Montgomery County uniformed cop attacked at restaurant.

Cops need love too ...
They can find it amongst their own kind.
I get along with cops because I’m not a criminal
Listen up fellow. You need to be taught a lesson in life. Every breath of the pure air of God's grace I have drawn on this cursed Earth since the day I was born is yet another felony to you and your precious first responder cops. Every meal I have ever eaten or will eat in this life is a crime to some bloody cop on a family vendetta, no matter what the circumstances and the priority. Every step I have ever taken with my own two feet in this life is another another count of criminal trespass and a threat to them their children and their way of life and doing business.

And no, I don't steal, I don't rob, I don't take what isn't mine, I don't hurt or kill other people.

The damned cops lied about me, they slandered my name, and they hurt me. They took a perverse enjoyment in my suffering. I will not rest until the entirety of my life that they went out of their way and outside the law to ruin is avenged at their bloody hands.

And your response has what to do with Obama, exactly? That's what the post you quoted was about, whether black people have been inspired to violence because of Obama.
I think they have

If you are looking for examples of young blavk me who could be obama’s son shouting GLORY BE TO THE OBAMA! as they sucker punch a white stranger on the street you may not find it

but obama has been preaching hate toward white people for as long as he’s been on the national scene
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Lifeguards are cops, first responders.

The saltwater rusts the guns...

Listen up fellow. You need to be taught a lesson in life. Every breath of the pure air of God's grace I have drawn on this cursed Earth since the day I was born is yet another felony to you and your precious first responder cops. Every meal I have ever eaten or will eat in this life is a crime to some bloody cop on a family vendetta, no matter what the circumstances and the priority. Every step I have ever taken with my own two feet in this life is another another count of criminal trespass and a threat to them their children and their way of life and doing business.

And no, I don't steal, I don't rob, I don't take what isn't mine, I don't hurt or kill other people.

The damned cops lied about me, they slandered my name, and they hurt me. They took a perverse enjoyment in my suffering. I will not rest until the entirety of my life that they went out of their way and outside the law to ruin is avenged at their bloody hands.

thats one of the bitterest lib rants against cops that I’ve heard in a long time

I wont ask why you hate cops so much because this is the internet and its easy for liars to make up stories about themselves to fit their need at the moment

but even if the cops are out to get you they arent out to get me

I obey the law.

and if I am pulled over by the police for speeding or whatever I cooperate and calmly pay the fine
We can trace the cause of this attack to obama and his campaign of demonizing police officers
  1. The cop is supposed to clock out at work for lunch.
  2. The cop is not on duty when he’s eating lunch.
  3. The cop has no more authority than any other patron of the restaurant to make a lawful arrest when he’s not on duty.
  4. There's a break room with a refrigerator and a microwave at the police station.
That's enough of this cop.

Are you on drugs? Or just utterly insane?
Are you on drugs? Or just utterly insane?
I've probably got to eat lunch somewhere or another just like everybody else without racking up a felony on my record. Stop dealing Quaaludes.
Don't attack a police officer. I have eaten lunch with officers routinely. They have never bothered anyone, white or black, unless someone does something stupid like break the law in front of them.

You do that, that makes you the idiot.
If “most cops never shoot anyone” then why do they always carry them on or off duty, and yet insist that the Second Amendment does not guarantee the right of law-abiding citizens to possess and carry firearms? That they as cops have the ability to “revoke” a person’s gun rights for life at the slightest suspicion?

The Second Amendment is about militias, not gun ownership, but that's another discussion.

I'd have no problem with officers only being issued their weapons when they are on duty. We've had too many cases of misconduct involving an off duty officer and a weapon, such as Amber Guyger, who shot a guy because she got confused as to what floor she was on.

Frankly, listening to gun fetishists is the best argument for gun control out there.
Listen up fellow. You need to be taught a lesson in life. Every breath of the pure air of God's grace I have drawn on this cursed Earth since the day I was born is yet another felony to you and your precious first responder cops. Every meal I have ever eaten or will eat in this life is a crime to some bloody cop on a family vendetta, no matter what the circumstances and the priority. Every step I have ever taken with my own two feet in this life is another another count of criminal trespass and a threat to them their children and their way of life and doing business.

And no, I don't steal, I don't rob, I don't take what isn't mine, I don't hurt or kill other people.

The damned cops lied about me, they slandered my name, and they hurt me. They took a perverse enjoyment in my suffering. I will not rest until the entirety of my life that they went out of their way and outside the law to ruin is avenged at their bloody hands.

Okay, I'll ask this again.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Lithium is your friend.

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