Moore is completely innocent, probably a patriot.

What happened? Two days ago there were five women. Shep Smith (if he's not lying once again) said that as of today there are only two.

So what happened to the others?

You should send out a search party- see if anyone can find Google for you.
All of that is emotion - how you feel about the timing, how you feel about the Washington Post. You see that, right?

You believe what you want to believe. You basically stated as much in your OP.

None of that is emotion. It's about objective facts, do you deny that this would be the exact timing for a smear job? WaPo would be the exact orchestrator of a smear job. .

Objective facts are there are 5 women who have spoken about Moore trying to date them as teenagers when he was in his 30's.
Objective facts is that some of the stories have been partially corroborated by mothers and friends.

This would be the exact timing for real information- since there is an election and there was a reporter checking out rumors about Moore.

In other words you have nothing but silly rumors.

Dating teenagers is not a crime by the way.

Also, in Mexico the legal age of consent is 14, far leftists seem to champion such ideas. Even if this guy had relations with a teenager, you for sure wouldn't give a shit, so why should I?

Okay we have established you think it is okay if Moore did put the hand of the 14 year old on his erection.

Now as a 'liberal' I can tell you that it is never okay for a 32 year old man to take the hand of a 14 year old girl and put it on his erection.

I think you and I have established the clear difference between 'Contard' values- and 'Liberal values' now.

Where the hell did I say that?

I said multiple times that there is NO PROOF of him doing anything of the sort. You must be a complete retard for not even being able to read.

Mexico would suit you much better indeed, many there can't read either. Shall I book the ticket? Or perhaps Venezuela, you could be part of the socialist utopia!

Here is what you said:
Even if this guy had relations with a teenager, you for sure wouldn't give a shit, so why should I?

a) Even if he had relations with a teenager
b)....wouldn't give a shit, so why should I

Right there- you see I do give a shit when a 32 year old man molests a 14 year old girl.

You don't.

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
That is certainly the Washington Post's position.


No, the Washington Post's position is that 4 women came to them with stories, they corroborated them as best they could, and printed them.

The increasingly desperate denials from you guys are the "emotional" part.
What happened? Two days ago there were five women. Shep Smith (if he's not lying once again) said that as of today there are only two.

So what happened to the others?

You need to keep up.

There are 5 women who have come forward with stories about Moore's "appreciation" for young girls.

2 of those stories, if true, implicate Moore in criminal acts.

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
That is certainly the Washington Post's position.


No, the Washington Post's position is that 4 women came to them with stories, they corroborated them as best they could, and printed them.

The increasingly desperate denials from you guys are the "emotional" part.

<<<they corroborated them as best they could>>>>
I'm sure they worked really hard to "corroborate" the 40 year old stories from those fine ladies. The problem is that is NOT PROOF. Here is an idea. Perhaps a major newspaper could wait until there is irrefutable PROOF before they run a hit piece potentially destroying a man's career and reputation? That is the very core of responsible journalism and that has been clearly ignored by the Washington Post.
Be patient. Gloria Alred-yguilty will be sure to up the bounty. More accusers will suddenly remember all kinds of stuff.

What a witch that money grabbing, left wing, limousine liberal, Allred.

I simply cannot stand her!:mad-61:

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
That is certainly the Washington Post's position.


No, the Washington Post's position is that 4 women came to them with stories, they corroborated them as best they could, and printed them.

The increasingly desperate denials from you guys are the "emotional" part.

<<<they corroborated them as best they could>>>>
I'm sure they worked really hard to "corroborate" the 40 year old stories from those fine ladies. The problem is that is NOT PROOF. Here is an idea. Perhaps a major newspaper could wait until there is irrefutable PROOF before they run a hit piece potentially destroying a man's career and reputation? That is the very core of responsible journalism and that has been clearly ignored by the Washington Post.


So now you're saying the standard for journalistic integrity is to not report on any allegations until they're proven to be true?

I'm sure you must be very upset at every article on the Uranium One deal then.

