical or surgical interdiction prior to an individual reaching the age of adulthood. Before that, counseling and conversation would, in my opinion, best serve minor children. My bet is, many of these children are simply gay, not trans, and time combined with counseling would bear that out.
I voted for Reagn in 1980 and watched them change over the years to the same kind of people in power in the South in the 1960s, massive assholes.
They are taking what was once a fringe group in their party ( the John Birch Society) and making it mainstream.

The society was known for its opposition to the civil rights movement, its antisemitism, its willingness to harass and intimidate its political enemies and for spreading conspiracy theories.

Communist plots were alleged to be behind many things the Birchers opposed, from the U.N., to teaching sex education in schools and putting fluoride in the water supply. The group was founded in secret in 1958 by the wealthy, retired candy manufacturer Robert Welch, whose candies included Sugar Babies, Junior Mints and Pom Poms. The people Welch first invited to join the society were also wealthy, white businessmen, including the Koch brothers' father Fred Koch.

How will this actually work in practice ?
Will folk be expected to offer up their phones to the Montana authorities for imspection ?

The ATF ban on pistol stabilizers that they themselves decreed as lawful accessories nine years ago goes into effect at the end of the month.

How are they going to enforce it?

Go door to door to every home and search it?

Seems a bit authoritarian to me...

...and pointless.
They are taking what was once a fringe group in their party ( the John Birch Society) and making it mainstream.

The society was known for its opposition to the civil rights movement, its antisemitism, its willingness to harass and intimidate its political enemies and for spreading conspiracy theories.

Communist plots were alleged to be behind many things the Birchers opposed, from the U.N., to teaching sex education in schools and putting fluoride in the water supply. The group was founded in secret in 1958 by the wealthy, retired candy manufacturer Robert Welch, whose candies included Sugar Babies, Junior Mints and Pom Poms. The people Welch first invited to join the society were also wealthy, white businessmen, including the Koch brothers' father Fred Koch.

They have been meetng in London this week. They are crazy and very extreme.

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