Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

Its amazing that right wing, nitwits actually "believe" that illegal aliens, en masse go to vote.......I mean one would guess there is NO poll workers in their part of the country.

Conversely, it is true that as the "browning" of the country continues (and I am white)....republicans will stand to lose Texas, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.....and without those electoral votes there is NO chance that a GOP'er will sit in the oval office for decades to come.
Its amazing that right wing, nitwits actually "believe" that illegal aliens, en masse go to vote.......I mean one would guess there is NO poll workers in their part of the country.

Conversely, it is true that as the "browning" of the country continues (and I am white)....republicans will stand to lose Texas, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.....and without those electoral votes there is NO chance that a GOP'er will sit in the oval office for decades to come.
They get driver's licenses..............they can get SS #'s from the graveyards...............and with no voter I.d. required who's stopping them.......

I've seen them bragging about voting right after election on T.V. many times before............

You know they are voting............and you know there is voter fraud every election............

Especially in areas where they get 150% of the local population voting............

Believable? Romney Got ZERO Votes in 59 Philadelphia Voting Districts - Minutemen News

59 districts and not a single vote for Romney..............Yeah right............LOL
Its amazing that right wing, nitwits actually "believe" that illegal aliens, en masse go to vote.......I mean one would guess there is NO poll workers in their part of the country.

Conversely, it is true that as the "browning" of the country continues (and I am white)....republicans will stand to lose Texas, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.....and without those electoral votes there is NO chance that a GOP'er will sit in the oval office for decades to come.

Well they had their chance and they squandered it. That isn't an automatic win for Democrats, we could still have a economic collapse or a war, but both are pretty doubtful in the next year and 2 months. What will be interesting is the collapse of the Republican Party because of a loss and the formation of a third party. I'm almost jealous of that, Democrats could stand a purifying as well.
I've seen them bragging about voting right after election on T.V. many times before............

You know they are voting............and you know there is voter fraud every election............

Especially in areas where they get 150% of the local population voting............

Well, I guess that when right wingers (like you) won in 2014, ALL those voter fraud incidents just took a hiatus????
What will be interesting is the collapse of the Republican Party because of a loss and the formation of a third party. I'm almost jealous of that, Democrats could stand a purifying as well.

Couldn't agree more...The GOP will indeed split (and Trump the clown can take credit for the "innovation") and the Dems could also use a future cleavage between the progressives and the blue dogs.
In every election cycle I've seen, Democrats pull out studies and polls saying Republicans have no chance, and things will only get worse for them as white people die out and are replaced by brown and black people.

So, what they're admitting to is a deliberate strategy of genocide against white people.

Democrats know they can't win with white people anymore, so they do everything in their power to ship in immigrants both legal and illegal. There is no stopping Democrats from committing voter fraud, so you can bet that a lot of foreign people will be voting in American elections.

And the way Democrats express their hatred of white people is absolutely disgusting. They did the same thing when they controlled the South, and uses scare tactics to get whites to hate blacks. And it worked for over a century.

Now, they are playing the same game, creating racial hatred ini order to gain power. Only now its blacks, instead of whites.

I hope that the American people will finally wake up that the Democratic Party is one of the biggest source of evil in our world, and throw them totally out of power.
Fox news probably won't let their audience know that they lost till a week after the election.
In every election cycle I've seen, Democrats pull out studies and polls saying Republicans have no chance, and things will only get worse for them as white people die out and are replaced by brown and black people.

So, what they're admitting to is a deliberate strategy of genocide against white people.

In other words those white people should (and MUST) live longer, otherwise democrats are the ones to blame?
I've seen them bragging about voting right after election on T.V. many times before............

You know they are voting............and you know there is voter fraud every election............

Especially in areas where they get 150% of the local population voting............

Well, I guess that when right wingers (like you) won in 2014, ALL those voter fraud incidents just took a hiatus????
Why does your side oppose voter I.d........
Oh would suppress your votes..............


Illegal ones...........

What will be interesting is the collapse of the Republican Party because of a loss and the formation of a third party. I'm almost jealous of that, Democrats could stand a purifying as well.

Couldn't agree more...The GOP will indeed split (and Trump the clown can take credit for the "innovation") and the Dems could also use a future cleavage between the progressives and the blue dogs.
Blue dogs.......................LOL

All 10 of them that are left.............from the purge.........

Voter I.D. is a good way to end voter fraud, and anyone who is against Voter I.D. is admitting that he favors voter fraud as a way to steal elections. And that's fundamentally dishonest, and disgraceful, and un-American.
Democrats know they can't win with white people anymore, so they do everything in their power to ship in immigrants both legal and illegal. There is no stopping Democrats from committing voter fraud, so you can bet that a lot of foreign people will be voting in American elections.

STUPID assertion.....

Obama is deporting illegals at the rate of 33,000 PER MONTH, while Bush deported at the rate of 21,000 per month.

The above are accurate figures and they were used AGAINST Obama in the 2012 election cycle in Nevada in trying to weaken Latino support for the president.Obviously it only works for idiots.Like Blockrockhead.
Why does your side oppose voter I.d........
Oh would suppress your votes..............


You may be an idiot, Beagle.....but you are funny...I'd give you that.
Takes one to know one gnat..........................

The politics are about to go on hold anyway.......................................

Democrats know they can't win with white people anymore, so they do everything in their power to ship in immigrants both legal and illegal. There is no stopping Democrats from committing voter fraud, so you can bet that a lot of foreign people will be voting in American elections.

STUPID assertion.....

Obama is deporting illegals at the rate of 33,000 PER MONTH, while Bush deported at the rate of 21,000 per month.

The above are accurate figures and they were used AGAINST Obama in the 2012 election cycle in Nevada in trying to weaken Latino support for the president.Obviously it only works for idiots.Like Blockrockhead.
I've noticed that liberals are shy about providing links to back up their claims.
And these models are never wrong ...

Our Moody's Analytics election model now predicts a Democratic electoral landslide in the 2016 presidential vote. A small change in the forecast data in August has swung the outcome from the statistical tie predicted in July, to a razor-edge ballot outcome that nevertheless gives the incumbent party 326 electoral votes to the Republican challenger's 212.

Just three states account for the change in margin, with Ohio, Florida and Colorado swinging from leaning Republican to leaning Democrat. The margin of victory in each of these important swing states is still solidly within the margin of error though, and will likely swing back and forth in Moody's monthly updates ahead, underlining the closeness of the election to come. Furthermore, three of the candidates for the Republican nomination enjoy favorite-son status in Ohio or Florida, potentially making the outcome of those important states even more unpredictable.
Democrats to Win in a Landslide in 2016, According to Moody's Election Model
Bernie Sanders wins then...interesting wonder who becomes his VP? I heard this morning the SAME people that support him in Iowa are the SAME people that supported Obama in 2008. The young and independents. They thought they had a real socialist in Obama but he is a bust and a liar but Bernie is the real deal.

Bernie is unlikely to get the moderate vote. Of course if it is Bernie vs Trump, then Bernie probably wins. Hillary would have to implode with Biden entering the race and splitting the non-socialist vote in order for Bernie to win. Bernie could win Iowa and New Hampshire, but he is not likely to win in the bigger states, especially the big states with primaries vs caucuses.

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