What happened? Two days ago there were five women. Shep Smith (if he's not lying once again) said that as of today there are only two.

So what happened to the others?

You need to keep up.

There are 5 women who have come forward with stories about Moore's "appreciation" for young girls.

2 of those stories, if true, implicate Moore in criminal acts.
But we have a Moore supporter here who claims that he was in Australia in the late 70s early 80s and couldn't have done what is claimed.

And another one that says this:
'I don't care what Moore did or didn't do. I hope he wins pedophile or not because it serves lying fucking liberals right!'
Hey, thanks for going on record with all the others in defense of a child molester.

Oh I would never defend you, or Weiner.
So if a child molester has an R after his name, you are cool with him.

We get it.

Nope, I stand for first world principles:

Facts, logic, innocent until proven guilty.

Of course, you as a 3rd world supporting savage would not do such a thing, ever. Listen and believe is what you believe in.
then by that logic you'd declare hillary innocent.

just sayin.
One of Allred's most notable cases.

Also in 2012, Allred took on the case of Jenna Talackova, a Canadian transgender woman who was challenging her disqualification from the Miss Universe Canada pageant for not being a "naturally born" female.[57] The Miss Universe organization ultimately reversed its decision before the case proceeded to the courts.[57] In June 2012 Allred confirmed that she is representing a former girlfriend of Rudy Eugene, Eugene being the now deceased cannibal of the 2012 Miami cannibalism incident.[58]

In 2017, the State Bar of California opened an investigation into possible misconduct by Allred, and the case has been forwarded to the State Bar’s Enforcement Unit for further investigation and possible prosecution.[62] Allred issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and claiming the investigation was sparked by a failed extortion attempt.[63]

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

She's a Crooked Lawyer, and an avowed Trump Hater.
One of Allred's most notable cases.

Also in 2012, Allred took on the case of Jenna Talackova, a Canadian transgender woman who was challenging her disqualification from the Miss Universe Canada pageant for not being a "naturally born" female.[57] The Miss Universe organization ultimately reversed its decision before the case proceeded to the courts.[57] In June 2012 Allred confirmed that she is representing a former girlfriend of Rudy Eugene, Eugene being the now deceased cannibal of the 2012 Miami cannibalism incident.[58]

In 2017, the State Bar of California opened an investigation into possible misconduct by Allred, and the case has been forwarded to the State Bar’s Enforcement Unit for further investigation and possible prosecution.[62] Allred issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and claiming the investigation was sparked by a failed extortion attempt.[63]

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

She's a Crooked Lawyer, and an avowed Trump Hater.
Well..dunno about crooked..but she's a proud Trump hater
The fact that Gloria Allred, the mother of false rape accusations is involved, is all the proof I personally need.

Thats all you need to determine that Moore was never touching teens because Allred did something today?

Oh ok...
One of Allred's most notable cases.

Also in 2012, Allred took on the case of Jenna Talackova, a Canadian transgender woman who was challenging her disqualification from the Miss Universe Canada pageant for not being a "naturally born" female.[57] The Miss Universe organization ultimately reversed its decision before the case proceeded to the courts.[57] In June 2012 Allred confirmed that she is representing a former girlfriend of Rudy Eugene, Eugene being the now deceased cannibal of the 2012 Miami cannibalism incident.[58]

In 2017, the State Bar of California opened an investigation into possible misconduct by Allred, and the case has been forwarded to the State Bar’s Enforcement Unit for further investigation and possible prosecution.[62] Allred issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and claiming the investigation was sparked by a failed extortion attempt.[63]

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

She's a Crooked Lawyer, and an avowed Trump Hater.

Oh my..I just read the entire Wikipedia wonder you hate her!! She's brought down many a fat cat. She's got Rush by the balls....3 of those women that claimed Trump sexually assaulted them..are represented by her in a lawsuit..that's the answer, BTW, to the oft asked question of "where did all those women go, who accused trump?". Trump was just served with a supeana the other day, in that case

She is fierce! Allred has crushed many a sexual predator's nuts..

Moore is toast!

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