Moore is completely innocent, probably a patriot.


Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
There has been no proof on any kind put forth, only decades old accusations, that people like you view as proof in your zeal to destroy someone who my be innocent.

I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.

Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

Actually, there was some bubble and squeak about Moore for years:
From as in Alabama:
Gadsden locals say Moore's predatory behavior at mall, restaurants not a secret
Gadsden locals say Moore's predatory behavior at mall, restaurants not a secret

Remember, all of the women who accused Bill Cosby didn't do so on the same day. It was drip, drip, drip.
Trump Warns That Dumping Roy Moore Could Start Dangerous Trend of Believing Women

Trump Warns That Dumping Roy Moore Could Start a Dangerous Trend of Believing Women

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Breaking his silence on Alabama’s embattled Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate, Donald Trump warned on Wednesday that dumping Roy Moore could start a “dangerous trend” of believing women. “I think we need to be very, very careful here,” Trump told reporters. “This is not just about Roy Moore. This is about our country deciding that we are going to start believing women, something that we have never done before.

“This is a very dangerous road we’re heading down,” he said. Trump cautioned that, if instituted, a new practice of believing women would “totally destroy” the system that the country already has in place. “For years we’ve had a system of believing men,” he said. “It’s worked very well. It’s done a great job.”

He said that he was considering a number of measures to stem the tide of women’s credibility, including an executive order banning women from giving believable accounts to the press. “That’s something we’re looking into,” he indicated.

Trump painted a doomsday scenario of what might happen if the “very bad trend” of believing women gained traction in the country. “If people believe Roy Moore’s five accusers, what happens to a man who has, say, about twenty accusers?” he asked. “I don’t like where this is going.”
Trump Warns That Dumping Roy Moore Could Start Dangerous Trend of Believing Women
The fact that Gloria Allred, the mother of false rape accusations is involved, is all the proof I personally need.

All the signs of democrat far left smear job are visible.

And by 'all the signs' you mean 5 accusers who have publicly gone on record.

Not like those Republican Far Right stories pushing that Obama was born Kenya or went to gay bath houses- or that Hillary killed Vince Foster.

I agree Trump should fix that quote indeed. Antifa is a lot worse than "bad". Communism has killed 100 million and that's what they seem to support. Haven't they yet been declared a terrorist organization?

As for this case, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing, so the nonetheless brilliant quote won't apply.

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
There has been no proof on any kind put forth, only decades old accusations, that people like you view as proof in your zeal to destroy someone who my be innocent.

I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.

Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

All of that is emotion - how you feel about the timing, how you feel about the Washington Post. You see that, right?

You believe what you want to believe. You basically stated as much in your OP.

None of that is emotion. It's about objective facts, do you deny that this would be the exact timing for a smear job? WaPo would be the exact orchestrator of a smear job. .

Objective facts are there are 5 women who have spoken about Moore trying to date them as teenagers when he was in his 30's.
Objective facts is that some of the stories have been partially corroborated by mothers and friends.

This would be the exact timing for real information- since there is an election and there was a reporter checking out rumors about Moore.

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
There has been no proof on any kind put forth, only decades old accusations, that people like you view as proof in your zeal to destroy someone who my be innocent.

I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.
Yet just about every liberal here has him convicted. No proof works both ways. Innocent until PROVEN guilty is a wonderful concept many cannot seem to grasp today.

Not me- I don't know if he is guilty- but the accusations are credible.

Meanwhile- I have seen too many Cons like yourself and Norman announce that this is nothing but a smear job- because you have decided he cannot possibly be guilty.
You know what really didn't help Moore? His interview on the radio with Hannity.

Even my neighbor said he sounded guilty on that interview, and Hannity was doing his best to lead him out of trouble.
Like he couldn't remember how many teens he dated- while he was in his thirties?
There has been no proof on any kind put forth, only decades old accusations, that people like you view as proof in your zeal to destroy someone who my be innocent.

I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.

Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

All of that is emotion - how you feel about the timing, how you feel about the Washington Post. You see that, right?

You believe what you want to believe. You basically stated as much in your OP.

