Moore is completely innocent, probably a patriot.

Moore is through...every R Senator except 1 has called for his stepping down...he has no endorsements...the only ones who still love him are the pastors..and Bannon.

Oh...and the tin foil alt/right---not win.

Is your standard of proof always so high?

Why do you believe him, rather than the women who've accused him?
The accuser is a Hillary Clinton campaign worker.
Gloria Alred has filed numerous false claims in the past.

So you have no proof and a known liar pushing the narrative?

5 different women have made allegations of varying sorts against Moore.

2 of those allegations include possible crimes. The Hillary campaign worker is not one of those two - in fact, both of the women who allege incidents that would be criminal are Trump voters.

Gloria Allred is only representing one of them.
But if it's not a crime by Alabama law? I don't care what state you are in it has to be a crime in that state.

Moore's alleged "date" with a 14-year old would most certainly be a crime under Alabama law, as would sexually assaulting a woman in the back parking lot of a diner.

The other allegations are not crimes.
A class a misdemeanor by what I can find based on the number of years separating them. But you still have a he said she said claim. Are you going to convict with NO proof?
Sure they will.
Alabama should not hold their vote if they wanted a republican senator. Moore can easily be replaced if he wins and is guilty of these accusations.
The fact that Gloria Allred, the mother of false rape accusations is involved, is all the proof I personally need.

All the signs of democrat far left smear job are visible.

Democrats are desperate and will try anything.....when Allred is involved its a total scam

I didn't even know that cuckoo Allred got involved!

That settles it for me !! not that I had any doubt in the past.

Moore wins Alabama! :clap: :up:

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
There has been no proof on any kind put forth, only decades old accusations, that people like you view as proof in your zeal to destroy someone who my be innocent.

I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.

Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

Better pay attention most of his accusers are republicans.
4 of the 5 accusers say they voted for Trump.

The last accuser showed her yearbook where Moore wrote her a lovely note. In the note, he wrote the name of the restaurant where he met her. He said on the news he never heard of the restaurant, even though he wrote it down. It's written down. IN HIS HANDWRITING!

Of course. Who needs proof, when you've got raw emotion?
There has been no proof on any kind put forth, only decades old accusations, that people like you view as proof in your zeal to destroy someone who my be innocent.

I haven't "viewed" anyone as proof.

But a lack of physical proof that these incidents occurred doesn't "prove" that these women are liars, either.

Nope, the fact that democrats keep doing false accusations over and over and over however, does.

How convenient that this accusation just happened to land a month before an election. It must be a coincidence... And hard left Wapo, just a coincidence...

Better pay attention most of his accusers are republicans.
Eh, it's up to the voters of Alabama, they know him best.

Democrats/fake media are proven liars and in total collusion with their smear and hate politics.

I don't know the truth of Roy Moore so I'd rather wait and see how the trials work out, in the meantime, no way can you trust the hate filled liberal hypocrites.
There is no trial, and will be no trial....

And there never will be one,

by law... at the time, there was a 3 year statute of limitation....

so now what? :dunno:

Umm .. you'll believe he's guilty but you wont have the facts to back it up.. oh well

His name is ruined either way.... :party: .. for the drama queens

The fact that Gloria Allred, the mother of false rape accusations is involved, is all the proof I personally need.

All the signs of democrat far left smear job are visible.

Democrats are desperate and will try anything.....when Allred is involved its a total scam

I didn't even know that cuckoo Allred got involved!

That settles it for me !! not that I had any doubt in the past.

Moore wins Alabama! :clap: :up:

Yup, Democrats overplayed their hand when they got Allred involved...

It's a follow the Democrat/fake news collusion and corruption money trail now...

4 of the 5 accusers say they voted for Trump.

The last accuser showed her yearbook where Moore wrote her a lovely note. In the note, he wrote the name of the restaurant where he met her. He said on the news he never heard of the restaurant, even though he wrote it down. It's written down. IN HIS HANDWRITING!

My My this is such shocking news.. someone forgot what they wrote 40 odd years ago.

btw. you should never run for public office given your history...:wink_2:

You know, if Moore somehow does manage to make it to the Senate, the Senate is already making plans to expel him.

If that happens, the Senate is going to be tied up in proceedings for expelling Moore and will have to put ACA repeal and tax reform on the back burner until they get Moore out.

One of the simpler solutions, and the one I think that they will do is to have Sessions take his seat back and put someone else in his cabinet position. Reason I think that is the solution they will go with is because Trump is still pissed at Sessions for recusing himself.
This thread is comes more and more relevant by the day.
Roy Moore, Long Divisive in His Hometown, and Even More So Now

Delores Abney, 63, a retired domestic violence counselor, said she and her husband had heard things about Roy Moore and his interest in younger women for years.

On Monday night, Ms. Abney said she recalled Mr. Moore, the embattled Republican Senate candidate, being a regular presence in the mid-1980s at the Y.M.C.A. There, she said, he was often talking to much younger women — women that “appeared to be high school on up,” she said — in an exercise class she was enrolled in. “I’m not saying he was trying to pick them up. It just did not look appropriate.”

