More Americans support guns in the home.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 more Americans think about what guns can mean for their personal safety, the fear that the anti gun movement is trying to instill is losing its power....

Record-Level Of Support For Guns In The Home The Daily Caller

For decades, anti-gun groups have been trying to scare Americans into getting rid of their guns, with the claim that you’re more likely to have a problem if you have guns in your home, than if you don’t. But whatever they’ve been doing all these years apparently hasn’t been working. Not only have Americans been acquiring guns at record levels, Gallup recently reported that 63 percent of Americans now believe that having guns at home makes them safer, nearly double the percentage reporting the same belief 14 years ago.

now some posters here on U.S. imply that fewer Americans are buying and owning guns....but this article points out what I have repeatedly said to these points....

The anti-gun Washington Post covered Gallup’s new findings last week, but found it “interesting” that “even as people are increasingly embracing the idea of guns in the home, the number of homes with guns in them hasn’t really risen.” With a little additional research, however, the Post would have found Gallup’s explanation for the trend in household gun ownership reported to pollsters.

Referring to the period during and immediately after the Clinton Administration’s campaign against guns, Gallup said, “A clear societal change took place regarding gun ownership in the early 1990s, when the percentage of Americans saying there was a gun in their home or on their property dropped from the low to mid-50s into the low to mid-40s and remained at that level for the next 15 years. Whether this reflected a true decline in gun ownership or a cultural shift in Americans’ willingness to say they had guns is unclear.” (Emphasis added.)

Gallup may want to sit on the fence on this but I won't.....Americans with guns are not going to be reporting ownership to anonymous phone callers....especially those gun owners who are aware of the politics of the issue and the tactics of gun grabbers...

You know...when anti gun news papers printed the home addresses of gun a "public service" no....gun owners are not going to alert others to their ownership....

and the article points out the changing techniques of the anti gun movement....

Gallup’s findings are, in a word, huge. Ever since the mid-1980s, anti-gun activists have realized that to achieve their goal, they can’t attack only handguns, or compact handguns, like they did in the 1970s and early 1980s. Instead, they now attack gun ownership in general, with a particular emphasis on dissuading parents from introducing guns of any kind to their children, believing that children who aren’t introduced to guns won’t become gun owners as adults.

Most obviously, the fact that anti-gun groups now target guns of all types is evident in the groups’ names. The National Coalition to Ban Handguns has been renamed the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. The National Council to Control Handguns has been renamed the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Newer groups have taken the names Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, and the Law Center to Prevent GunViolence.

Additionally, whereas in the late 1980s, anti-gun activists wanted a waiting period on retail handgun sales, now they want a background check on commercial and private sales and trades of all guns. They complain about “gun” nuts, the “gun” culture, the “gun” lobby, and the “gun” industry. Even mentioning the word “gun” or wearing a T-shirt with the image of any kind of gun can get a kid suspended from school (and sometimes even arrested). And the words “gun” or “guns” appeared 13 times in President Obama’s list of 23 executive actions on “gun violence,” issued in January 2013.

I have a friend who is a hunter...when we discussed guns, I would always bring up the attempt to ban hand guns...he would say it wasn't a big deal because he only hunted and didn't need a hand gun....

Of course...he was naive...the irrational, bordering on psychotic fear of guns of the anti gunners will never just leave a whole class of weapons in the hands of law abiding see that now as the anti gunners are focusing more and more on hunting activities and trying to limit them to create "banning" by other means...cutting of hunting areas, banning certain hunting ammo...and on and on....

So had best pay attention...they want your guns too....
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A life of not-so-quiet desperation, posting all day to keep alive the torch of shoot-em-up mentality.
How pathetic.

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