None of that is emotion. It's about objective facts, do you deny that this would be the exact timing for a smear job? WaPo would be the exact orchestrator of a smear job. .

Objective facts are there are 5 women who have spoken about Moore trying to date them as teenagers when he was in his 30's.
Objective facts is that some of the stories have been partially corroborated by mothers and friends.

This would be the exact timing for real information- since there is an election and there was a reporter checking out rumors about Moore.

In other words you have nothing but silly rumors.

Dating teenagers is not a crime by the way.

Also, in Mexico the legal age of consent is 14, far leftists seem to champion such ideas. Even if this guy had relations with a teenager, you for sure wouldn't give a shit, so why should I?

If this was a democrat, you would view him as hero for sticking it in the young.
Those seductive Tramps knew what they were signing up for when they started dating this "good Christian Man" Roy Moore ....Lord Have Mercy
I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.

Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

All of that is emotion - how you feel about the timing, how you feel about the Washington Post. You see that, right?

You believe what you want to believe. You basically stated as much in your OP.

None of that is emotion. It's about objective facts, do you deny that this would be the exact timing for a smear job? WaPo would be the exact orchestrator of a smear job. .

Objective facts are there are 5 women who have spoken about Moore trying to date them as teenagers when he was in his 30's.
Objective facts is that some of the stories have been partially corroborated by mothers and friends.

This would be the exact timing for real information- since there is an election and there was a reporter checking out rumors about Moore.

In other words you have nothing but silly rumors.

Dating teenagers is not a crime by the way.

Also, in Mexico the legal age of consent is 14, far leftists seem to champion such ideas. Even if this guy had relations with a teenager, you for sure wouldn't give a shit, so why should I?

Okay we have established you think it is okay if Moore did put the hand of the 14 year old on his erection.

Now as a 'liberal' I can tell you that it is never okay for a 32 year old man to take the hand of a 14 year old girl and put it on his erection.

I think you and I have established the clear difference between 'Contard' values- and 'Liberal values' now.
This has nothing to do with Trump. You scum will try to pin shit on him at every turn.

It has everything to do with Trump, scum. Fifteen years ago you couldn't even run for office if you had a divorce in your background. So Trump comes in and "turns Washington upside down" just like you assholes wanted him to do and with this culture change you're letting in some of society's worst. Proud, dickhead?
What happened? Two days ago there were five women. Shep Smith (if he's not lying once again) said that as of today there are only two.

So what happened to the others?
This has nothing to do with Trump. You scum will try to pin shit on him at every turn.

You scum will deny his shit at every turn.
Without any proof, you damn right! Commies like you never have proof, you just smear people.

LOL- hell your Commie Dear Leader spends most of his tweets doing just that- smearing people without any proof- that is why you love him so.
Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

All of that is emotion - how you feel about the timing, how you feel about the Washington Post. You see that, right?

You believe what you want to believe. You basically stated as much in your OP.

None of that is emotion. It's about objective facts, do you deny that this would be the exact timing for a smear job? WaPo would be the exact orchestrator of a smear job. .

Objective facts are there are 5 women who have spoken about Moore trying to date them as teenagers when he was in his 30's.
Objective facts is that some of the stories have been partially corroborated by mothers and friends.

This would be the exact timing for real information- since there is an election and there was a reporter checking out rumors about Moore.

In other words you have nothing but silly rumors.

Dating teenagers is not a crime by the way.

Also, in Mexico the legal age of consent is 14, far leftists seem to champion such ideas. Even if this guy had relations with a teenager, you for sure wouldn't give a shit, so why should I?

Okay we have established you think it is okay if Moore did put the hand of the 14 year old on his erection.

Now as a 'liberal' I can tell you that it is never okay for a 32 year old man to take the hand of a 14 year old girl and put it on his erection.

I think you and I have established the clear difference between 'Contard' values- and 'Liberal values' now.

Where the hell did I say that?

I said multiple times that there is NO PROOF of him doing anything of the sort. You must be a complete retard for not even being able to read.

Mexico would suit you much better indeed, many there can't read either. Shall I book the ticket? Or perhaps Venezuela, you could be part of the socialist utopia!

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