“I truly believe these women,” Ms. Abney added of the women who have come forward to accuse him of misconduct in recent days. “This type of behavior is highly unacceptable and deplorable in our leaders.”

Rumors that once simmered at a low level of his interest in young women, which was mostly deemed moderately creepy rather than criminal, are now clogging Facebook feeds, dominating talk at fast-food restaurants and generating endless gossip.

Mr. Moore, many people say, clearly had a fondness for younger women in decades past. When he got married to his wife, Kayla, in 1985, he was 38 and she was 24. But around Gadsden, a city of 36,000 in the foothills along the Coosa River, opinions about the recent allegations tend to follow lines that were etched long before.
Bogus Robocall Claims Washington Post Is Offering Money For Dirt On Moore

At least one Alabama resident received a voicemail Tuesday from a man calling himself “Bernie Bernstein,” a supposed Washington Post reporter offering cash in exchange for unsubstantiated allegations against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore.

“Hi, this is Bernie Bernstein,” says a voice calling from an hidden phone number. The caller seems to affect a (terribly performed) Brooklyn accent and a slight non-rhotic speech impediment.

“I’m a reporter for The Washington Post calling to find out if anyone at this address is a female between the ages of 54 to 57 years old, willing to make damaging remarks about candidate Roy Moore for a reward of between $5,000 and $7,000,” “Bernstein” continues. “We will not be fully investigating these claims, however we will be making a written report. I can reached by email: [email protected]. Thank you.”

The call even made its way onto cable TV Wednesday, when a lawyer representing Roy Moore, Trenton Garmon, told MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle: “Robocalls are now even being made asking for people to come forward against Roy, which I think is kind of an indication of the political climate that we’re in. And we plan on even probably getting into some depositions related to that.”

Ruhle objected: “Are you sure that robocall you’re speaking of is a fact and is true?”

“I don’t know who they were put in place by,” Garmon admitted. They moved on.

So tell me..just how many fools do you think were tricked by this?
Hey, thanks for going on record with all the others in defense of a child molester, Norman.

I don't know why you had to draw special attention to yourself with yet another topic about Pedo Roy, though.
Technically not pedophilia. They were all post pubesecent.

Yes. I noted that, could be molestation, too late for prosecution. Judge him on his merits, happy hunting.
Bogus Robocall Claims Washington Post Is Offering Money For Dirt On Moore

At least one Alabama resident received a voicemail Tuesday from a man calling himself “Bernie Bernstein,” a supposed Washington Post reporter offering cash in exchange for unsubstantiated allegations against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore.

“Hi, this is Bernie Bernstein,” says a voice calling from an hidden phone number. The caller seems to affect a (terribly performed) Brooklyn accent and a slight non-rhotic speech impediment.

“I’m a reporter for The Washington Post calling to find out if anyone at this address is a female between the ages of 54 to 57 years old, willing to make damaging remarks about candidate Roy Moore for a reward of between $5,000 and $7,000,” “Bernstein” continues. “We will not be fully investigating these claims, however we will be making a written report. I can reached by email: [email protected]. Thank you.”

The call even made its way onto cable TV Wednesday, when a lawyer representing Roy Moore, Trenton Garmon, told MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle: “Robocalls are now even being made asking for people to come forward against Roy, which I think is kind of an indication of the political climate that we’re in. And we plan on even probably getting into some depositions related to that.”

Ruhle objected: “Are you sure that robocall you’re speaking of is a fact and is true?”

“I don’t know who they were put in place by,” Garmon admitted. They moved on.

So tell me..just how many fools do you think were tricked by this?
the church-going ones?
Roy Moore, Long Divisive in His Hometown, and Even More So Now

Delores Abney, 63, a retired domestic violence counselor, said she and her husband had heard things about Roy Moore and his interest in younger women for years.

On Monday night, Ms. Abney said she recalled Mr. Moore, the embattled Republican Senate candidate, being a regular presence in the mid-1980s at the Y.M.C.A. There, she said, he was often talking to much younger women — women that “appeared to be high school on up,” she said — in an exercise class she was enrolled in. “I’m not saying he was trying to pick them up. It just did not look appropriate.”

“I truly believe these women,” Ms. Abney added of the women who have come forward to accuse him of misconduct in recent days. “This type of behavior is highly unacceptable and deplorable in our leaders.”

Rumors that once simmered at a low level of his interest in young women, which was mostly deemed moderately creepy rather than criminal, are now clogging Facebook feeds, dominating talk at fast-food restaurants and generating endless gossip.

Mr. Moore, many people say, clearly had a fondness for younger women in decades past. When he got married to his wife, Kayla, in 1985, he was 38 and she was 24. But around Gadsden, a city of 36,000 in the foothills along the Coosa River, opinions about the recent allegations tend to follow lines that were etched long before.

A other far leftists, accuses Moore.

Then it must be true!

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