Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

I've noticed that liberals are shy about providing links to back up their claims.

If I was going to make those numbers up, I'd have made Obama's bigger....On the other hand, to help you sharpen your research skills, google the data and, if you want, report back.
Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline!

The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1960 to 1980.

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The above are accurate figures and they were used AGAINST Obama in the 2012 election cycle in Nevada in trying to weaken Latino support for the president.Obviously it only works for idiots.Like Blockrockhead.[/QUOTE]
I've noticed that liberals are shy about providing links to back up their claims.[/QUOTE]
Depressing reminder: The 2016 election will be decided by seven states — and Florida is an absolute must-win - Hot Air
Should probably just cancel the elections since Moodys is never wrong.

Good idea you're not going to win anyway.
I notice that Democrats always start their victory lap before any actual votes are taken.
Its amazing that right wing, nitwits actually "believe" that illegal aliens, en masse go to vote.......I mean one would guess there is NO poll workers in their part of the country.

Conversely, it is true that as the "browning" of the country continues (and I am white)....republicans will stand to lose Texas, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.....and without those electoral votes there is NO chance that a GOP'er will sit in the oval office for decades to come.
They get driver's licenses..............they can get SS #'s from the graveyards...............and with no voter I.d. required who's stopping them.......

I've seen them bragging about voting right after election on T.V. many times before............

You know they are voting............and you know there is voter fraud every election............

Especially in areas where they get 150% of the local population voting............

Believable? Romney Got ZERO Votes in 59 Philadelphia Voting Districts - Minutemen News

59 districts and not a single vote for Romney..............Yeah right............LOL

Yes, it is very possible, they are all black districts.... there was no cheating, nor illegal immigrants in those districts, even McCain didn't get a single vote in 57 or so districts in 2008.
Barack Obama won the overall vote in the Philadelphia area by an 85% to 14% margin over Mitt Romney; Obama also received greater than 90% of the vote in more than half of Philadelphia's 66 wards, and 99% or more of the vote in seven of those wards. That result was hardly surprising given that, as the Philadelphia Inquirer noted, those wards are "clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia" and "nationally, 93 percent of African Americans voted for Obama." The Philadelphia wards that trended very heavily for Barack Obama included many divisions of between 200 and 500 voters in which Mitt Romney received a scant handful of votes (and sometimes no votes at all), a result mirroring that of the previous election, in which Republican candidate John McCain "got zero votes in 57 Philadelphia voting divisions."
Read more at 2012 Voter Fraud
Voter I.D. is a good way to end voter fraud, and anyone who is against Voter I.D. is admitting that he favors voter fraud as a way to steal elections. And that's fundamentally dishonest, and disgraceful, and un-American.
And a Lie!!! :rolleyes:
Good idea you're not going to win anyway.
Of course I'M not gonna' win, I'M not a candidate. But I WILL make a prediction:

The article said that it would be a huge Democrat victory unless things change from now till election day so, I predict the Republicans will have a HUGE victory UNLESS, things change before election day.
Heaven forbid.
who? the Moody Blues?

no, the Dem landside
how can anyone predict a landslide/and/or the election when we have 85 year old democrats running for President, and all of them showing signs of Dementia?
we got Hillary who talks like a man and cant recall anything that happened two days ago, and we got joe biden who was watching TV in 1928!!! Great Selection !!
Heaven forbid.
who? the Moody Blues?

no, the Dem landside
how can anyone predict a landslide/and/or the election when we have 85 year old democrats running for President, and all of them showing signs of Dementia?
we got Hillary who talks like a man and cant recall anything that happened two days ago, and we got joe biden who was watching TV in 1928!!! Great Selection !!
oh, and Bernie Sanders, i guess thats Kernel Sanders little brother, well either that or he quit the simpsons show to run for president.
Heaven forbid.
who? the Moody Blues?

no, the Dem landside
how can anyone predict a landslide/and/or the election when we have 85 year old democrats running for President, and all of them showing signs of Dementia?
we got Hillary who talks like a man and cant recall anything that happened two days ago, and we got joe biden who was watching TV in 1928!!! Great Selection !!
A criminal, a socialist and a Gaffe Master. What a choice!
Hell yeah. At least 12 years without a sitting republican president. What could be better for American than that?
they may as well have Trump debate Frankenstien next fall, there really isnt much difference between the already dead frankenstien,biden and hillary.
and then again...if martial law is imposed by "them"... a false flag another 9/11 or a nuclear suitcase or a big racial massacre white or black.... you know....anything like that...

then there will be shit election for a long time

I feel sorry for USA
and then again...if martial law is imposed by "them"... a false flag another 9/11 or a nuclear suitcase or a big racial massacre white or black.... you know....anything like that...

then there will be shit election for a long time

I feel sorry for USA
i cant wait for October, we need that October Surprise, and Hopefully it will be some kind of sex scandal that will involve Bill,Huma and two inflatable dolls, and Hillary knew about it.

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